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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,501 - 106,520건 출력
  • 106501
    Book Info
    The forced virgin; or, the unnatural mother. A true secret history
  • 106502
    Book Info
    The forced virgin; or, the unnatural mother. A true secret history.
  • 106503
    Book Info
    The four complexions: or, a treatise of consolatory instruction, against the time of temptation, for a sad and assaulted heart. ... Originally written in High-Dutch, March 1621. By Jacob Behmen, ...
    B{uml}ohme, Jakob
  • 106504
    Book Info
    The free Briton extraordinary: or, a short review of the British affairs. In answer to a pamphlet intitled, A short view, with remarks on the treaty of Seville, &c. Printed for R. Francklin. By Francis Walsingham, Of the Inner-Temple, Esq;
    Arnall, William
  • 106505
    Book Info
    The free Briton. Number 50. Containing reflections on the Irish troops in the service of France; with a defence of royal licences to raise recruits in Ireland. To which is now added, a postscript in answer to the Craftsman extraordinary. By Francis Walsingham of the Inner-Temple, Esq;
    Arnall, William
  • 106506
    Book Info
    The free-Masons accusation and defence. In six genuine letters. Between a gentleman in the country, and his son, a student in the Temple. Wherein The whole Affair of Masonry is fairly debated, and all the Arguments for and against that Fraternity, are curiously and impartially handled
    Gentleman in the country
  • 106507
    Book Info
    The french Protestant schoolmaster's catechism, dedicated for the pious use, and instruction of his own, and several other Presbyterian schools, and Godly Families in that Place In opposition to Popish Socinians, Arminians, Antinomians, Anabaptists, and Quakers; and in particular, to the horrid Arians; whose Blasphemous Tenets, Hell is Spuing out this Day upon the most part of the Earth. By a mini
    W. L
  • 106508
    Book Info
    The funeral: or, grief a-la-mode. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. Written by Sir Richard Steele
    Steele, Richard
  • 106509
    Book Info
    The gentleman and citizen's almanack for the year of our Lord, 1730. Being the Second after Bissertile or Leap-Year. Containing A Table of Terms, and Returns. A Table of Eclipses. The Days of the Year, necessary for finding the Number of Days or Weeks between any two Days. The Days of the Month. The Week-Days, named at large. The Holidays. The Moon's Age, Change, Full, and Quarters. The New Stile,
    Watson, John
  • 106510
    Book Info
    The gentleman's miscellany, In Verse and Prose. Serious, jocose, satyrical, humorous, and diverting. Containing, I. Orpheus, a Poem. II. On a Lady shifting herself. III. Mr. Prior's Epitaph. IV. The Answer. V. Dorinda, in Imitation of Ovid's Corinnae Concubitus. VI. Advice to the Hon. Lady - with the Character of a Religious Gamester. Vii. The King and the Cobler, a Tale. Viii. The Spectre. A Tale
    Maggot, Butterfly
  • 106511
    Book Info
    The gentleman's miscellany: in verse and prose. Serious, jocose, satyrical, humorous, and diverting. Containing, I. Orpheus, a Poem. II. On a Lady shifting herself. III. Mr. Prior's Epitaph. IV. The Answer. V. Dorinda, in Imitation of Ovid's Corinnae Concubitus. VI. Advice to the Hon. Lady Mary -. With the Character of a Religious Gamster. Vii. The King and the Cobler, a Tale. Viii. The Spectre. A
    Maggot, Butterfly
  • 106512
    Book Info
    The gentleman's pocket-farrier : shewing, how to use your horse on a journey. And what remedies are proper for common misfortunes that may befal him on the road. By Capt. William Burdon.
    Burdon, William
  • 106513
    Book Info
    The golden rule of divine philosophy: with the discovery of many mistakes in the religious extent. Written in two parts. Part. I. Concerning Divine Philosophy, Proposing and Answering many curious and critical Questions of Scripture very delightful to the curious Reader, and very helpful in many religious Disputes. Part. II. Concerning the Discovery of many Mistakes upheld in the Religions extant;
    Kirkpatrick, Robert
  • 106514
    Book Info
    The good stewards: or, the rewards of benevolence. Humbly presented to the Right Honourable Peter Lord King, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain
    Howard, W
  • 106515
    Book Info
    The gospel, a Reinforcement of the Law of Nature. A sermon Preached at Hackney, November 24. 1728. With a preface Shewing, That the Gospel is not an arbitrary or unnecessary Institution. In Answer to a Book intituled, Christianity as old as the Creation. By Thomas Bullock, M. A. Rector of North Creak in Norfolk
    Bullock, Thomas
  • 106516
    Book Info
    The gotham swan: or, the rook's flight from Gravesend. Being the remarkable case of Sherwin and his wife written by himself: in vindication of their innocent and wrongful sufferings by the false accusations of Thomas Goodman of West-Smithfield, and the horrible contrivances of William Silver, Innkeeper, Constable, and Post-Master of Gravesend. As it was given to the honourable Mr Justice Probyne,
    Sherwin, John
  • 106517
    Book Info
    The great case of tithes truly stated, clearly open'd and fully resolved, by Anthony Pearson, formerly a Justice of Peace in Westmorland. With an appendix thereto. To which is added, A defence of some other principles held by the people call'd Quakers, in which they differ from other Religious Denominations. The Arguments for these are supported by Scripture, and the concurring Sentiments of Ancie
    Pearson, Anthony
  • 106518
    Book Info
    The great case of tyths truly stated, clearly open'd, and fully resolv'd, by Anthony Pearson, formerly a Justice of Peace in Westmorland
    Pearson, Anthony
  • 106519
    Book Info
    The greatness of the soul, And Unspeakableness of the loss thereof; with the causes of losing it. First Preached at Pinners-Hall, and now Enlarged, and Published for Good. By John Bunyan
    Bunyan, John
  • 106520
    Book Info
    The happy bride: A Poem. In three canto's
    A. B