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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,201 - 105,220건 출력
  • 105201
    Book Info
    Narzanes: or, the injur'd statesman. Containing the most important negotiations, and transactions of that great minister, whilst he presided over the affairs of Persia
  • 105202
    Book Info
    Ne plus ultra: or, a sure guide to youth in arithmetick, shewing how they may attain to a perfect knowledge of all the common parts of arithmetick, the single and double Rules of Three, direct and inverse, performed by one or two Operations; Fellowship single and double, with the Rule of Practice. Also concise and ready Ways for casting up Bills of Parcels, useful for Merchants in whole-sale Trade
    Douglas, Charles
  • 105203
    Book Info
    New experiments and observations upon mineral waters : directing their farther use for the preservation of health, and the cure of diseases. By Dr. Friderick Hoffman, Counsellor and Physician to the King of Prussia, and Fellow of the Royal Society. Extracted from his several essays upon this subject, and illustrated with notes, by Peter Shaw, M.D.
    Hoffmann, Friedrich
  • 105204
    Book Info
    New improvements of planting and gardening : both philosophical and pratical. In three parts. I. Containing, a new system of vegetation. Explaining the Motion of the Sap, and Generation of Plants. Of Soils, and the Improvement of Forest-Trees. With a new Invention, whereby more Designs of Garden Plats may be made in an Hour, than can be found in all the Books of Gardening yet extant. II. The be...
    Bradley, Richard
  • 105205
    Book Info
    New pamphlets just publish'd, and sold by the booksellers in town and country
  • 105206
    Book Info
    New-Year's gift: being A Seasonable Call to Repentance, as well upon the account of some threatning incendiaries, as of the more threat'ning vices of the present age; and as preluding to th' approaching Holy Season. in a poem, moral and divine. By Richard Chapman, Vicar of Cheshunt in Hertfordshire, and Prebendary of Chichester
    Chapman, Richard
  • 105207
    Book Info
    News from the New-Exchange: or, the common-wealth of ladies: drawn to the life, in their several characters and concernments. London: printed, in ... 1650. Re-printed: ... 1731. Whereunto ... are subjoined the loyal satyrist ... With an apology for the Exchange women
    Neville, Henry
  • 105208
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    Nicodemus: or, a treatise against the fear of man. Wherein the causes sad effects thereof are briefly described. ... Written ... by Augustus Hermannus Franke, ...
    Francke, August Hermann
  • 105209
    Book Info
    No fool like the old fool: or, A pertinent answer to an impertinent libel, call'd Chickens feed capons. Written with a malicious intent to asperse the character of an innocent young lady of Beauty, Merit and Fortune. Interspersed throughout with several Real Histories of the Tragical Effects, which the Unnatural and Cruel Behaviour of Parents has produced on the best and most deserving Children. L
    Friend of the Lady Injured
  • 105210
    Book Info
    Notes upon the twelve books of Paradise lost. Collected from the Spectator. Written by Mr. Addison.
    Addison, Joseph
  • 105211
    Book Info
    Observations in physick, both rational and practical. With a treatise of the small-pox. By Tho. Apperley, M. D. formerly Fellow of S. John's College, Cambridge
    Apperley, Thomas
  • 105212
    Book Info
    Observations on Mr. Chubb's discourse concerning reason: wherein his attempt to prove, that reason either is, or ought to be, a sufficient guide in matters of religion, is consider'd; and His Arguments are shewn to be Frivolous and Inconclusive. By Anthony Bliss, A.M. Vicar of Portsmouth
    Bliss, Anthony
  • 105213
    Book Info
    Observations on a pamphlet, intitled, An answer to one part of a late infamous libel, &c : In a letter to Mr. P. Restless, Unfix'd in Principle or Place, In Power, unpleas'd; but furious in Disgrace: In Friendship, False; Implacable in Hate: Resolv'd to Ruin, or to Rule, the State. Absalom & Achit.
    Arnall, William
  • 105214
    Book Info
    Observations on the Animadversions on a reverend prelates' Remarks upon the bill now depending in parliament, entituled, A bill to prevent suits for tythes, where none, nor any Composition for the same, have been paid within a certain Number of Years
  • 105215
    Book Info
    Observations on the bill now depending in the House of Lords, with relation to the woollen manufacture. By A clothier
    Blanch, John
  • 105216
    Book Info
    Observations on the proceedings of the last session of Parliament. To which are annexed, exact copies of several valuable bills; viz. that for disabling pensioners from sitting and voting; that for obliging all Proceedings at Law to be in the English Language, &c. &c. &c. With a Copy of the Lords Protest on the 2d rejecting the Pension Bill. Also a true state of the national debt, provided or unpr
  • 105217
    Book Info
    Of despising young ministers. A sermon preached at the publick ordination of the Reverend Mr. William Ford, and Mr. Samuel Parks, at Haberdashers-Hall, December 18. 1730. By W. Harris, D.D. Publish'd at the Desire of the Congregation, and the Ministers present
    Harris, William
  • 105218
    Book Info
    Of the happiness of believers in their death. A sermon occasion'd by the death of the late Reverend Mr. John Beaumont, Minister of the Gospel; preach'd at Deptford in Kent, November the fourth 1730. By Abraham Taylor
    Taylor, Abraham
  • 105219
    Book Info
    Of the work of ministers, and the respect due to them from their people: a sermon preached at Deptford in Kent, on New Years day, MDCCXXXI, at the ordination of Mr. Abraham Taylor; with a charge deliver'd on that occasion by John Hurrion. To which is added Mr. Taylor's confession of faith
    Hurrion, John
  • 105220
    Book Info
    Olympia domata; or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1731. ... By John Wing, ...
    Wing, John