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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,421 - 105,440건 출력
  • 105421
    Book Info
    The court miscellany: being a curious collection of amorous poems, made on persons, of both sexes, of the first rank of quality in Great-Britain. ...
  • 105422
    Book Info
    The creditor's advocate, and debtor's friend. Shewing how the effects of the debtor are spent in law, and other Charges, that may be saved for the Creditor, in like manner as is practiced in Holland. Setting forth the inconveniency the debtor lies under, as the Laws now subsist, in surrendring up his Effects to one Creditor only, in prejudice to the rest, without gaining his Liberty, if confined,
    Philips, Erasmus
  • 105423
    Book Info
    The crisis: or, impartial judgment upon publick affairs. By Thomas English, Esq;
    English, Thomas
  • 105424
    Book Info
    The critical minute: a poem of the epick kind. In two books. Inscrib'd to the Reverend Dr. S. By Michael Tracey, Gent.
    Tracey, Michael
  • 105425
    Book Info
    The dancing-master: or, the whole art and mystery of dancing explained; ... In two parts ... Done from the French of Monsieur Rameau, by J. Essex, ...
    Rameau, Pierre
  • 105426
    Book Info
    The defence of F. John Baptist Girard, Jesuit, and Rector of the Royal Seminary of Chaplains of the Navy in the city of Toulon, against the accusation of Mary Catharine Cadiere. Part II. Containing his refutation of the charge
    Girard, Jean-Baptiste
  • 105427
    Book Info
    The defence of F. John Baptist Girard, Jesuit, and Rector of the Royal Seminary of Chaplains of the Navy in the city of Toulon, against the accusation of Mary Catharine Cadiere. Part II. Containing his refutation of the charge.
    Girard, Jean-Baptiste
  • 105428
    Book Info
    The defence of F. John Baptist Girard, Jesuit, and Rector of the Royal Seminary of Chaplains of the navy in the city of Toulon, against the accusation of Mary Catharine Cadiere. Part III. Containing his account of the secret springs and motives of the prosecution against him
    Girard, Jean-Baptiste
  • 105429
    Book Info
    The deist's creed, with the free-thinker's annext. By a gentleman of Trinity College, Cambridge
    Gentleman of Trinity College
  • 105430
    Book Info
    The depositions of the ever-memorable Dr. Titus Oates, Against the Reverend Mr. Adam Elliot, A Minister of the Church of England, whom he falsly accus'd on oath, of being a Jesuit, and a circumcis'd Mahometan. With an account of the Doctor's trial and Conviction for Defamation, at the Suit of the said Mr. Elliot: Proving the Doctor wilfully forsworn in several Instances. A piece necessary to be bo
    Oates, Titus
  • 105431
    Book Info
    The description and use of a portable instrument, vulgarly known by the name of Gunter's quadrant. By which is perform'd most propositions in astronomy; ... To which is added, the use of Nepiar's bones ... By William Leybourn. The third edition, with the addition of the use of Gunter's quadrant in taking the declination of a plain ... By Charles Leadbetter
    Leybourn, William
  • 105432
    Book Info
    The description and use of the globes, and the orrery. To which is prefixed, by way of introduction, a brief account of the solar system. By J. Harris
    Harris, Joseph
  • 105433
    Book Info
    The design of publishing the gospel. A sermon preach'd at All-Saints, in Derby, September 20. 1730. By Gilbert Michell, M. A. Rector of Bredsall
    Michell, Gilbert
  • 105434
    Book Info
    The devil to pay; or, the Wives Metamorphos'd. An opera. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. Written by the author of The beggars wedding. With the musick prefix'd to each song
    Coffey, Charles
  • 105435
    Book Info
    The devil to pay; or, the wives metamorphos'd. An opera. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. Written by the author of The beggars wedding. With the musick prefix'd to each song.
    Coffey, Charles
  • 105436
    Book Info
    The devout Christian's companion. Being a compleat manual of devotions, fitted for most of the concerns of human life: with particular offices for sick and dying persons. To which is added, The Paschal lamb: ...
  • 105437
    Book Info
    The devout soul: or, an entertainment for a penitent. Consisting of meditations, poems, hymns, and prayers, upon guilt and repentance, the Follies and Vanities of this World; and the Sufferings and Afflictions of Human Life. To which are prefix'd, two essays; One upon Devotional Books, and the Other upon Divine Poetry. Part I. By Tho. Coney, D. D. Prebendary of Wells, Vicar of Over-Stowey, and Rec
    Coney, Thomas
  • 105438
    Book Info
    The divine catastrophe of the kingly family of the House of Stuarts: or, a short history of the rise, reigne, and ruine thereof. Wherein The most Secret and Chamber Abominations of the two last Kings are discovered, Divine Justice in King Charles his Overthrow vindicated, and the Parliaments Proceedings against him clearly justified. By Sir Edward Peyton, Knight and Baronet, a diligent Observer of
    Peyton, Edward
  • 105439
    Book Info
    The divine institution of government. A sermon preach'd at the Assizes held at York, August 1. 1731. Before the Honourable Alexander Denton Esq; one of the Justices of his Majesty's Court of Common-Pleas, and Sir Edmund Probyn Kt. one of the Justices of his Majesty's Court of King's-Bench. By Thomas Clarke, A. M. Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, and Rector of Kirkeaton. Published at t
    Clarke, Thomas
  • 105440
    Book Info
    The divine personality, and True Sonship of Christ defended: Or, A full Consent of scripture and reason, To prove The Absurdity and Inconsistency, of believing an eternal, self-existent Person to be Begotten: And to shew, that Christ is Son of God only as he is Mediator. In which is contain'd, Some Remarks on the Rev. Mr. Gill's Arguments for Eternal Generation and Essential Filiation, found in hi