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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,881 - 105,900건 출력
  • 105881
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    A short, fair and free inquiry, how the common prayers, as prescrib'd in the English liturgy, could be used and assented to, in times of usurpation, ...
  • 105882
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    A small book intituled England, & the other northern reformed countries reconciled to Rome. Presented chiefly to the people of England. By Thomas Coleny ... A cordial well-wisher of theirs, and an humble adherent to the most sacred See of Rome
    Coleny, Thomas
  • 105883
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    A small specimen of the many mistakes in Sir William Dugdale's Baronage. Exhibited in some remarks on about half a page of that voluminous work. In a letter, &c
    Hornby, Charles
  • 105884
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    A specimen of true philosophy; in a discourse on Genesis the fifth chapter and the first verse. By Arth. Collier, ...
    Collier, Arthur
  • 105885
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    A specimen towards a new and compleat plan for regulating and settling the military power of Great Britain, in concert with commerce; By Incorporating the Land and Sea-Forces, and Vesting the American Trade in our selves. With a visionary epistle to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole; and a preface to the freeholders of Great Britain
  • 105886
    Book Info
    A state of the national debt, provided or unprovided for by Parliament, as it stood the 31st of December 1728, and the 31st of December 1729. Together with an Account of the Produce of the Sinking Fund in that Year, and to the Payment of what Debts contracted before the 25th of December 1716, the said Fund hath been applied. Also, An Account shewing how the Money given for the Service of the Year
  • 105887
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    A summary account of the state of Dunkirk, and the negociations relating thereto. In a letter from a Member of Parliament to the Mayor of the borough for which he serves
    Hervey, John Hervey
  • 105888
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    A summary of the Bible: or, the principal heads of natural, and revealed religion; alphabetically disposed in the words of Scripture only. With marginal readings and Parallel Texts. Adapted to the Uses of a Scripture-Dictionary, Common-Place Book, Concordance and Comment. By Ferdinando Shaw, M.A.
    Shaw, Ferdinand
  • 105889
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    A supplement to Stricturæ lucis: or second thoughts. Being an addition to, and correction of some conjectures and expositions in a former discourse upon Daniel's weeks, and several Passages in the Revelations, particularly, Chap. XVII. v. 8, 9, 10, 11. By the same author
    Markwick, Nathaniel
  • 105890
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    A supplement to the case of the Royal African Company of England
    Royal African Company
  • 105891
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    A supplement to the treatise, entituled, the Nature, Obligation, and efficacy, of the Christian Sacraments, considered. Wherein the Nature and Value of Positive Institutions is more particularly examined, and Objections answered. By the same Author
    Waterland, Daniel
  • 105892
    Book Info
    A supplement to the view of the elections of bishops in the primitive church: wherein that treatise is cleared from the objections made against it, in a book lately published, entituled, An essay on the nature of the Church ; and A Review of the Elections of Bishops in the Primitive Church. AS Also, The most material Errors of that Book are exposed and refuted. By James Dundass, M. A. Presbyter of
    Dundass, James
  • 105893
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    A sure guide to merchants, custom-house officers, &c. or the modern practice of the Court of Exchequer; in prosecutions relating to His Majesty's revenue of the customs. ... By an officer of the customs
    B. Y
  • 105894
    Book Info
    A system of English ecclesiastical law. Extracted from the Codex juris ecclesiastici anglicani of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London. For the Use of Young Students in the Universities, who are designed for Holy Orders. By Richard Grey, M. A. Rector of Hinton in Northamptonshire
    Gibson, Edmund
  • 105895
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    A third letter to Dr. Mead, concerning a new edition of Thuanus's History
    Buckley, Samuel
  • 105896
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    A translation of Horace's epistle to Augustus, in imitation of Lord Roscommon's stile in The art of poetry. Most humbly inscrib'd and dedicated, to His Excellency John Lord Carteret, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland
  • 105897
    Book Info
    A treatise concerning the state of departed souls before, and at, and after the resurrection. Written originally in Latin by the late Rev. Dr. Thomas Burnet, Master of the Charter-House, Author of the Theory of the Earth. Translated into English by Mr. Dennis
    Burnet, Thomas
  • 105898
    Book Info
    A treatise of buggs: shewing when and how they were first brought into England. How they are brought into and infect Houses. Their Nature, several Foods, Times and Manner of Spawning and Propagating in this Climate. Their great Increase accounted for, by Proof of the Numbers each Pair produce in a Season. Reasons given why all Attempts hitherto made for their Destruction have proved ineffectual. V
    Southall, John
  • 105899
    Book Info
    A treatise of musick, speculative, practical and historical. Containing an explication of the philosophical and rational grounds and principles thereof; The Nature and Office of the Scale of Musick; The whole Art of Writing Notes; And the General Rules of Composition. With A Particular Account of the Antient Musick, and a Comparison thereof with the Modern. By Alexander Malcolm, A. M.
    Malcolm, Alexander
  • 105900
    Book Info
    A treatise of navigation: containing, I. The theory of navigation demonstrated; wherein it is proved, that the Nature of the thing called Departure is quite different from that which the Writers upon this Subject took it to be: That Middle-Latitude Sailing is erroneous; and that the common Method of keeping Reckonings in Meridional Distance, is grossly false. II. Nautical problems: Of a single Cou
    Harris, Joseph