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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,561 - 106,580건 출력
  • 106561
    Book Info
    The last additions to Stricturæ lucis. By Nathaniel Markwick, S. T. B. Sometime Fellow of St. John Baptist's College in Oxford
    Markwick, Nathaniel
  • 106562
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    The last will and testament of the Censor: as it hath been, with all faithfulness, collected from the original Mss.
  • 106563
    Book Info
    The law of tithes; shewing their nature, kinds, properties and incidents; by whom, to whom, when, and in what Manner payable; how, and in what Courts to be sued for and recovered; what Things, Lands or Persons are charged with, or exempted therefrom. With the Nature, Incidents and Effects of Customs, Prescriptions, Real Compositions, Modus Decimandi, Libels, Suggestions, Prohibitions, Consultation
    Bohun, William
  • 106564
    Book Info
    The layman's vindication of the Christian religion. In Two Parts. I. The Layman's general Vindication of Christianity. II. The Layman's Plain Answer to a Late Book, intituled, A Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion. The Author Jacob Ilive
    Ilive, Jacob
  • 106565
    Book Info
    The life and character of James Butler, late Duke, Marquis, and Earl of Ormond, ... With a particular account of all his battles; and an impartial relation of the rise grandeur, merit, and personal endowments of that illustrious family. ... The whole publish'd from an authentick manuscripts. ...
    T. B
  • 106566
    Book Info
    The life and death of the great Duke of Buckingham, who came to an untimely end, for consenting to the deposing of the two gallant young princes, King Edward the Fourth's children. To the tune of Shore's wife. ...
  • 106567
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    The life and surprizing adventures of Mirandor. Translated from the Dutch. Adorned with thirteen cuts. In two volumes. ...
    Heinsius, Nicolaas
  • 106568
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    The life of Colonel Don Francisco. Containing the whole series of the most remarkable and unprecedented actions from his birth to the Time of his receiving sentence of death for a rape. To which is prefixed, as an Ornament, the effigy (curiously engraven) of Colonel Francis Chartres, now under sentence of Death in Newgate for the like fact
  • 106569
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    The life of Lucilio (alias Julius Cæsar) Vanini, burnt for atheism at Thoulouse. With an abstract of his writings. ... Translated from the French into English
    Durand, David
  • 106570
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    The life of the Right Reverend Dr. White Kennett, ... With several original letters ... And some curious original papers and records, never before publish'd.
    Newton, William
  • 106571
    Book Info
    The life of the Right Reverend Dr. White Kennett, Late Lord Bishop of Peterborough. With several original letters Of the late Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Tennison, The late Earl of Sunderland, Bishop Kennett, &c. And some curious original papers and records, never before publish'd
    Newton, William
  • 106572
    Book Info
    The life of the Right Reverend Dr. White Kennett, Late Lord Bishop of Peterborough. With several original letters Of the late Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Tennison, The late Earl of Sunderland, Bishop Kennett, &c. and some curious original records, never before publish'd
    Newton, William
  • 106573
    Book Info
    The lincoln's-Inn 'squire; or the Protestant turn'd Papist. A new ballad. To the tune of, The King and the abbot of Canterbury
  • 106574
    Book Info
    The lives of Picus and Pascal, faithfully collected from the most authentick accounts of them. To which is subjoin'd a parallel between those two Christian worthies. By Mr. Jesup
    Jesup, Edward
  • 106575
    Book Info
    The lives of saints, with other feasts of the year, according to the Roman calendar. Written in Spanish by the Reverend Father Peter Ribadeneira, Priest of the Society of Jesus. Translated into English by W.P. Esq; The second edition corrected and amended. Part I
    Ribadeneyra, Pedro de
  • 106576
    Book Info
    The london address: or, magistrates against the muses. A poetical paraphrase
  • 106577
    Book Info
    The london miscellany; being a collection of several scarce and valuable pieces, Viz. I. The Bean Monde, or the Pleasures of Saint James's, a Ballad. II. Dr. C-x-ll, to Sir R-t W-le, on his Fast Sermon. III. The Condemn'd Minuet, sung to Colonel C-s, in Newgate, on the Night of his Conviction. IV. Silvius and Miranda. A Tale. V. The new Black-Joak, by a Chapl-n to Man-of-War. VI. The humble Petiti
  • 106578
    Book Info
    The london miscellany; being a collection of several scarce and valuable pieces, Viz. I. The Beau Monde, or the Pleasures of St. James's, a Ballad. II. The Durham-Yard, or Dunkirk Ballad. III. Dr. C-x-ll, to Sir R-t W-le, on his Fast Sermon. IV. Verses spoke by the King's Scholars at Westminster, at their last Annual Feast. V. The Condemn'd Minuet, sung to Colonel Ch s in Newgate, on the Night of
  • 106579
    Book Info
    The lord, He is God: or, the atheist tormented, by sure prognosticks of hell fire: Proved From Reason, History, Scripture, and Authentic Remarkable Facts, and Vouchers, as well Heathen as Christian; with a particular Description of the Force and Terror of Lightening: this curious, unconsidered, and awful theme, urg'd and improv'd, in a sermon, by J. Henley, M. A. Late Rector of Chelmondiston in Su
    Henley, John
  • 106580
    Book Info
    The lords protests in the late session of the present Parliment. Viz. I. On the Treaty of Peace, Union, and Friendship, between Great-Britain, France and Spain, concluded at Seville on the 9th of November. II. On the Motion for reading the Mutiny Bill, &c. III. On the Motion to Address for a List of Pensions. IV. On the Question for rejecting the Pension-Bill, and the Second Reading of the Mutiny-
    Great Britain