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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,461 - 106,480건 출력
  • 106461
    Book Info
    The compleat gentleman: or a description of the several qualifications, both Natural and Acquired, that are necessary to form a great man. Written originally in Spanish, by Baltasar Gratian, and now translated into English by T. Saldkeld
    Graci{acute}an, Baltasar
  • 106462
    Book Info
    The compleat gentleman: or a description of the several qualifications, both natural and acquired, that are necessary to form a great man. Written originally in Spanish, by Baltasar Gratian, and now translated into English by T. Saldkeld.
    Graci{acute}an, Baltasar
  • 106463
    Book Info
    The compleat housewife : or, accomplish'd gentlewoman's companion: being a collection of upwards of five hundred of the most approved receipts in Cookery, Pastry, Confectionary, Preserving, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made Wines, Cordials. With copper plates curiously engraven for the regular Disposition or Placing the various Dishes and Courses. And also Bills of Fare for every Month in t...
    Smith, E
  • 106464
    Book Info
    The complete measurer : or, the whole art of measuring. In two parts. The First Part teaching Decimal Arithmetic, with the Extraction of the Square and Cube-Roots. Also the Multiplication of Feet and Inches, commonly call'd Cross-Multiplication. The Second Part teaching to Measure all Sorts of Superficies and Solids, by Decimals, by Cross-Multiplication, and by Scale and Compasses. Also the Wor...
    Hawney, William
  • 106465
    Book Info
    The complete practical cook: or, a new system of the whole art and mystery of cookery. Being a select collection of above five hundred recipes for Dressing, after the most Curious and Elegant Manner (as well Foreign as English) all Kinds of Flesh, Fish, Fowl, &c. As also Directions to make all Sorts of excellent Pottages and Soups, fine Pastry, both sweet and savoury, delicate Puddings, exquisite
    Carter, Charles
  • 106466
    Book Info
    The conclave of Pope Gregory XIV. In the year 1591. Which lasted above Two Months. In which All the Intrigues, Arts and Management usual upon such Occasions are succinctly related: and The Parts which Secular Princes generally have in the Election of Popes is shewed in the Persons of the King of Spain, the Great Duke of Tuscany, and the Duke of Mantua, and their Ministers at that Time. Translated
  • 106467
    Book Info
    The conscious lovers. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. Written by Sir Richard Steele
    Steele, Richard
  • 106468
    Book Info
    The constitutions of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen, as amended by the Right Honourable the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen: and Afterwards Confirm'd and Approv'd by the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Holt and the Lord Chief Justice Parker. To which is prefix'd, A Table of the Contents of those By-Laws: And thereunto annex'd, An Abstract of the respective Duties of rulers, &c.
    Company of Watermen | Lightermen (London, England)
  • 106469
    Book Info
    The country spy; or a ramble thro' London. Containing many curious remarks, diverting tales, and merry joaks
  • 106470
    Book Info
    The covetous mother: or, the terrible overthrow of two loyal lovers. You that these wofal Tidings hear, Surely your Hearts will bleed; Who can forbear to shed a Tear, When they these Lines shall read?
  • 106471
    Book Info
    The credibility of the Gospel history: or, the facts occasionally mention'd in the New Testament confirmed by passages of ancient authors, Who were contemporary with our Saviour or his Apostles, or lived near their Time. With an appendix concerning the time of Herod's death. The second edition with additions. By Nathaniel Lardner
    Lardner, Nathaniel
  • 106472
    Book Info
    The curious and profitable gardener: by John Cowell, Of Hoxton. Containing I. The most useful experiments for improving land by grain and seeds. II. Curious directions for cultivating the choicest fruits of the East and West-Indies at a small Expence. III. Extraordinary remarks concerning the raising of flowers from seed IV. Particular observations and Rules for the Management of Dwarf Fruit-Trees
    Cowell, John
  • 106473
    Book Info
    The cxixth Psalm paraphras'd in English verse. By George Atwood, B. D. Archdeacon of Taunton
    Atwood, George
  • 106474
    Book Info
    The danger of falling from grace. Set forth in a farewell sermon preached at Ealing, in Middlesex, on Sunday the 28th of September, 1729. By Robert Palmer, D. D. Lecturer of the said Parish. Published at the Request of several of the Principal Inhabitants that heard it
    Palmer, Robert
  • 106475
    Book Info
    The designs of God's visitations. A sermon preached before The Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor and the Court of Aldermen, at the Cathedral-Church of S. Paul; On Wednesday, September 2. 1730. Being the Anniversary Fast for the Dreadful Fire of London. By John Banson, M. A. Vicar of S. Bartholomew the Less, and Chaplain to the Lord Mayor
    Banson, John
  • 106476
    Book Info
    The dispensary. A poem. In six canto's.
    Garth, Samuel
  • 106477
    Book Info
    The dispensary. A poem. In six canto's. With a compleat key to the whole
    Garth, Samuel
  • 106478
    Book Info
    The distinctions amongst Protestants, not inconsistent with the unity of the Church. A sermon preached at Trowbridge, in the county of Wilts. Novemb. 5. 1729. By Thomas Lucas
    Lucas, Thomas
  • 106479
    Book Info
    The distrest mother. A tragedy. To which is added, six pastorals. By Mr. Philips
    Philips, Ambrose
  • 106480
    Book Info
    The doctrine of justification by the righteousness of Christ, stated and maintained. Being the substance of several sermons preached at the Wednesday's evening lecture near Cripplegate. By John Gill
    Gill, John