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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,721 - 105,740건 출력
  • 105721
    Book Info
    A defence of the Scripture-History so far as it concerns the resurrection of Jairus's daughter; the Widow of Nain's Son; and Lazarus. In answer to Mr. Woolston's fifth discourse on our Saviour's miracles. With a preface, containing some remarks on his answer to the Lord Bishop of St. David's
    Stebbing, Henry
  • 105722
    Book Info
    A defence of the answer to the remarks upon Dr. Clarke's exposition of the church-catechism. Wherein The Difference between moral and positive Duties is fully stated. Being a reply to a Pamphlet entitled, The Nature, Obligation, and Efficacy of the Sacraments consider'd
    Sykes, Arthur Ashley
  • 105723
    Book Info
    A defence of the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England. In two parts. Containing the Objections of Dissenters, fairly represented from their own celebrated Writers; And fully answer'd from Scripture, the Primitive Fathers, and our own Pious and Learned Reformers. With an Introduction, giving a succinct History of the Separation through the several Reigns of our Kings and Queens. Being a
    Nicholls, William
  • 105724
    Book Info
    A defence of the late learned Dr. Clarke's notion of natural liberty: in answer to three letters wrote to him by a gentleman at the University of Cambridge, on the side of necessity. Together with some remarks on Mr. Locke's chapter of power. By S. Strutt, of the Inner Temple
    Strutt, Samuel
  • 105725
    Book Info
    A defence of the letter published in the Philosophical transactions for March and April 1729. Concerning the impossible roots of equations; in a letter from the author, to a friend at London
    MacLaurin, Colin
  • 105726
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    A defense of a late pamphlet, entitled, A preservative, &c. In answer to an abusive letter of Mr. Joseph Hallet, jun. By John Enty
    Enty, John
  • 105727
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    A demonstration of some of the principal sections of Sir Isaac Newton's principles of natural philosophy. In which His peculiar Method of treating that useful Subject, is explained, and applied to some of the chief Phaenomena of the System of the World. By John Clarke, D. D. Dean of Sarum
    Clarke, John
  • 105728
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    A description of the devices in an emblematical panegyrick. Entitled, The draught of a print, most humbly inscrib'd to the glory of the Right Hon. Sir R- W- in a letter to Caleb D'Anvers, Esq;
  • 105729
    Book Info
    A description of the periton{aelig}um : And of that Part of the membrana cellularis Which lies on its Outside. With An Account of the True Situation of all the Abdominal Viscera, in respect of these two Membranes. By Dr. James Douglas, Physician in Extraordinary to Her Majesty, Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London, and Fellow of the Royal Society.
    Douglas, James
  • 105730
    Book Info
    A description of three hundred animals; viz. beasts, birds, fishes, serpents, and insects. With a particular account of the whale-fishery. Extracted out of the best authors, and adapted to the Use of all Capacities; especially to allure Children to Read. Illustrated with copper plates, whereon is curiously Engraved every Beast, Bird, Fish, Serpent, and Insect, describ'd in the whole Book
    Boreman, Thomas
  • 105731
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning conscience. With an appendix occasioned by the death of the Reverend Dr. Grandorge, late Prebendary of Canterbury, and chaplain to the Right Honourable the late Earl of Thanet. A sermon preach'd in the cathedral-church of Canterbury, Feb. 1. 1729-30. By R. Blomer, D. D. Prebendary of Canterbury
    Blomer, Ralph
  • 105732
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning the confusion of languages at Babel; proving it to have been miraculous, from the essential difference between them, contrary to the opinion of Mons. Le Clerc, and others. With an enquiry into the primitive language, before that wonderful event. By the late learned William Wotton, D.D. Now first publish'd from his original manuscript
    Wotton, William
  • 105733
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning the use and advantages of the gospel revelation: as it was delivered on three several Sundays, at the New Chapel, in the Broad Way, Westminster. In which are obviated The principal Objections contained in a Book, Entitled, Christianity as old as the Creation. By Henry Stebbing, D.D.
    Stebbing, Henry
  • 105734
    Book Info
    A discourse on our Saviour's miraculous power of healing. In which The Six Cases excepted against by Mr. Woolston are considered. Being A Continuation of the Defence of the Scripture History, &c. By the same Author
    Stebbing, Henry
  • 105735
    Book Info
    A dissertation concerning inoculation of the small-pox. Giving some account of the rise, progress, success, advantages and disadvantages of receiving the small pox by incisions illustrated by sundry cases of the inoculated
    Douglass, William
  • 105736
    Book Info
    A dissertation concerning misletoe: a most wonderful specifick remedy for the cure of convulsive distempers. Calculated for the Benefit of the Poor as well as the Rich, and heartily recommended for the Common Good of Mankind. The fifth edition. To which is added, a second part, containing farther remarks and observations. By Sir John Colbatch, late Member of the College of Physicians
    Colbatch, John
  • 105737
    Book Info
    A dissertation on estates upon lives and years, whether in lay or Church-Hands. With an exact calculation of their real worth, by proper tables, and the Reasons for their different Valuations. By Edward Laurence, Land-Surveyor
    Laurence, Edward
  • 105738
    Book Info
    A dissertation on reading the classics, and forming a just style. Written in the year 1709. And addressed to the Right Honourable John Lord Roos, The Present Duke of Rutland. By Henry Felton, D. D. Principal of Edmund-Hall, Oxon, and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Rutland
    Felton, Henry
  • 105739
    Book Info
    A dissertation upon tea: explaining its nature and properties by many new experiments : and demonstrating from philosophical principles
    Short, Thomas
  • 105740
    Book Info
    A divine poem: Or, a paraphrase on the Lord's Prayer. By Ralph Sedgwick, M. A. A Blind Clergyman, Living at the Reverend Mr. Patterson's, in Bell-Savage Yard, Ludgate-Hill
    Sedgwick, Ralph