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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,141 - 106,160건 출력
  • 106141
    Book Info
    George Smollet Provost of the Burgh of Dumbarton, James Duncanson and Humphry Collquhonn Baillies of the said Burgh; Giles Mitchel Dean of Guild, James Nicoll Treasurer of the said Burgh; Sir James Smaller, Dongal Campbell of Craignish, John Semple of Dulmoack, James Champbell, Son of William Campbell, late Baillie of Dumbarton, Jomes Houal Merchant; John Irwine, William Curroch, John Glen, Willia
    Smollet, George
  • 106142
    Book Info
    Giulio Cesare in Egitto. Drama. Da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro di Hay-Market
    Haym, Nicola Francesco
  • 106143
    Book Info
    Government the pillar of the earth. A sermon preached at the lecture in Boston, before His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq; captain general and commander in chief, &c. August 13th 1730. By Benjamin Colman. [Two lines from Isaiah]
    Colman, Benjamin
  • 106144
    Book Info
    Graffanio-Mastix: or, a collection of curious poems on the Censor. Containing, I. The Censoriad. II. The Defence. III. The Threnodia. IV. The Last Will. V. Variae Lectiones, excerptae ex operibus Nugatoriis Bentleii Theob. & Welstedii. All curiously illustrated with annotations of divers learned Authors. To which is prefixed the life of Mart. Gulliver
  • 106145
    Book Info
    Grammar made easy, containing Despauter's Grammar reform'd, and rendred plain and obvious to the capacity of youth. Together with a new method of teaching Latin, by ten English particles. To which is added, a critical syntax
    Watt, Thomas
  • 106146
    Book Info
    Harmonia perfecta: A Compleat Collection of Psalm Tunes, in four parts, the three upper parts being transposed into the treble cliff; fitted to all the various measures now in use: taken from the most eminent masters, chiefly from Mr. Ravenscroft. To which is added, A dialogue upon death: With several Psalm Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, never before Publish'd: With an Introduction to Psalmody, and a
    Gawthorn, Nathaniel
  • 106147
    Book Info
    Heaven upon earth; or, The best friend in the worst times. Being an earnest exhortation to get acquainted with God, as the only real way to good and blessedness. By James Janeway
    Janeway, James
  • 106148
    Book Info
    Henry Davies, gentleman, surviving executor of Dame Margaret Boreman, deceas'd; and brother and heir of of his late Sister Elizabeth Gibbs, late Elizabeth appellant. Henry Gibbs, gentleman, administrator of the said Elizabeth Gibbs, his late wife, deceas'd, - - respondent. The respondent's case
    Gibbs, Henry
  • 106149
    Book Info
    His Excellency John Lord Carteret, Lord Lieutenant General and General Governour of Ireland, His speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Wednesday the Fifteenth Day of April, 1730
  • 106150
    Book Info
    Histoire des révolutions de Portugal. Par M. L'Abbé de Vertot, de L'Academie Rovale des Inscriptions & Medailles
  • 106151
    Book Info
    Historia morbi : quo nuper mortuus est Thomas Hurdman, Londinensis: conscripta {grave}a Gulielmo Gr{aelig}me.
    Graeme, William
  • 106152
    Book Info
    Historical memoirs of the life of Dr. Samuel Clarke. Being a supplement to Dr. Sykes's and Bishop Hoadley's accounts. Including certain Memoirs of several of Dr. Clarke's Friends. By William Whiston, M. A. Sometime Professor of the Mathematicks in the University of Cambridge
    Whiston, William
  • 106153
    Book Info
    Horace to Scæva. Epist. XVII. Book 1. imitated
    Savage, John
  • 106154
    Book Info
    Horometria: or the compleat diallist. Shewing, how to calculate and describe the horizontal, and all manner of upright sun-dials, either direct, or declining in any latitude. Also, An Easie, New and Speedy Method, of Describing Hour-Lines on all the aforesaid Plain by the Sector. To which is annexed, Tables calculated for the latitude of 51 deg 30 min. viz. London. An several other places in both
    Good, John
  • 106155
    Book Info
    Human virtues: or, a collection of the rules of scripture, that teach men to live soberly, and to be happy in themselves. By Samuel Wright, D. D. Preacher of the Gospel in Black-Fryers
    Wright, S
  • 106156
    Book Info
    Imperium pelagi. A naval lyrick: written in imitation of Pindar's Spirit. Occasion'd by His Majesty's return, Sept. 1729. and the succeeding peace
    Young, Edward
  • 106157
    Book Info
    Index plantarum officinalium : quas, ad materi{aelig} medic{aelig} scientiam promovendam, in Horto Chelseiano, ali ac demonstrari curavit Societas Pharmaceutica Londinensis.
    Rand, Isaac
  • 106158
    Book Info
    Information for David Henderson merchant in Kilmarnock, against Hugh Stewart and William Brotherstones officers of excise at Irvine
    Henderson, David
  • 106159
    Book Info
    Information for Hugh Lord Fraser of Lovat, against Captain Simon Fraser of Beaufort
    Fraser, Hugh
  • 106160
    Book Info
    Information for Hugh Lord Fraser of Lovat, against Captain Simon Fraser of Beaufort.
    Fraser, Hugh