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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,841 - 105,860건 출력
  • 105841
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    A satire on Dr. D-ny. By Dr. Sw-t. To which is added, the poem which occasion'd it
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 105842
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    A satyr on the times: and some of the modern plays, viz. Beggars Opera, Timoleon, Humours of Oxford, Cheshire comicks, &c. By John Loyd, ...
    Lloyd, John
  • 105843
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    A satyr. In the manner of Persius. In a dialogue between the poet and his friend. By a certain English nobleman
    Hervey, John Hervey
  • 105844
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    A scheme for a new lottery for the ladies; or, a husband and coach and six for forty shillings. To which is added, a poem in favour of the said lottery, to encourage Maids, Widows, Single Women, Bachelors, and Widowers, to put in. - Also a Scheme scor'd in Lines, with the several Prizes, where Ladies may direct themselves by pricking Blindfold, to try their Fortunes in the said lottery 'till the T
  • 105845
    Book Info
    A scheme for raising 3,200,000 l. for the service of the government, by redeeming the fund and trade now enjoy'd by the East-India Company, and reserving to the publick an annuity of 96,000 l. for the disposition of parliament
  • 105846
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    A second address to the inhabitants of the two great cities of London and Westminster: Occasion'd by A second pastoral letter. With remarks on Scripture Vindicated, and some other late Writings
    Tindal, Matthew
  • 105847
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    A second address to the inhabitants of the two great cities of London and Westminster: occasion'd by a second pastoral letter. ...
    Tindal, Matthew
  • 105848
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    A second letter to The craftsman; relating to the case of Eustace Budgell, Esq;
  • 105849
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    A second vindication of the Bishop of London's pastoral letter. In answer to the additions in the second edition of a late pamphlet, entitled, An address to the inhabitants of the two great cities of London and Westminster, &c. Addressed to the Author by an Inhabitant of one of those two Great Cities
  • 105850
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    A serious remonstrance in behalf of the Christian religion, against the horrid blasphemies and impieties which are still used in the English play-houses, to the great dishonour of Almighty God, and in contempt of the statutes of this realm. Shewing their plain Tendency to overthrow all Piety, and advance the Interest and Honour of the Devil in the World; from almost Seven Thousand Instances, taken
    Bedford, Arthur
  • 105851
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    A sermon at the publick lecture in Boston Jan. viii. 1729, 30. Upon the death of the Honourable Samuel Sewall, Esq; late chief justice of the Circuits and one of His Majesty's Council for the province who deceased at his house in Boston on the 1st of the same month and i the 78th year of his age. By Thomas Prince, M.A. one of the Pastors of the South Church. [Five lines from Isaiah]
    Prince, Thomas
  • 105852
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    A sermon occasion'd by the death of the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Cotton, M.A. preach'd at Hampstead. To which is added, A discourse at the grave by S. Wright, D.D.
    Wright, S
  • 105853
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    A sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Martha Clarke, who departed this life January the 14th, 1729/30. preached at Devonshire Square, January 25. And Published at the Request of several who heard it. By Sayer Rudd
    Rudd, Sayer
  • 105854
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    A sermon on the resurrection of Our Lord; preached on Easter-Sunday. Ille bene resurget in corpore, qui primo resurrexit in Spiritu. Augustinus
    Francke, August Hermann
  • 105855
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    A sermon preach'd at Guilford, March the 19th, 1729. at the assizes held there, before Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Eyre, and the Honourable Mr. Baron Thompson. By William Wallis, Chaplain to the Hospital founded by Thomas Guy, Esq;
    Wallis, William
  • 105856
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    A sermon preach'd at St. Hilary's chapel in Denbigh, on occasion of the late general mortality in the year 1728. By Gr. Jones, ...
    Jones, Griffith
  • 105857
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    A sermon preach'd at the funeral of Mr. George Elliott, of Reading. Who died November 3, 1729. ... By Peter Belbin.
    Belbin, Peter
  • 105858
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    A sermon preach'd before the Honourable House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster, on Friday, January xxx. 1729. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. ...
    Croxall, Samuel
  • 105859
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    A sermon preach'd before the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, In Parliament Assembled, in the Abbey-Church at Westminster, on Friday, January 30. 1729/30. Being the Anniversary Fast for the Martyrdom of King Charles I. By the Right Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Bishop of Bristol
    Bradshaw, William
  • 105860
    Book Info
    A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the City of London, at the cathedral church of St. Paul, on Friday, January 30. 1729. Being the Fast-Day for the Execrable Murder of King Charles I. By Joseph Trapp, D. D. Minister of Christ-Church and St. Leonard's Foster-Lane, London. Publish'd at the Request of the Lord Mayor, and the Sheriffs
    Trapp, Joseph