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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,581 - 105,600건 출력
  • 105581
    Book Info
    The religion of nature delineated.
    Wollaston, William
  • 105582
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    The representation and testimony, &c. of Several Christian People within the Presbytery of Peebles, first given in to the said Presbytery, next to the Synod of Lothian; and, last of all, with the Paper of Adherence, presented and given into the General Assemby, met at Edinburgh, May 6th, 1731
  • 105583
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    The retired Christian exercised in divine thoughts, and heavenly meditations, for the closet. With a suitable prayer for each meditation. By Thomas Ken, ...
    Ken, Thomas
  • 105584
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    The right of patronages considered, and some of the antient and modern arguments for the exercise of that right in presenting to churches, surveyed. Together with remarks on an anonymous writ, industriously handed about among Ministers, Probationers, and Students of Divinity, called, The case of patronage
    Bisset, John
  • 105585
    Book Info
    The right of patronages reconsider'd: wherein an anonymous manuscript, intituled, The case of patronages, is vindicated from the mistakes and misrepresentations of a pamphlet, intituled, The right of patronages considered, &c. Together with remarks upon the whole of that performance
    Lumsden, John
  • 105586
    Book Info
    The rights of churches and colleges defended: in answer to a pamphlet, call'd, An enquiry into the customary estates and tenant rights of those who hold lands of church and other foundations, by the Term of Three Lives, and Twenty One Years, &c. By Everard Fleetwood, Esq; With remarks upon some other Pieces upon the same Subject. By Dicaiophilus Cantabrigiensis
    Long, Roger
  • 105587
    Book Info
    The rise and fall of the heresy of iconoclasts; or, image-breakers. Being a brief Relation of the Lives and Deaths of those Emperors of the East, who first set it up and maintain'd it, or zealously oppos'd and finally crush'd it. From the Year 717 to 867. collected by R. M.
    Manning, Robert
  • 105588
    Book Info
    The rules and constitutions : for governing and managing the Maiden-Hospital, founded by the company of merchants, and Mary Erskine, in anno 1695. Allowed and Confirmed by an Act of Parliament of Her Majesty Queen Anne, dated the 25th March 1707, Amended and Approven in a General Meeting of the Contributers, upon the 9th February 1708. Ratified by the Lord Provost, Baillies and Town Council, up...
    Maiden Hospital (Edinburgh, Scotland)
  • 105589
    Book Info
    The rules of publick charity. Set forth in a sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable Lord-Mayor, and court of aldermen, ... in the parish-church of Saint Bridget, on Wednesday in Easter week, 1731. By Thomas Mangey, ...
    Mangey, Thomas
  • 105590
    Book Info
    The sacred and prophane history of the world connected, from the creation of the world to the dissolution of the Assyrian empire at the Death of Sardanapalus, and to the Declension of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, under the Reigns of Ahaz and Pekah. By Samuel Shuckford, M. A. Rector of Shelton in the County of Norfolk. ...
    Shuckford, Samuel
  • 105591
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    The sacred chronicle: or, a compendious history of the Holy Bible; including the Apocrypha. In a method entirely new. ... Illustrated with two hundred and twenty cuts, neatly engraven on copper-plates
  • 105592
    Book Info
    The sacred classics defended and illustrated. The second and last volume. In three parts. Containing, I. A. farther demonstration of the propriety, purity, and sound eloquence of the language of the New Testament writers. II. An Account of the wrong Division of Chapters and Verses, and faulty Translations of the Divine Book, which weaken its Reasonings, and spoil its Eloquence and Native Beauties.
    Blackwall, Anthony
  • 105593
    Book Info
    The second High-German physician: or, medicine exalted into a blaze; by such rare, valuable, uncommon methods, celebrated cures, and Ever-Memorable Remedies, as must at once enliven, enrich, and astonish the Fancy; in a Degree incomparably superior to every Thing that has hitherto appear'd upon the Subject of Physic. With a Precious Arcanum to preserve Riders from Chasing; an Infallible Specific f
  • 105594
    Book Info
    The self-Deceiver plainly discover'd to himself: or, the serious Christian instructed in his duty to God, to himself, and to his neighbour. In some Private Conferences between a Minister and his Parishioner. By Clement Ellis, M. A. Late Rector of Kirkby in Nottinghamshire, Prebend of Southwell, and Fellow of Queen's-College, Oxon.
    Ellis, Clement
  • 105595
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    The short history of the regal succession, and the rights of the several Kings recorded in the Holy Scriptures; enlarg'd and improv'd in a fourth edition: Illustrated with Seasonable Remarks on Mr. Whiston's Scripture Politicks, and several other modern Tracts and Sermons on the same subject. The Whole written with an Eye to that most Execrable Fact, for which our Nation is justly visited with the
    Lindsay, John
  • 105596
    Book Info
    The shorter catechism of the Reverend Assembly of Divines, with the proofs thereof out of the scriptures, in words at length: Which are either some of the former quoted Places, or others gathered from their other Writings. All fitted both for Brevity and Clearness to this their Form of sound Words. For the Benefit of Christians in general, and of Youth and Children in Understanding in particular,
  • 105597
    Book Info
    The sick man visited: and furnish'd with instructions, meditations, and prayers, for putting him in mind of his change, for Supporting him under his Distemper, and for Preparing him for, and carrying him through, his Last Conflict with Death. By Nathanael Spinckes, A. M. Late Prebendary of Sarum, &c. The fourth edition corrected. To which is prefix'd, a short account of the life of the very Revere
    Spinckes, Nathaniel
  • 105598
    Book Info
    The spelling dictionary; or, a collection of all the common words and proper names made use of in the English tongue: Carefully compared with the Original Languages, from whence they are derived, and marked, as they are to be pronounced. Whereby Persons of the meanest Capacity may attain to Spell and Write English true and correctly. By Thomas Dyche, Master of the Free-School at Stratford-Bow, in
    Dyche, Thomas
  • 105599
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    The spend-Thrift; a comedy: as it is acted at the New Theatre in the Hay-Market. By Matthew Draper
    Draper, Matthew
  • 105600
    Book Info
    The spirit of popery repugnant to the spirit of Christianity. A sermon preach'd at Black-Fryars, November 5, 1731. By Thomas Newman
    Newman, Thomas