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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,201 - 106,220건 출력
  • 106201
    Book Info
    Manure for land
    Liveings, Thomas
  • 106202
    Book Info
    Masonry dissected: being a universal and genuine description of all its branches from the original to this present time. As it is deliver'd in the constituted regular lodges ... To which is added, the author's vindication of himself. The third edition. By Samuel Prichard, ...
    Prichard, Samuel
  • 106203
    Book Info
    Masonry dissected: being a universal and genuine description of all its branches from the original to this present time. As it is deliver'd in the constituted regular lodges Both in City and Country, According to the Several Degrees of Admission. Giving an Impartial Account of their Regular Proceeding in Initiating their New Members in the whole Three Degrees of Masonry. Viz. I. Enter'd Prentice,
    Prichard, Samuel
  • 106204
    Book Info
    Mathematic lessons, for the use of students in the mathematics and natural philosophy. Compos'd by the Abbot de Molieres, Deliver'd at the College Royal of Paris, and Recommended by the most famous Mathematicians there. Done into English from the French by Thomas Haselden, Teacher of the Mathematics
    Privat de Moli{grave}eres, Joseph
  • 106205
    Book Info
    Mathematical discourses concerning two new sciences relating to mechanicks and local motion, in four dialogues. I. Of the Resistance of Solids against Fraction. II. Of the Cause of their Coherence. III. Of Local Motion, viz. Equable, and naturally Accelerate. IV. Of Violent Motion, or of Projects. By Galileo Galilei, Chief Philosopher and Mathematician to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. With an appe...
    Galilei, Galileo
  • 106206
    Book Info
    Maudlin, the merchant's daughter of Bristol ... To the tune of, The maiden's joy
  • 106207
    Book Info
    Memoires de Mr. du Gué-Trouin, chef d'escadre des armées de S.M.T.C. ...
    Duguay-Trouin, Ren{acute}e
  • 106208
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the life, writings, and amours of William Congreve Esq; interspersed with miscellaneous essays, letters, and characters, written by him. Also some very curious memoirs of Mr. Dryden and his family, with a character of him and his writings, by Mr. Congreve. Compiled ... by Charles Wilson Esq;
  • 106209
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the life, writings, and amours of William Congreve Esq; interspersed with miscellaneous essays, letters, and characters, written by him. Also some very curious memoirs of Mr. Dryden and his family, with a character of him and his writings, by Mr. Congreve. Compiled from their respective Originals, by Charles Wilson Esq;
  • 106210
    Book Info
    Memoria technica: or, a new method of artificial memory, applied to and exemplified in chronology, history, geography, astronomy. Also Jewish, Grecian and Roman coins, Weights and Measures, &c. With Tables proper to the respective Sciences; and Memorial Lines adapted to each Table
    Grey, Richard
  • 106211
    Book Info
    Memorials of affairs of state, during several of the last years of the reign of King William III. Containing (among others) authentick dispatches of Sir James Vernon, principal secretary of state: relating to the foreign negotiations of the Earl of Manchester, Mr. Hill, Stepney, Stanhope, &c. And likewise many affairs of importance concerning Ireland
  • 106212
    Book Info
    Methodus differentialis : sive tractatus de summatione et interpolatione serierum infinitarum. Auctore Jacobo Stirling, R.S.S.
    Stirling, James
  • 106213
    Book Info
    Micro-Techne : or, a methodical introduction to the art of chirurgery: in which every branch thereof is handled in a most natural, compendious and perspicuous manner; and constant References are made, under each Head, to the Best Authors who have treated on that Subject more largely. Together with a Critique on the most Eminent Writers in the Art. Written in Latin by Johannes van Horne, Profess...
    Horne, Johannes van
  • 106214
    Book Info
    Middx. ss. An alphabetical list of persons who are reputed to be common bail, whose recognizances (by suffering the same to becme [sic] forfeited) have been divers times estreated into the Court of Exchequer
    Middlesex (England)
  • 106215
    Book Info
    Mineralogia : or, an account of the extraordinary virtues and manfold uses of a mineral salt, both in physic and surgery, by land and by sea; ... By Edmund Packe ...
    Packe, Christopher
  • 106216
    Book Info
    Mineralogia : or, an account of the extraordinary virtues and manifold uses of a mineral salt, both in physic and surgery, by land and by sea; Which is so safe, Pleasant and effectual in its Operation, that it may be taken by those of all Ages and Constitutions with great Benefit, and with out Danger of the least Prejudice. The whole Exemplified by the Testimony of several eminent Physicians an...
    Packe, Christopher
  • 106217
    Book Info
    Miscellanea analytica de seriebus et quadraturis. Accessere variæ considerationes de methodis comparationum, combinationum & differentiarum, solutiones difficiliorum aliquot problematum ad sortem spectantium, ...
    Moivre, Abraham de
  • 106218
    Book Info
    Miscellaneous poems, by several hands. Published by D. Lewis.
    Lewis, D
  • 106219
    Book Info
    Miscellaneous tracts: in three volumes. By Michael Geddes, ...
    Geddes, Michael
  • 106220
    Book Info
    Mist's closet broke open: or, several letters intercepted; in which are contain'd some old truths new told. The letters are as follow: Caleb D'Anvers to Mist. B-u-ke to Mist. From Oxford to Mist. Captain Johnson to Mist. From France to Mist. From Spain to Mist. From Rome to Mist. From Germany to Mist. From Roan to Mist. Mist to the B- of R-ch-r. Mist to Bingley. Mist to the D- of W-t-n. Mist to Mi