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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,081 - 106,100건 출력
  • 106081
    Book Info
    Cupid's decoy: or, the fatal snare. Shewing the miserable condition most men are under in the state of matrimony. Written by a gentleman who has wofully experienced the sad consequences of rash and inconsiderate marriage
    Gentleman who has wofully experienced the sad consequences of rash | inconsiderate marriage
  • 106082
    Book Info
    Cyd-gordiad egwyddorawl o'r Scrythurau: neu daflen lythyrennol o'r prif eiriau yn y Bibl Sanctaidd. Yn arain, dan y cyfryw eiriau, i fuan ganfod pob rhyw ddymunol ran o'r Scrythurau. A gyfan-soddwyd drwy lafurus boen Abel Morgan, gwenidog yr elengyl er lle's y cymru
    Morgan, Abel
  • 106083
    Book Info
    Cyfarwyddiad i fesur-wyr. Neu arfer cyffeedin o't dowy droedfedd. I Fesur Coed, pa un bynnag o'i crynion a'i yfcwâr, a'i byrddau, ystyllog a phlaneiau, ac hesyd meini, lloriau, muriau. Weuscott, gwydr, gwaith y llyfwyr, a gwaith gof with fesur; ac amryw o bethau eraill yo arferol o gael eu mesur with y ddwy droedfedd. Ac felly yn fuddiol i'r saer maen a choed, ioiner, gwydr-wr, llyswyr a chlydwyr
  • 106084
    Book Info
    Cyfreithjeu Hywel Dda ac eraill, seu leges Wallicae Ecclesiasticae & Civiles Hoeli Boni et Aliorum Walliae Principum, quas Ex variis Codicibus Manuscriptis eruit, Interpretatione Latina, Notis & Glossario illustravit Guilielmus Wottonus, S.T.P. adjuvante Mose Guilielmio, A.M.R.S. Soc. Qui & appendicem adjecit
  • 106085
    Book Info
    Cyfreithjeu Hywel Dda ac eraill, seu leges Wallicae Ecclesiasticae & Civiles Hoeli Boni et Aliorum Walliae Principum, quas ex variis Codicibus Manuscriptis eruit, Interpretatione Latina, Notis & Glossario illustravit Gulielmus Wottonus, S. T. P. adjuvante Mose Gulielmio, A. M. R. S. Soc. Qui & Appendicem adjecit
  • 106086
    Book Info
    Damon and Phillida: or, the rover reclaim'd. As perform'd by His Grace the Duke of Grafton's servants, at the Theatre at Norwich, &c.
    Cibber, Colley
  • 106087
    Book Info
    David Bindon, appellt. William Ryves and William Doyle, respts. The appellant's case
    Bindon, David
  • 106088
    Book Info
    David Bindon, merchant - appellant. William Ryves and William Doyle, merchants -- respondents. The respondent William Ryves's case
    Ryves, William
  • 106089
    Book Info
    De morbo gallico : A treatise of the French disease, publish'd above 200 years past, by Sir Ulrich Hutten, Kt. Of Almayn in Germany. Translated soon after into English, by a Canon of Marten-Abbye. Now again revised and recommended to the press, with a preface to the same, and a letter at the close, to Mr. James Fern, surgeon, concerning a very singular suppos'd Infection. By Daniel Turner Of th...
    Hutten, Ulrich von
  • 106090
    Book Info
    Decreet arbitral determining certain questions that were depending between the magistrates, Merchant-Council, and Trades of the City of Edinburgh
    Edinburgh (Scotland)
  • 106091
    Book Info
    Delights for young men and maids: or, the best book of riddles ever yet publish'd. ... To which is added, some maggots and whimsies to puzzle lovers; ... As also Cupid's cabinet open'd; or, the art of writing secret love-letters
  • 106092
    Book Info
    Des. Erasmi Roterodami Ecclesiastes, sive concionator evangelicus. Liber primus. ... Cui præsigitur Dissertatio præliminaris. Uterque in usum juventutis academicæ, ...
    Erasmus, Desiderius
  • 106093
    Book Info
    Devotions in the ancient way of offices. With psalms, hymns, and prayers for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. To which are added, Occasional Offices, And other Devotions in the same Ancient Way. Reform'd by a person of quality, and publish'd by George Hickes, D.D.
    Birchley, William
  • 106094
    Book Info
    Dictionarium Angliæ topographicum & historicum. An alphabetical description of the chief places in England and Wales; With an account of the most memorable events which have distinguish'd them. By the celebrated antiquary William Lambarde, formerly of Lincoln's-Inn, Esq; and author of the Perambulation of Kent. Now first publish'd from a manuscript under the author's own hand
    Lambarde, William
  • 106095
    Book Info
    Dictionarium Britannicum: or a more compleat universal etymological English dictionary than any extant. Containing Not only the Words, and their Explication; but their Etymologies from the Antient British, Teutonick, Low and High Dutch, Saxon, Danish, Norman and Modern French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Chaldee, &c. each in its proper Character. Also Explaining hard and technical Word
    Bailey, N
  • 106096
    Book Info
    Dionysiou Longinou peri hypsous biblion. = Dionysii Longini de sublimitate libellus, cum præfatione de vita & scriptis Longini, notis, indicibus, & variis lectionibus.
  • 106097
    Book Info
    Directions to church-wardens for the faithful discharge of their office. By Humphrey Prideaux, D. D. Dean of Norwich, and Arch-Deacon of Suffolk. To this edition is added a table of the contents, and a large alphabetical index
    Prideaux, Humphrey
  • 106098
    Book Info
    Dissectio mentis human?: or a satiric essay on modern critics, stage and epic poets, translators, drolls, ill-repute, burials, Great Guns and Gun-Powder, Physicians, Sleep, Politicians, Patrons, Necessity, Philosophers, Prophets, Conjurors, Witches, Astrologers, Stars, Gypsies, Cunning-Men, Physiognomy, Giants, Human-Complexions, Fictitious Beings, Elves or Faries, Apparitions, Men of Business, We
    Morrice, Bezaleel
  • 106099
    Book Info
    Divine rectitude: or, a brief inquiry concerning the moral perfections of the deity; particularly in respect of creation and providence
    Balguy, John
  • 106100
    Book Info
    Dr. Allen's Synopsis medicin{aelig} : or, a brief and general collection of the whole practice of physick. Containing the Opinions and Judgments of the most Celebrated Authors, concerning Diseases, their Causes and Remedies. With Most Cases in Surgery and Midwifery. To which are added, Some Observations very rare and uncommon; and a Curious Treatise on all Sorts of Poysons. In two parts. Transl...
    Allen, John