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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,501 - 105,520건 출력
  • 105501
    Book Info
    The improvement of present time: recommended in a sermon preach'd on the New-Year's-day of 1731. for the benefit of the charity-school at Gravel-lane, Southwark. By John Guyse. ...
    Guyse, John
  • 105502
    Book Info
    The infidel convicted: or, a brief defence of the Christian Revelation. In which The Excellency of the Christian Morality is fully shewn, and the Consistency of Revelation with human Reason proved. Corroborated by Unanswerable Arguments from Mr. Locke, on whose Writings many Persons causlesly profess to build their Sceptical Notions. And Address'd to the Serious Consideration of the British Youth
  • 105503
    Book Info
    The insufficiency of human reason in matters of religion, and the consequent necessity of a revelation. A sermon preach'd before the University at St. Mary's in Oxford, on Act Sunday 1731. By Benjamin Bulkeley, ...
    Bulkeley, Benjamin
  • 105504
    Book Info
    The insufficiency of the law of nature. A sermon preach'd before the University of Cambridge At St. Mary's Church April 4. 1731. By Tho. Johnson M.A. Fellow of Magdalen College
    Johnson, Thomas
  • 105505
    Book Info
    The interest of England consider'd with respect to the woollen manufactures: or, Remarks on a late Pamphlet intitled, Some Thoughts on the Woollen Manufactures of England. In a letter from a Merchant in the Country, to his Friend in London
    Merchant in the country
  • 105506
    Book Info
    The journalists display'd. A new ballad. To the old tune of, Lullibullero
  • 105507
    Book Info
    The jovial crew. A comic-opera. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, by His Majesty's servants. With the musick prefix'd to each song
    Brome, Richard
  • 105508
    Book Info
    The judgment of Paris; or, the triumph of beauty. A pastoral ballad opera of one act. As it is perform'd at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn Fields
  • 105509
    Book Info
    The justice's case law: being a concise abridgment of all the cases of Crown Law, relating to justices of peace, and their business and proceedings, with References to the Books of Reports, and other Law Treatises on the Subject. Digested In a new Alphabetical Method, and very necessary to be perused by all Justices, as an immediate Direction to them how to proceed in their Offices. And likewise O
  • 105510
    Book Info
    The kingston Atalantis: or, Woodward's miscellany, viz. containing I. A description of that town. II. Letters from the Dead Kingstonians to the Living. III. The Kingston Journals compleat. IV. The last Will and Testament of Timothy Bubo, Esq; V. A Letter from the Ghost of Catullus to the Dean of Chesington, occasioned by his sixteen Sermons on this Text, Are not two Sparrows sold for a Farthing? V
  • 105511
    Book Info
    The knight and the cardinal. A new ballad. Addressed to the kings of England and France. Tune of, The king shall enjoy his own again
  • 105512
    Book Info
    The ladies miscellany. Containing, I. Love letters between a gentleman and a lady. II. Basia: Or, The Pleasures of Kissing. III. The Happy Bride. IV. The Rape of Helen. V. Unlawful Love. VI. Spiritual Fornication a Burlesque Poem; wherein the Case of Miss Cadiere and Father Girard is merrily Display'd. Vii. Miss Cadiere's case very handsomely handled. And twenty nine other curious poems on love an
  • 105513
    Book Info
    The late Bishop of Rochester's vindication of Bishop Smallridge, Dr. Aldrich, and himself, from the scandalous reflections of Oldmixon, relating to the publication of Lord Clarendon's History
    Atterbury, Francis
  • 105514
    Book Info
    The late Bishop of Rochester's vindication of Bishop Smallridge, Dr. Aldrich, and himself, from the scandalous reflections of Oldmixon, relating to the publication of Lord Clarendon's History.
    Atterbury, Francis
  • 105515
    Book Info
    The law of tithes; shewing their nature, kinds, properties and incidents ; by whom, to whom, when, and in what Manner payable; how, and in what Courts to be sued for and recovered; what Things, Lands or Persons are charged with, or exempted therefrom. With the Nature, Incidents and Effects of Customs, Prescriptions, Real Compositions, Modus Decimandi, Libels, Suggestions, Prohibitions, Consultatio
    Bohun, William
  • 105516
    Book Info
    The letter-Writers: or, a new way to keep a wife at home. A farce, in three acts. As it is acted at the theatre in the Hay-Market. Written by Scriblerus Secundus
    Fielding, Henry
  • 105517
    Book Info
    The letters of Atticus, As printed in the London Journal, in the years 1729 and 1730, on Various Subjects, with An introduction, containing a short Survey of public Affairs from the Time of the Spaniards besieging Gibraltar to the Year 1731, and an Enquiry into the Reasons why some modern Writers assume to themselves the great Names of passed Ages
    Cooke, Thomas
  • 105518
    Book Info
    The life of Mahomet.
    Boulainvilliers, Henri
  • 105519
    Book Info
    The life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Impartially collected from the best historians, and several original manuscripts.
    Kimber, Isaac
  • 105520
    Book Info
    The life of the R. Reverend Mr. Nathanael Spinckes. By the Reverend Mr. John Blackbourne, M.A.
    Blackbourne, John