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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,241 - 105,260건 출력
  • 105241
    Book Info
    Phædri Augusti Liberti Fabularum Æsopiarum libri V. Notis anglicis a Gul. Willymotto, ...
  • 105242
    Book Info
    Placita principalia, et consilia ad benè beatéque vivendum utilissima, e veterum philosophorum & dramaticorum ferè poetarum scriptis. Delegit Johannes Mapletoft, S.T.P. Quibus adjungitur, prosodia græca Labbeana compendiosa facilique methodo tradita à Leedesio aucta. Accuratius edita ab Andrea Tooke, A.M. Scholæ Carthusianæ Præceptore in usum scholarum
    Mapletoft, John
  • 105243
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    Plays written by Mr. William Wycherley. Containing The Plain Dealer, The Country Wife, Gentleman Dancing Master, Love in a Wood
    Wycherley, William
  • 105244
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    Poems by Allan Ramsay. In two volumes. ...
    Ramsay, Allan
  • 105245
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    Poems on several occasions. By Mr. John Gay. ...
    Gay, John
  • 105246
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions. Containing The progress of music in Ireland. ... An ode on his Majesty's birth-day. To which is added, The plague of wealth, ... With several poems not in the Dublin edition. By Matthew Pilkington, M.A. Revised by the Reverend Dr. Swift.
    Pilkington, Matthew
  • 105247
    Book Info
    Poems on several subjects: written by Stephen Duck, Lately a poor Thresher in a Barn in the County of Wilts, at the Wages of Four Shillings and Six Pence per Week: Which were publickly read in the drawing-room at Windsor Castle, on Friday the 11th of September, 1730, to Her Majesty. Who was thereupon most graciously pleased to take the Author into her Royal Protection, by allowing him a Salary of
    Duck, Stephen
  • 105248
    Book Info
    Poems on several subjects: written by Stephen Duck, some time a poor thresher in a barn in the county of Wilts, ...
    Duck, Stephen
  • 105249
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    Poems upon several occasions. By the Rev. Mr. John Pomfret. Viz. I. The choice. II. Love Triumphant over reason. III. Cruelty and Lust. IV. On the divine attributes. V. A prospect of death. VI. On the conflagration, and last Judgment. The thirteenth edition, corrected. With some account of his life and writings. To which are added, his Remains
    Pomfret, John
  • 105250
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    Poor Robin. 1731. A new almanack after the old fashion: ... Written by Poor Robin, ...
    Winstanley, William
  • 105251
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    Poro, re Dell'indie. Drama. Da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Hay-Market. Done into English by Mr. Humphreys
    Metastasio, Pietro
  • 105252
    Book Info
    Practical discourses on several subjects: being some select homilies of the Church of England, put into a new method and modern stile, and fitted to common use. In two parts. By Peter Nourse, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her late Majesty Q. Anne
    Nourse, Peter
  • 105253
    Book Info
    Praxis medica, sive commentarium in aphorismos de cognoscendis & curandis morbis. Auctore Hermanno Boerhaave, Phil. ET Med. Doctore, Medicinae, & Collegii Practici Lugdini-Batavorum Professore. Pars Prima
    Boerhaave, Herman
  • 105254
    Book Info
    Preparation for death: or, acts of graces and pious exercises, in order to a happy end; ... Done from the French.
  • 105255
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    Priestly avarice: or, the clergy's kingdom of this world. A visitation sermon, preach'd at Halstead in Essex. By Edward Symonds, Minister of Ratne in Essex
    Symmons, Edward
  • 105256
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    Proposals for establishing of a fund of 30,000l. to be vested in a corporation for the Purposes therein mentioned, humbly submitted to the consideration of all true lovers of their country, particularly to the Right Honourable and Honourable the Lords spiritual and temporal and Commons, soon to be assembled in Parliament
    Knightley, John
  • 105257
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    Proposals for preventing the running of wool, and encouraging the woollen manufacture
  • 105258
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    Proposals for printing by subscription, a compleat history of the remote, and hitherto undescrib'd part of Guinea, ... In four parts. By Capt. Bulfinch Lambe, ...
  • 105259
    Book Info
    Psalmody epitomiz'd: being a brief collection of plain and useful psalm-tunes, both old and new, in four parts: with a plain and familiar introduction, by way of question and answer. The second edition with additions. By Ely Stansfield
    Stansfield, Ely
  • 105260
    Book Info
    Pulteney: or, the patriot. A poem. By R. Drury, gent
    Drury, Robert