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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,801 - 105,820건 출력
  • 105801
    Book Info
    A modest proposal for preventing the children of poor people from being a burthen to their parents or the country, and for making them beneficial to the publick
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 105802
    Book Info
    A narrative of the shipwreck of the Nottingham Galley, &c. First publish'd in 1711. Revis'd, and re-printed with additions in 1727, and now re-publish'd in 1730, by John Deane, Commander, His Majesty's Consul for the Ports of Flanders
    Dean, John
  • 105803
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    A new Norfolk ballad. By Sir Francis Walssingham's [sic] ghost, to the tune of Packington's pound
    Sir Francis Walsingham's Ghost
  • 105804
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    A new and accurate farrying-book: in which is contained above one hundred and twenty reciepts [sic], for the cure of all distempers ... By Robert Julian, ...
    Julian, Robert
  • 105805
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    A new copy of verses, Composed on a certain young Vvoman, living in this neighbourhood, and known to be the chief beauty thereof. The words by --- a young gentleman, who is de ply smitten with her exquisite charms, and were lately enclosed in a letter to her
    W. M
  • 105806
    Book Info
    A new institute of the imperial or civil law. With notes, shewing in some principal cases amongst other observations, how the canon law, the laws of England, and the laws and customs of other nations differ from it. In four books. Composed for the Use of some Persons of Quality. The fourth edition corrected. By Tho Wood, LL.D. late Rector of Hardwick, Bucks, Commissary and Official of that Archdea
    Wood, Thomas
  • 105807
    Book Info
    A new model for the rebuilding Masonry on a stronger basis than the former; with a sound constitution, and a curious catechism drawn from Rules both intelligible and insturctive; in three degrees: teaching the whole world to be Masons, without the Imputation of being either Fools or Knaves. To which is added, several diverting songs by Celebrated Masons Of the Old Order, and Some new ones propos'd
    Farmer, Peter
  • 105808
    Book Info
    A new practice of physic; wherein the various disseases [sic] incident to the human body are orderly described, their causes assign'd, their diagnostics and prognostics enumerated, ... In two volumes. By Peter Shaw, M.D.
    Shaw, Peter
  • 105809
    Book Info
    A new survey of the globe: or an accurate mensuration of all the empires, kingdoms, ... & islands in the world. ... With notes explanatory & political, wherein the number of people in all ye principal countries and cities of Europe are severally calculated ... By Thomas Templeman ...
    Templeman, Thomas
  • 105810
    Book Info
    A new system of arithmetick : theorical and practical. Wherein the science of numbers is demonstrated in a regular course from its First Principles, thro' all the Parts and Branches thereof; Either known to the Ancients, or owing to the Improvements of the Moderns. The Practice and Application to the Affairs of Life and Commerce being also Fully Explained: So as to make the Whole a Complete Sys...
    Malcolm, Alexander
  • 105811
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    A new voyage round the world
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 105812
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    A panegyric on the Reverend Dean Swift. In answer to A libel on Dr. Delany, and a certain great lord. Never before printed
  • 105813
    Book Info
    A panegyrick in answer to a lible [sic] on the late famous D--------n of T. C. deceas'd
  • 105814
    Book Info
    A paraphrase on the latter part of the sixth chapter of St. Matthew
  • 105815
    Book Info
    A paraphrase with annotations on the New Testament. In two volumes. The first containing the four Gospels, and the Acts of the holy apostles. To which is added a treatise concerning the harmony of the Gospels. The second, all the Epistles, and the Revelation: and a paraphrase on the book of Daniel. ... B Edward Wells, D.D. Rector of cotesbach in Leicestershire
    Wells, Edward
  • 105816
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    A pastoral elegy on the death of Calista. Humbly inscrib'd to the Honourable Col. C-------rchill
  • 105817
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    A pastoral elegy on the death of the Lady Hilaretta. In a dialogue between two lords
    Argyll, Archibald Campbell
  • 105818
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    A perpetual commentary on the Revelation of St. John; with a preliminary discourse Concerning The Principles upon which the said Revelation is to be understood. By Charles Daubuz, M. A. Late Vicar of Brotherton in Yorkshire. New modell'd, abridg'd, and render'd plain to the meanest Capacity, by Peter Lancaster, A. M. Vicar of Bowden in Cheshire, and some Time Student of Christ-Church in Oxford
    Daubuz, Charles
  • 105819
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    A persuasive to frequent communion in the holy sacrament of the Lord's-Supper. By his Grace John, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury
    Tillotson, John
  • 105820
    Book Info
    A pig in a poke: or, a word or two in nebulis, by way of specimen. To the worshipfull the Company of Patrons and their clients; whether Poets, Criticks, Translators, Compilers, or Digestors: with the translation of two curious epitaphs, on two famous modern poets, lately deceased; design'd to be fix'd up together in W-A-. By Censorinus Novatus
    Novatus, Censorinus