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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,941 - 105,960건 출력
  • 105941
    Book Info
    An address to the inhabitants of the two great cities of London and Westminster: in relation to a pastoral letter said to be written by the Bishop of London, to the People of his Diocess: Occasion'd by some late Writings in Favour of Infidelity
    Tindal, Matthew
  • 105942
    Book Info
    An anatomical and mechanical essay on the whole animal oeconomy; in one view. Wherein is shewn the most wonderfull conduct of nature in all the phænomena attending human bodies, with many curious Subjects not commonly treated of. Necessary For all Lovers of Knowledge, particularly Young Students in Anatomy, Physick and Surgery. With An Alphabetical Catalogue of Authors Names referred to on several
    Cook, John
  • 105943
    Book Info
    An anatomical and mechanical essay on the whole animal oeconomy; in one view. Wherein is shewn, the most wonderful conduct of nature in all the phænomena attending humam [sic] bodies; ... Vol.II. By John Cook, ...
    Cook, John
  • 105944
    Book Info
    An answer to Dr. D-----y's fable of the pheasant and the lark
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 105945
    Book Info
    An answer to Mr. Woolston's Discourses on the miracles of our Saviour. By Will. Doyle, LL.B. ...
    Doyle, William
  • 105946
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    An answer to the Remarks upon Dr. Clarke's exposition of the church-catechism
    Sykes, Arthur Ashley
  • 105947
    Book Info
    An answer to the Remarks upon Dr. Clarke's exposition of the church-catechism.
    Sykes, Arthur Ashley
  • 105948
    Book Info
    An apology to the Lady C-r-t. On her inviting Dean S--f--t to dinner; he came accordingly, but, Her Ladyship being abroad, went away: at her return, she enquired for him; and not hearing of him, sent the next day to invite him again: when he came, he went to make an apology, for his going away, but my lady wou'd accept of none but in verse
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 105949
    Book Info
    An appeal to his Majesty's most gracious promise of never forgetting those that have distinguished themselves in his service; the humble petition of John Dunton, gent.
    Dunton, John
  • 105950
    Book Info
    An appeal to reason, in a comparison of the belief of the Christians, and of the Deists
  • 105951
    Book Info
    An appeal to the genuine records and testimonies of heathen and Jewish writers; being full evidence for the truth of the Christian religion, and its primitive doctrines. In several conferences. Part I
    Dawson, Thomas
  • 105952
    Book Info
    An earnest invitation to the house of God, or the true Christian's love to God's publick worship: being the substance of two sermons preach'd February 8th, 1729/30. By W. Bush, V. D. M. Published at the Request of the Hearers
    Bush, William
  • 105953
    Book Info
    An elegiac essay on the death of the Reverend Mr. John Noble, who deceased the 12th of June, 1730. in the 71st year of his age. ... By Sayer Rudd
    Rudd, Sayer
  • 105954
    Book Info
    An elegy and epitaph on the never to be lamented death of Colonel Lewis Campbel, who was executed in the Grass Market of Edinburgh, for the crime of thift [sic] and robbery, on Munday April 6, 1730
  • 105955
    Book Info
    An enquiry after virtue: in a letter to a friend
    Morris, Robert
  • 105956
    Book Info
    An enquiry into the causes of infidelity. In two Discourses upon John Vii. 17. Deliver'd at St. Mary's in Cambridge, Before the University: The former being an Act-Sermon, on May 18. The other on the Commencement-Sunday, June 29, 1729. (the Publication of which, particularly the latter, was desired by several who heard them.) To which is prefixed, A Discourse concerning the true Interpretation of
    Sharp, Thomas
  • 105957
    Book Info
    An enquiry into the causes of the decay of the dissenting interest. In a letter to a dissenting minister.
    Gough, Strickland
  • 105958
    Book Info
    An enquiry into the causes of the decay of the dissenting interest: In a letter to a dissenting minister.
    Gough, Strickland
  • 105959
    Book Info
    An enquiry into the force of the objection made against the resurrection of Christ, From the Circumstance of His not appearing openly to the Rulers and People of the Jews after He rose from the Dead. Wherein what Mr. Woolston offers on that head in his Sixth discourse is particularly consider'd
    Horsley, John
  • 105960
    Book Info
    An epistle from Calista to Altamont.