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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,121 - 105,140건 출력
  • 105121
    Book Info
    Free Parliaments: or, an argument on their constitution; proving some of their powers to be independant. To which is added, an appendix, containing several original letters and papers, which passed between the Court of Hanover, and a Gentleman at London, in the Years 1713 and 1714, touching the right of the Duke of Cambridge to reside in England, and sit in Parliament. By the author of The Britann
    Acherley, Roger
  • 105122
    Book Info
    Fundamenta grammatices: or, the foundation of the Latin tongue in two parts. The first, being an explanation of the eight parts of speech; with a most easy Method for the declining of Nouns, terminating the Declensions, comparing of Adjectives, conjugating of Verbs, &c. The second, being a methodical examination and explanation of Propria qu? maribus, Quae Genus, and As in Praesenti, both fitted t
    Farmborow, Nicholas
  • 105123
    Book Info
    Geod{aelig}sia : or, the art of surveying and measuring of land made easy. Shewing, by plain and practical rules, how to survey, protract, cast up, reduce or divide any piece of land whatsoever; with new tables for the ease of the surveyor in reducing the measures of land. Moreover, a more facile and sure way of surveying by the chain, than has hitherto been taught. As also, how to lay out new ...
    Love, John
  • 105124
    Book Info
    Gio Marino de Ghetoff, and others, appellants. The Governor and Company of the London Assurance, respondents. The respondents case
    London Assurance Corporation
  • 105125
    Book Info
    Glossarium antiquitatum romanarum. A Willielmo Baxter, Cornavio, Scholae Merciariorum Praefecto. Accedunt eruditi autoris vitæ a seipso conscriptæ fragmentum, et selectæ quædam ejusdem epistolæ
    Baxter, William
  • 105126
    Book Info
    Good advice: in a letter to a friend, concerning the modern way of free-thinking. With a postscript Containing Some Remarks on the Rise and Progress of Free-Thinking; As also a seasonable Caution to young Divines and others, in Reading Dr. Clark's Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity; Shewing the most notorious Insincerity, in his Quotations from the Ancient Writers of the Christian Church, in order
    Dawson, Thomas
  • 105127
    Book Info
    Gorgoneicon: being a supplement to Whistoneutes. In which is contain'd a long and prolix historical narration of the Family, Person, Dress, Manner of Life, Principles, Humours, and Notions of Simon Scriblerus, the author of Whistoneutes. And out of which may be extracted the Honey of Divinity, the Marrow of Morality, and the very Quintessence of Policy, Law, and History. Interspersed thro'out with
    Scriblerus, Andrew
  • 105128
    Book Info
    Grammatica Lusitano Anglica: or, an English and Portuguese grammar. Containing The Declensions, Conjugations, Rules of the Syntax, Etymology, Prosodie, and Accenting of the Portuguese Language. Also A Vocabulary, and Dialogues on the most common Occurrences in Life. With All Instructions necessary to learn this Language with Ease, and in a little Time. To which is added, a compendious introduction
  • 105129
    Book Info
    Gratitude to benefactors, recommended in a sermon preach'd at the parish-church of Milton next to Gravesend in Kent; On Sunday the 23d day of May, 1731. On Occasion of the late Act of Parliament for rebuilding the Parish-Church of Gravesend. By James How, A. M. Rector of Milton, and of St. Margaret Lothbury in London
    How, James
  • 105130
    Book Info
    Great Britain's glory or our neglected Indies discovered. Being a treaty of the proceedings relating to a grand state fishing company, in Great Britain and Ireland. By Martin Laycock, Esq;
    Laycock, Martin
  • 105131
    Book Info
    Grub Street versus Bowman. Being a full ... answer to the Vicar of Dewsbury's late sermon against the Church and clergy of England. Published in the Grub-Street Journals, numb. LXXXV and LXXXVII. With large additions
  • 105132
    Book Info
    Gulielmus Susann? valedicens
    Gay, John
  • 105133
    Book Info
    Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. A tragedy. Written by M. Wil. Shakespear. Revised by Mr. Pope
    Shakespeare, William
  • 105134
    Book Info
    Harlequin-Horace: or, the art of modern poetry.
    Miller, James
  • 105135
    Book Info
    Harlequin-Horace: or, the art of modern poetry.
    Miller, James
  • 105136
    Book Info
    Health, a poem. Shewing how to procure, preserve, and restore it. To which is annex'd the doctor's decade. By Edward Baynard, M.D.
    Baynard, Edward
  • 105137
    Book Info
    His Majesty's most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Friday the seventh day of May, 1731
    Great Britain
  • 105138
    Book Info
    Histoire de Charles XII. Roi de Suède. Par Mr. de V***. ...
  • 105139
    Book Info
    Historia litteraria: or, an exact and early account of the most valuable books published in the several parts of Europe. ... . With a compleat alphabetical index
  • 105140
    Book Info
    Historia plantarum, qu{aelig} in Horto academico Lugduni-Batavorum crescunt : cum earum characteribus, & Medicinalibus virtutibus desumptis ex ore Clarissimi Viri Hermanni Boerhaave, Philosophiae & Medicinae Doctoris, Medicinae, & Collegii Practici Lugduni-Batavorum Professoris. Pars Prima.
    Boerhaave, Herman