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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 105,981 - 106,000건 출력
  • 105981
    Book Info
    An exact and full account of the late amazing revolution in Turkey: with historical and political remarks on the same: as likewise on that surprizing Turkish revolution that happen'd in the year 1703. A Treatise very fitting to be read by all Evil and Corrupt Ministers, however Dignify'd and Distinguish'd
  • 105982
    Book Info
    An exact relation of the wonderful cure of Mary Maillard, ... who was lame for the first thirteen years of her life: And the manner in which she was instantly healed, ... with some reflections on the whole
  • 105983
    Book Info
    An examination of what has been advanced relating to moral obligation, in a late pamphlet, entitled, A defence of the Answer to the Remarks upon Dr. Clarke's Exposition of the church-catechism. By John Clarke, Master of the Publick Grammar-School in Hull
    Clarke, John
  • 105984
    Book Info
    An excellent ballad of the deposing of King Richard the Second, and how, after many miseries, he was barbarously murder'd in Pomfret Castle. Tune of, Regard my sorrows
  • 105985
    Book Info
    An excellent ballad; of the noble marquis and patient Grissel. To the tune of, The bride's goodmorrow, &c.
    Deloney, Thomas
  • 105986
    Book Info
    An exposition of the church-catechism. By Samuel Clarke, D. D. late Rector of St. James's Westminster. Published from the author's manuscript. By John Clarke, D. D. Dean of Sarum
    Church of England
  • 105987
    Book Info
    An exposition of the church-catechism. By Samuel Clarke, D. D. late Rector of St. James's, Westminster. Published from the author's manuscript. By John Clarke, D. D. Dean of Sarum. To which is added, his Three practical essays, on baptism, confirmation, and repentance. Containing Full Instructions for a Holy Life: With earnest Exhortations, especially to young Persons, drawn from the Consideration
    Church of England
  • 105988
    Book Info
    An exposition on the thirty nine articles of the Church of England: founded on the Holy Scriptures, and the fathers of the three first centuries. In two volumes. By J. Veneer, Rector of S. Androw's in Chichester. The second edition with very large additions. ...
    Church of England
  • 105989
    Book Info
    An expostulatory letter to Mr. Woolston, on account of his late writings. By a clergyman in the country
    Clergyman in the country
  • 105990
    Book Info
    An historical account of the discipline and jurisdiction of the Church of England. Shewing I. The nature of the Christian church, as a Society endowed with Fundamental Rights, to preserve its own Being. II. A defense of our Reformation and the Two distinguishing Principles of it, the Superiority of Bishops, and the Supremacy of Kings. III. The affection of King James I. and King Charles I. to our
    Kennett, White
  • 105991
    Book Info
    An historical account of the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts: containing their foundation, proceedings, and the success of their missionaries in the British Colonies, to the year 1728
    Humphreys, David
  • 105992
    Book Info
    An historical account of the several English translations of the Bible, and the opposition they met with from the Church of Rome. By Anthony Johnson, A. M. Rector of Swarkston in Derbyshire
    Johnson, Anthony
  • 105993
    Book Info
    An historical and philosophical account of the barometer : or Weather-Glass. Wherein The Reason and Use of that Instrument, the Theory of the Atmosphere, the Causes of its different Gravitation are assign'd and explain'd. And a Modest Attempt from thence made towards a rational Account and probable Judgment of the Weather. By Edw. Saul, A. M. late Fellow of Magdalen College Oxford, and Rector o...
    Saul, Edward
  • 105994
    Book Info
    An historical ballad, humbly inscrib'd to the Duumviri
  • 105995
    Book Info
    An historical ballad. Humbly inscribed to the Duum viri
  • 105996
    Book Info
    An historical list of all horse-matches run, and of all plates and prizes run for in England and Wales (of the Value of Ten Pounds or upwards) in 1730. Containing, The Names of the Owners of the Horses that have Run as above, and the Names and Colours, of the said Horses also. With The Winner distinguished of every Match, Plate, Prize, or Stakes: The Conditions of Running, as to Weight, Age, Size,
    Cheny, John
  • 105997
    Book Info
    An humble proposal for obtaining His Majesty's royal charter, to incorporate a society for promoting Christian Knowledge among the poor natives of the Kingdom of Ireland.
  • 105998
    Book Info
    An impartial examination and full confutation of the argument brought by Mr. Woolston's pretended rabbi, (as publish'd in his last Performance) against the Truth of our Saviour's Resurrection, viz. That He appear'd only to his Disciples, after He had Risen, and not publickly to the Chief Priests and the People of Jerusalem
  • 105999
    Book Info
    An inquiry in what sense, and upon what Grounds, Persons, who naturally dread Death, may yet desire not to live always. Being a funeral sermon, occasion'd by the death of Mrs. Prudence Welman, who departed this life, Nov. 1. 1729. ætat. 74. By Henry Grove
    Grove, Henry
  • 106000
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the miracle said to have been wrought in the fifth century upon some orthodox Christians, In confirmation of the Doctrine of the Trinity, Who continued to speak clearly and distinctly, after their Tongues had been cut out by order of Hunneric, an Arian, King of the Vandals. In a Letter to a Friend