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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,001 - 106,020건 출력
  • 106001
    Book Info
    An interest-Book, at 4,5,6,7,8 per cent. from 1000l. to 1l. for 1 day to 92 days, and for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and 12 months. Exactly examin'd, by John Castaing
    Castaing, John
  • 106002
    Book Info
    An introduction to the law of tenures. By Martin Wright, ...
    Wright, Martin
  • 106003
    Book Info
    An introduction to the skill of musick: in three books: by John Playford. Containing I. The Grounds and Principles of Musick, according to the Gamut: In the most Easy Method, for Young Practitioners. II. Instructions and Lessons for the Treble Tenor, and Bass-Viols; and also for the Treble-Violin. III. The Art of Descant, or Composing Musick in Parts: Made very Plain and Easy by the late Mr. Henry
    Playford, John
  • 106004
    Book Info
    An introduction to, or a short discourse concerning, universal history. In two parts. Faithfully compar'd with, and done (with some little Alterations) from the Original of that Illustrious Author James Benigne Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux and Condom, And Proeceptor to His Royal Highness the Dauphin; by Richard Spencer, A. M. Master of the School at Tunbridge
    Bossuet, Jacques B{acute}enigne
  • 106005
    Book Info
    An ode compos'd for the publick commencement, At Cambridge: On Monday July the 6th. 1730. At the Musick-Act. The Words by Alexander Pope Esq; The Musick by Maurice Greene, Doctor in Musick
    Pope, Alexander
  • 106006
    Book Info
    An ode, to Alexander Robertson, of Strowan, Esq;
  • 106007
    Book Info
    An ode, to be perform'd at the Castle of Dublin, on the 1st. of March 1729-30. Being the birth-day of Her most serene Majesty Queen Caroline: by the special command of His Excellency John Lord Carteret. Set to Musick for this Day, by Mr. Matthew Dubourg, Chief Composer and Master of His Majesty's Musick attending the State in Ireland
    Sheridan, Thomas
  • 106008
    Book Info
    An ode: inscrib'd to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham, on his embarking for France. By John Lockman
    Lockman, John
  • 106009
    Book Info
    An oration delivered at Evesham, on the Fifth of November, 1730. By William Watkins, M. A. Rector of Alkerton, and Master of the King's Grammar-School in Evesham. Tantum Religio potuit Suadere Malorum. Publish'd at the Request of several of the Auditors
    Watkins, William
  • 106010
    Book Info
    Analysis of Belloste's pills, and their manner of operating in the human body, by the author himself; with full directions for using of this remedy
    Belloste, Augustin
  • 106011
    Book Info
    Annotations on the New Testament of Jesus Christ in which I. The literal sense is explained ... II. The false interpretations, ... are briefly examined and disproved. III. With an account of the chief differences betwixt the text of the ancient Latin-version, and the Greek in the printed editions, and MSS. ... By RW. D.D.
    Witham, Robert
  • 106012
    Book Info
    Apollo Anglicanus: the English apollo Assisting All Persons in the Right Understanding of this Year's Revolutions, as also of Things past, present, and to come. A twofold Kalendar, viz. Julian or English, and Gregorian or Foreign Computations, more plain and full than any other; with the Rising and Setting of the Sun, the Nightly Rising and Setting of the Moon, and also her Southing, exactly calcu
    Saunders, Richard
  • 106013
    Book Info
    Aristotle's compleat and experienc'd midwife : in two parts. I. A guide for child-bearing women, in the Time of their Conception, Bearing and Suckling their Children; with the best Means of helping them, both in Natural, and Unnatural Labours: Together with suitable Remedies for the various Indisposition of New-Born Infants. II. Proper and safe remedies for the curing all those distempers that ...
  • 106014
    Book Info
    Aristotle's last legacy, unfolding the mystery of nature in the generation of man: treating, I. Of virginity, its Signs and Tokens, and how a Man may know whether he married a Virgin or not. II. Of the Organs of Generation in Women, with a description of the Fabrick of the Womb. III. Of the Use and Action of Genitals in the Work of Generation. IV. Of Conception; and how to know whether a Woman has
  • 106015
    Book Info
    Arithmetick made easie for the use and benefit of trades-men. ... The eighteenth edition, corrected and amended By J. Ayres, ... To which is added, A short and easie method ... of accompts. By Charles Snell, ...
    Ayres, John
  • 106016
    Book Info
    Arithmetick made easier than any hitherto extant; for the farther improvement and interest of trades-men. Wherein is Exhibited, That very Useful Science, in a new and more familiar Manner, in all its Branches, both Vulgar and Decimal. With the ready way of computing divers Sorts of Goods sold by Retale. Also, A practical Specimen of Mensuration of Plains and Solids. By D. Ayres School-Master
    Ayres, Daniel
  • 106017
    Book Info
    Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical, exhibited ... within the Archdeaconry of Lincoln. At the visitation held by ... George Newell, ...
    Church of England
  • 106018
    Book Info
    Articles, to be enquired of in the Diocese of Carlisle, at the general chapter of visitation, anno dom. 17 [space] By John Waugh, ...
    Church of England
  • 106019
    Book Info
    Asgill upon Woolston; being an abstract of Mr. Woolston's six discourses against the miracles of Christ, (be the same more or less.) And a ridicule thereof. With a postscript, and a post-postscript. Written by Mr. Asgill
    Asgill, John
  • 106020
    Book Info
    Authentick memoirs of the life of that celebrated actress Mrs. Ann Oldfield. Containing a genuine account of her transactions from her infancy to the time of her decease