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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,121 - 106,140건 출력
  • 106121
    Book Info
    False religion worse than no religion. An enquiry concerning superstition, as it affects the rights and happiness of civil society. Written for the advancement of true religion and virtue
  • 106122
    Book Info
    Fancy-Logy. A discourse on the doctrine of the necessity of human actions, proving it to be a fanaticism. Treated in a manner wholly new. To which is added, Some Heads, by way of Instruction, for a Design'd Lecture of Rational Morality and Religion; attempting a compleat System, deduc'd from a Consideration of Man in the State of Nature. In which is shew'd, That enforcing Things for Religion again
    Lyons, J
  • 106123
    Book Info
    Farther considerations for the improvement of the tillage in Ireland: with an account of the advantages of the ploughs and methods recommended in a former treatise, as since proved on Tryal. With some improvements not in the former edition. And Some Remarks added for an easy Improvement of the Lands now used in Tillage, and of other Lands in this Kingdom. By Sam. Pierson. A.B.
    Pierson, Sam
  • 106124
    Book Info
    Farther observations on the writings of The craftsman. Or, Short Remarks upon a late Pamphlet, entituled, An Answer to the Observations on the Writings of the Craftsman
    Hervey, John Hervey
  • 106125
    Book Info
    Fatal love: or, the degenerate brother. A tragedy. As acted at the Theatre in the Hay-Market. Written by Osborne Sidney Wandesford Esq;
    Wandesford, Osborne Sidney
  • 106126
    Book Info
    Father Paul of beneficiary matters: or, the dues of the altar. Being, a compleat history of ecclesiastical revenues. Shewing, I. Their Rise, Progress, and the Various Means by which they have accrued to the Church. II. Why the Church in its Infancy had no Immovable Estates. III. That Ecclesiasticks become too greedy in acquiring Estates; and that their Avarice ought to be restrained. IV. That Esta
    Sarpi, Paolo
  • 106127
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons preach'd on several occasions. By Richard Duke, M. A. late Prebendary of Gloucester, Rector of Witney in Oxfordshire, and Chaplain in Ordinary to her Majesty. Publish'd from the Author's Original Copies
    Duke, Richard
  • 106128
    Book Info
    Fifty eight sermons preached out of the first lessons of every Sunday in the year, at evening prayer. With an appendix of six sermons upon morning lessons, added to compleat the course of the two first volumes. By William Reading, M. A. Keeper of the Library at Sion-College. ...
    Reading, William
  • 106129
    Book Info
    Finishing the Christian course, considered and argued. A funeral sermon, occasion'd by the death of the late Reverend John Evans, D.D. who deceased May 16, 1730. ... Preach'd at New Broad-Street in Petty-France. To which is added the practical improvement. By W. Harris, ...
    Harris, William
  • 106130
    Book Info
    Flora, an opera. As it is perform'd at the theatres. Made from Hob, or the country-wake
    Hippisley, John
  • 106131
    Book Info
    Fontenelle's Dialogues of the dead, in three parts. I. Dialogues of the antients. II The antients with the moderns. III. The moderns. Translated from the French by the late John Hughes, Esq; With a reply to some remarks in a Critique, call'd The judgment of Pluto, &c. And two original dialogues
    Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de
  • 106132
    Book Info
    Frances Boval widow, surviving executrix of Rebecca Duffay widow, deceased; and also administratix of the goods, ... of William Rushley deceased, not administred by the said Rebecca Duffay, appellants [sic]. Peter Theobald and Joseph Theobald, administrators of the goods, ... of John Theobald deceased; not administred by Ann Theobald widow, ... of the said John Theobald, respondents. The appellant
    Boval, Frances
  • 106133
    Book Info
    Francisci Baconi Baronis de Verulamio, Vicecomitis Sancti Albani, Magni Angliae Cancellarii, opera omnia, quatuor voluminibus … Vol. I. …
    Bacon, Francis
  • 106134
    Book Info
    Free thoughts on Mr. Woolston and his writings. In a letter to a gentleman of Leyden. The second edition. To which is prefixed, a catalogue of all the books that have been wrote, pro and con, in the Woolstonian controversy: with the Names of their several Authors; and their respective Prices
  • 106135
    Book Info
    Free thoughts on the most probable means of reviving the dissenting interest. Occasion'd by the late enquiry into the causes of its decay. Address'd to the author of that enquiry. By a minister in the country.
    Doddridge, Philip
  • 106136
    Book Info
    Free thoughts on the most probable means of reviving the dissenting interest: Occasion'd by the late enquiry into the causes of its decay. Address'd to the author of that enquiry. By a minister in the country.
    Doddridge, Philip
  • 106137
    Book Info
    Freedom: a poem, written in time of recess from the rapacious claws of bailiffs, and devouring fangs of goalers, by Andrew Brice, printer. To which is annexed the author's case
    Brice, Andrew
  • 106138
    Book Info
    Geographia sacra illustrata or sacred geography illustrated. Containing, a view of many things belonging to ye Jews & their worship ...
  • 106139
    Book Info
    George Robinson and Anne his wife, and William Court, an infant, - - appellants. Grace Mercer widow, John Mercer, and Joseph, Mary, Jemima, James, and Elizabeth Mercer, infants, - - respondents. The appellant's case
    Robinson, George
  • 106140
    Book Info
    George Robinson, and Anne his wife, in behalf of themselves, and of William Court, a minor; appellants. Grace Mercer, relict of John Mercer, late of the city of Dublin, merchant, deceased, and her six infant children; respondents. The respondents case
    Mercer, Grace