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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,261 - 105,280건 출력
  • 105261
    Book Info
    Pylades and Corinna: or, memoirs of the lives, amours, and writings of Richard Gwinnett Esq; Of Great Shurdington in Gloucester shire; and Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas Junr. Of Great Russel Street, Bloomsbury. Containing, the letters and other miscellaneous pieces, in Prose and Verse, which passed between them during a courtship of above sixteen years. Faithfully published from their Original Manuscripts
    Gwinnett, Richard
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 105262
    Book Info
    Q. Horatii Flacci carminum libri quinque. Recensuit, et ex vetustis exemplaribus, editionibus, & commentariis, ad certissimas criticae artis regulas quam plurimis in locis emendavit Georgius Wade, S. T. P. Cathedralis Sanctae Mariae Lincolniensis Canonicus, Et Collegii Christi apud Cantabrigienses olim Socius
  • 105263
    Book Info
    Reasons for regulating the coin, and reducing the interest; with a scheme for paying part of the national debt without burthening Ireland
  • 105264
    Book Info
    Reasons humbly offer'd to the Parliament, Upon The present Posture of Affairs, Particularly with respect to Don Carlos's Introduction into Italy, and the Negotiations of a new Treaty of Peace, between the Courts of Great-Britain and Vienna
  • 105265
    Book Info
    Reasons humbly offered to the consideration of the Honourable members of the House of Commons, against making any ports in the South Channel in England, free, for the importation of wooll and yarn from Ireland
  • 105266
    Book Info
    Reasons offered by the manufacturers of combing and spinning in England, against taking the duty off Irish yarn imported
  • 105267
    Book Info
    Reasons, against the bill, for viewing, searching, and examining of all drugs, medicines, &c. Address'd to the Parliament of Great-Britain: with proposals Humbly Offer'd, For the regulation of the State of physick in General, with respect to the Patients Healths and Lives; (which are principally to be regarded) the Physicians Fees, and Apothecaries Medicines, and Bills. To which is added, Mr. G...
    Goodwin, James
  • 105268
    Book Info
    Reasons, against the bill, for viewing, searching, and examining of all drugs, medicines, &c. Address'd to the Parliament of Great-Britain: with proposals Humbly Offer'd, For the regulation of the State of physick in General, with respect to the Patients Healths and Lives; (which are principally to be regarded) the Physicians Fees, and Apothecaries Medicines, and Bills. To which is added, Mr. G...
    Goodwin, James
  • 105269
    Book Info
    Recueil de diverses poesies du Sieur D***
  • 105270
    Book Info
    Reflections on the national debt; with reasons for reducing the legal interest; and against a publick loan. With some advice to the electors of Members of Parliament
  • 105271
    Book Info
    Reflections on the nature and property of languages in general, and on the advantages, defects, and manner of improving the English tongue in particular. By the Reverend Mr. Thomas Stackhouse, Author of the Complete Body of Divinity
    Stackhouse, Thomas
  • 105272
    Book Info
    Reflections upon accuracy of style. By Mr. John Constable
    Constable, John
  • 105273
    Book Info
    Regulations and instructions relating to His Majesty's service at sea
    Great Britain
  • 105274
    Book Info
    Religious gratitude: being seven practical discourses on the following subjects, Viz. I. The Exaltation of God, Man's Duty and Happiness. II. The Preheminence of social Worship. III. The Advantage of religious Solitude. IV. The Origin and Progress of Divine Worship by religious Songs. V. New Songs the Claim of new Mercies. VI. The Kingdom of Christ a new Kingdom. Vii. The new and surprizing Privil
    Owen, Charles
  • 105275
    Book Info
    Remains of the late Reverend and learned John Edwards, D.D. sometime fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge. Prepared for the press before his death
    Edwards, John
  • 105276
    Book Info
    Remarkable antiquities of the city of Exeter. Giving an account of the laws and customs of the place, the offices, Court of Judicature, Gates, Walls, Rivers, churches, and Immunities: the titles and privileges of the several incorporations; with their distinct coats of arms engrav'd on copper plates. Together with a catalogue of all the bishops, mayors, and sheriffs, from the year 1049. Originally
    Izacke, Richard
  • 105277
    Book Info
    Remarks on A letter to Dr. Waterland, in relation to the natural account of languages, by Philobiblicus Cantabrigiensis.
    Chapman, John
  • 105278
    Book Info
    Remarks on The craftsman's vindication of his two Honble patrons, in his paper of May 22, 1731.
    Hervey, John Hervey
  • 105279
    Book Info
    Remarks on a book intitled Christianity as old as the creation. Wherein the principal objections Of that book against reveal'd religion are considered. By John Jackson, Rector of Rossington in the County of York, and Prebendary of Wherwell in the County of Southampton, and Master of Wigston's Hospital in Leicester
    Jackson, John
  • 105280
    Book Info
    Remarks on a pamphlet entitl'd A defence of the measures of the present administration