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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,601 - 106,620건 출력
  • 106601
    Book Info
    The miracles of Jesus vindicated. Part IV. Containing a defence of the literal story of Jesus's healing the infirm man at the pool of Bethesda, And His healing the Paralytick, who was let down thro' the Roof
    Pearce, Zachary
  • 106602
    Book Info
    The music speech at the public commencement in Cambridge, July 6, MDCCXXX. To which is added, an ode designed to have been set to music on that occasion. By John Taylor, M.A. Fellow of St. John's College
    Taylor, John
  • 106603
    Book Info
    The music speech, spoken at the public commencement in Cambridge, July the 6th, 1714. By Roger Long, ...
    Long, Roger
  • 106604
    Book Info
    The mutual duties of clergy and laity considered; As the means of a Successful ministry. In a sermon Preach'd at Ratcliffe in Leicestershire, February 15. 1729/30. By Thomas Harrison, Vicar of Ratcliffe, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Lady Colepeper
    Harrison, Thomas
  • 106605
    Book Info
    The mystery of iniquity; in a brief examination of the practice of the times, by the foregoing and the present dispensation: whereby is manifested how the Devil works in the mystery, which none can understand and get the victory over but those that are armed with the light ... Unto which is added in the postscript, the injury this trading in slaves doth the commonwealth, humbly offer'd to all of a
    Sandiford, Ralph
  • 106606
    Book Info
    The names of the governors of Christ's Hospital, London
    Christ's Hospital (London, England)
  • 106607
    Book Info
    The names of the governours of Christ's Hospital, London
    Christ's Hospital (London, England)
  • 106608
    Book Info
    The narrative and affidavit-men detected: or, Collcott and Robin put to the blush
  • 106609
    Book Info
    The natural efficacy of music to prepare the mind for good impressions. A sermon Preach'd in the Cathedral-Church of Gloucester, at the Anniversary Meeting of the Choirs of Gloucester, Worcester and Hereford, September 2. 1730. By John Harper, M. A. Vicar of Beckford. Publish'd at the Request of the Society
    Harper, John
  • 106610
    Book Info
    The natural history of Hartz-Forest, in His Majesty King George's German dominions. Being a succinct account of The Caverns, Lakes, Springs, Rivers, Mountains, Rocks, Quarries, Fossiles, Castles, Gardens, the famous Pagan Idol Pustrich or Spit-Fire, Dwarf-Holes, Pits, moving Islands, Whirlpools, Mines, several Engines belonging to them; Ores, the manner of refining them; Smelting-Houses; several s
    Behrens, Georg Henning
  • 106611
    Book Info
    The natural history of chocolate: being a distinct and particular account of the cocoa-tree its Growth and Culture, and the Preparation, Excellent Properties, and Medicinal Vertues of its Fruit. Wherein the Errors of those who have wrote upon this Subject are discover'd; the Best Way of Making Chocolate is explain'd; and several Uncommon Medicines drawn from it, are communicated. translated from t
    Qu{acute}elus, D
  • 106612
    Book Info
    The negociator's magazine of monies and exchanges. In three parts. Part I. Contains advice and instructions, relating to Bills of Exchange, the Monies of one Country compared with another; the way to know what one Country gets of another at any Time by the Exchange; as also, an Account of the English Gold and Silver Coins, the Weights and Fineness, and the several Alterations they have undergone f
    Hayes, Richard
  • 106613
    Book Info
    The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Together with the authorities in law, ... And to this edition is added a commentary, containing curious notes and observations on the most remarkable and useful writs, ... By the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. With a new and exact table ...
    Fitzherbert, Anthony
  • 106614
    Book Info
    The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Together with the authorities in law, ... The seventh edition corrected. To which is added (never before printed), A commentary, containing curious notes and observations on the most remarkable and useful writs, ... By the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. With a new and exact table ...
    Fitzherbert, Anthony
  • 106615
    Book Info
    The new political state of Great Britain. Including the public affairs of foreign courts. Compiled by J. Morgan. Vol. 1. Containing, January, February, March, April, May, June. In these Six Numbers are divers curious and genuine Pieces, not to be met with elsewhere. To which is annexed, an appendix: with notable memoirs of the Lives, Characters, Writings, &c. of several Persons of Note and Figure,
    Morgan, J
  • 106616
    Book Info
    The new practice of piety; or, the Devout Christian's companion. Being a compleat manual of devotions, fitted for most of the concerns of human life: collected from the writings of Abp. Sharp, Bp. Andrews, Bp. Taylor, Bp. Fleetwood, Bp. Kenn, Dr. Horneck, Dr. Stanhope, Dr. Hicks. With other eminent Divines of the Church of England
  • 106617
    Book Info
    The new year's gift: or, Advice to a Nephew about his Choice in Marriage. Containing the following Heads. I. A Prefatory Epistle to the Reader and Bookseller; in which the Author gives some Account of himself, his Nephew Mr. William Tully, and Mrs. Margaret Jewel, a young Lady of Brumpton, whom the Nephew is inclined, thro' the Uncle's Advice, to marry, which occasion'd the Writing and Publishing
  • 106618
    Book Info
    The northern worthies: or, the lives of Peter the Great, Father of his Country, and Emperor of all Russia. And of His Illustrious Empress Catharine, the late Czarina. Translated from the French originals of Monsieur Fontenelle, &c. The second edition. To which is added, an account of the short Reign and Death of Peter II. and the succession of the new Czarina
    Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de
  • 106619
    Book Info
    The obligation and proportion of charity. A Sermon Preach'd before the Right Honourable The Lord Mayor, the Alderman and Governors Of the several Hospitals of the City of London, At the Parish Church of St. Bridget, on Wednesday in Easter-Week, April I. 1730. By William Berriman, D. D. Rector of St. Andrew's Undershaft, and Fellow of Eton College
    Berriman, William
  • 106620
    Book Info
    The observations on the treaty of Seville examined