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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,401 - 106,420건 출력
  • 106401
    Book Info
    The Suffolk miracle; being the relation of a young man, who after his death appeared to his sweetheart, and carried her behind him forty miles in two hour's time, and was never seen after, but in the grave. Tune of, My bleeding heart, &c.
  • 106402
    Book Info
    The adventures of Abdalla, son of Hanif; sent by the Sultan of the Indies, to make a discovery of the island of Borico. Intermix'd with several Curious and Instructive Histories. Translated into French from an Arabick Manuscript found at Batavia, with Notes explaining such Passages as relate to the Religion, Customs, &c. of the Indians and Mahometans, by Mr. de Sandisson, done into English by Will
    Bignon, Jean Paul
  • 106403
    Book Info
    The amours of Philario and Olinda: or the intrigues of Windsor. A genuine history
    S. L
  • 106404
    Book Info
    The anatomy of the human body. By William Cheselden, Surgeon to Her Majesty, F. R. S. And Surgeon to St. Thomas's-Hospital
    Cheselden, William
  • 106405
    Book Info
    The answer unto the letter written to a Quaker in Norfolk
  • 106406
    Book Info
    The antiquities of Warwickshire illustrated; From Records, Leiger-Books, Manuscripts, Charters, Evidences, Tombes, and Armes: Beautified with maps, prospects, and portraictures. By Sir William Dugdale. The second edition, in two volumes, printed from a copy corrected by the author himself, and with the original copper plates. The whole revised, augmented, and continued down to this present Time; b
    Dugdale, William
  • 106407
    Book Info
    The apology: or, a letter to a friend; setting forth the occasion, progress, and importance of the present controversy. By Samuel Fancourt
    Fancourt, Samuel
  • 106408
    Book Info
    The argument set forth in a late book, entitled Christianity as old as the Creation, Reviewed and Confuted. In several conferences. By Thomas Burnet, D. D. Conference I
    Burnett, Thomas
  • 106409
    Book Info
    The art of beauing: In Imitation Of Horace's Art of Poetry. Addres'd To a Certain Lord. By Martinus Gulliverianus
    Gulliverianus, Martinus
  • 106410
    Book Info
    The art of heraldry. Containing I. The original and universality of arms and ensigns, with their Use and Necessity; their Blazon, Distribution, Abatements, and Rewards of Honour. II. Of diverse Kinds of Escotcheons, and of the Bearing or Using the Ordinaries in Coat Armour. III. Of Coat Armour form'd of Artificial Things, whether Civil, Ecclesiastical, Military or Marine, such as are made by Man,
    Blome, Richard
  • 106411
    Book Info
    The art of japanning, Varnishing, Pollishing, and Gilding. Being a collection of very plain directions and receipts. Written for the Use of those who have a mind to follow those diverting and useful Amusements, and Published at the Request of several Ladies of Distinction. By Mrs. Artlove
  • 106412
    Book Info
    The art of knowing women: or, the female sex dissected, in a faithful representation of their virtues and vices, under the following Heads, Viz. I. General Ideas of Women. II. Of their Education. III. Of their Self-Love. IV. Of the Life they Chuse. V. Of their Religion and Devotion. VI. Of Love and Jealousy. Vii. Of Continence and Chastity. Viii. Of Marriage. IX. Of their Wit and Learning. X. Of t
    Bruys, Fran{cedil}cois
  • 106413
    Book Info
    The astronomical cylinder; or sun-dial. The construction. ...
    T. W
  • 106414
    Book Info
    The author's farce
    Fielding, Henry
  • 106415
    Book Info
    The author's farce; and The pleasures of the town. As acted at the theatre in the Hay-Market. Written by Scriblerus Secundus.
    Fielding, Henry
  • 106416
    Book Info
    The author's farce; and The pleasures of the town. As acted at the theatre in the Hay-Market. Written by Scriblerus Secundus.
    Fielding, Henry
  • 106417
    Book Info
    The author's farce; and The pleasures of the town. As acted at the theatre in the Hay-Market. Written by Scriblerus Secundus.
    Fielding, Henry
  • 106418
    Book Info
    The author's farce; and The pleasures of the town. As it is acted with great applause, at the theatres in London. Written by Scriblerus Secundus
    Fielding, Henry
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 106419
    Book Info
    The authority, jurisdiction and method of keeping County-Courts, Courts-Leet, and Courts-Baron. Explaining the judicial and ministerial authority of sheriffs: also, the office and duty of a coroner. By William Greenwood, gent
    Greenwood, William
  • 106420
    Book Info
    The bakers appeal; or the ruinous and deplorable condition of the bakers of London, and parts adjacent, Faithfully represented, and humbly address'd To A Member of Parliament