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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,741 - 105,760건 출력
  • 105741
    Book Info
    A duke and no duke. As it is acted by His Majesty's servants. To which is now added, a preface concerning farce: With an Account of the Personae and Larvae, &c. Of the Ancient Theatre. By N. Tate
    Tate, Nahum
  • 105742
    Book Info
    A fair state of the controversy between Mr. Woolston and his adversaries: containing the substance of what he asserts in his six discourses against the literal sense of our blessed saviour's miracles; and what Bishop Gibson, Bishop Chandler, Bishop Smallbroke, Bishop Sherlock, Dr. Pearce, Dr. Rogers, Mr. Stebbing, Mr. Chandler, Mr. Lardner, Mr. Ray, &c. Have Advanc'd against him. By the Reverend M
    Stackhouse, Thomas
  • 105743
    Book Info
    A friendly apology for a certain justice of peace; by way of defence of H-y H--n, Esq; By James Blackwell, operator for the feet
    Blackwell, James
  • 105744
    Book Info
    A full account of the rise, progress, and advantages of Dr. Assheton's proposal (as now manag'd by the Worshipful Company of Mercers, London,) For the Benefit of Widows of Clergymen, And Others; By settling Jointures and Annuities at the Rate of Twenty per Cent. With Directions for the Widow how to receive her Annuity, without any Delay, Charges, or Deductions
    Assheton, William
  • 105745
    Book Info
    A genealogical essay on the family of the Hams: Wherein is shewn, Their Pretensions to certain Colleges, as Founders Kinsmen. Together with a preface, setting forth the true Original of the Family of the Belchers. Inscrib'd, with all due Submission, to the Learned Society of Antiquarians
  • 105746
    Book Info
    A general history of the Turks, Moguls, and Tatars, vulgarly called Tartars. Together with a description of the countries they inhabit. In two volumes. I. The genealogical history of the Tatars, translated from the Tatar Manuscript written in the Mogul Language by Abu'l Ghâzi Bahâder, Khân of Khowârazm. II. An account of the present state of the Northern Asia, as it includes Grand Tatary, (or the
    Eb{uml}ulg{circ}az{circ}i Bahadir Han
  • 105747
    Book Info
    A gentleman's religion: in three parts. The first contains the principles of natural religion. The second and third, the doctrines of Christianity, both as the faith and practice. With an appendix, ...
    Synge, Edward
  • 105748
    Book Info
    A genuine history of two young lovers, who so exactly resembled each other, that the difference could not be easily discerned, which occasioned several surprizing mistakes and misadventures
  • 105749
    Book Info
    A genuine narrative of the memorable life and actions of John Everett, who formerly kept the Cock Ale-House in the Old-Bailey; and lately the Tap in the Fleet-Prison, and was executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 20th day of February, 1729-30. To which is added, his humble address (by way of letter) to Mrs. Martha Ellis and Mrs Manly, whom he Robb'd, and for which he was Condemn'd. And likewise his le
    Everett, John
  • 105750
    Book Info
    A godly warning to all maidens. By the example of God's judgments shewed on Jerman's wife of Clifton, in the county of Nottingham, who lying in child-bed, was born away, and was never heard of after. To the tune of, The lady's fall
  • 105751
    Book Info
    A guide to prayer: or, a free and rational account of the gift, grace and spirit of prayer; with plain directions how every Christian may attain them. By I. Watts.
    Watts, Isaac
  • 105752
    Book Info
    A hymn to Alderman Parsons our Lord-Mayor.
  • 105753
    Book Info
    A letter from Martin Gulliver, to George Faulkner, printer
    Gulliver, Martin
  • 105754
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    A letter from a Member of Parliament to a friend in the country, concerning the sum of 115,000l. Granted for the service of the civil list. ...
    Pulteney, William
  • 105755
    Book Info
    A letter from a Member of Parliament to a friend in the country, concerning the sum of 115,000l. granted for the ervice [sic] of the civil list. ...
    Pulteney, William
  • 105756
    Book Info
    A letter from a gentleman in the north, to a Member of Parliament, Concerning the Conduct of some Great Men in Relation to the Late peace
    Gentleman in the North
  • 105757
    Book Info
    A letter from a member of Parliament to his friend in the country; concerning a bill sent from the House of Commons, in order to be past into a law for disabling pensioners from sitting, or voting, in the House. With some observations on the Lords protest for confirming the said bill. In which is incerted, the speech of Sir Francis Wennington, to a Former Parliament, relating to those sort of Mons
    Member of Parliament
  • 105758
    Book Info
    A letter from a physician in London to his friend in the country; giving an account of the Montpellier practice in curing the veneral disease. Wherein the Certainty, Ease, and Safety of that Method above any other yet discover'd; and the Inefficacy, Danger, and ill Consequences of the common Way by Salivation, are fully Demonstrated
    Brown, Richard
  • 105759
    Book Info
    A letter from an English traveller to his friend at London, relating to the differences betwixt the courts of Prussia and Hanover. To which are Annex'd, Copies of the Original Letters which have pass'd between the Ministers of State of his Britannick Majesty, and the King of Prussia, on that Subject. Translated from the French
    English traveller
  • 105760
    Book Info
    A letter from an elector of the borough of Great-Yarmouth in the county of Norfolk, to Mr. Horatio Walpole, One of the Representatives in Parliament for that Borough, and Ambassador to the Court of France; Concerning the stipulation in the Seville treaty for introducing Spanish troops into Tuscany, Parma and Placentia
    Elector of the Borough of Great-Yarmouth