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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,801 - 106,820건 출력
  • 106801
    Book Info
    William Kelynack, Richard Richards, Philip Kelynack, and 116 others, fishermen, - - appellants. William Gwavas, gent. - - - - respondent. The appellant's case
    Kelynack, William
  • 106802
    Book Info
    William Kelynack, Richard Richards, Philip Kelynack, and 116 others, parishoners and fishermen of the parish of Paul in the comnty [sic] of Cornwal. Appellants. William Gwavas, gent. Respondent. The respondent's case
    Gwavas, William
  • 106803
    Book Info
    William and Margaret, an old ballad
    Mallet, David
  • 106804
    Book Info
    Windsor tales: or, the amours of a gentleman and lady ; with some court intrigues: a genuine history
    S. L
  • 106805
    Book Info
    Winter, a poem, A hymn on the seasons, A poem to the memory of Sir Isaac Newton, and Britannia, a poem. By James Thomson
    Thomson, James
  • 106806
    Book Info
    Winter, a poem, a hymn on the seasons, a poem to the memory of Sir Isaac Newton, and Britannia, a poem. By James Thomson.
    Thomson, James
  • 106807
    Book Info
    Winter, a poem. With large additions and amendments. By James Thomson. To which is added His three following Poems, viz. A Hymn on the Seasons. To the Memory of Sir Isaac Newton. And Britannia
    Thomson, James
  • 106808
    Book Info
    Writing improv'd or penmanship made easy In it's Useful and Ornamental Parts: with various examples of all the hands now practis'd in Great Britain, by John Clark Writing-Master and Accomptant, Bickham London. Sculpsit
    Clark, John
  • 106809
    Book Info
    XXXIX articuli Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, textibus sacræ scripturæ et patrum primævorum testimoniis confirmati, brevibusque notis illustrati. Adjectis insuper nominibus autorum locisque in quibus doctrina in articulis contenta fusius explicatur. Editio quinta. ... Auctore Eduardo Welchman, ...
    Church of England
  • 106810
    Book Info
    [A catalogue of the] fellows : candidates, honorary fellows, and licentiates, of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 106811
    Book Info
    [Collectio figuraria gemmarum antiquarum ex dactyliotheca Ducis Devoniæ.]
  • 106812
    Book Info
    [Etchings by Cary Creed, with accompanying captions, of the antique marbles in the collection of the Earl of Pembroke at Wilton House.]
    Creed, Cary
  • 106813
    Book Info
    [The eight volumes of letters writ by a Turkish spy, who liv'd five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris: ... Written originally in Arabick, translated into Italian, from thence into English. ... ].
    Marana, Giovanni Paolo
  • 106814
    Book Info
    A bold stroke for a wife: a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By the author of The busie-body, and the Gamester
    Centlivre, Susanna
  • 106815
    Book Info
    A brefe chronycle concernynge the examynacyon and death of the blessed martyr of Christ Syr Johan Oldecastell the Lorde Cobham. Collected togyther by Johan Bale. To which is added, an appendix of original instruments
    Bale, John
  • 106816
    Book Info
    A brief history of the Restauration. Published from original letters, and other royal authorities. From the cabinet of the late Lord Frederick Howard, given by Queen Anne. By a person of honour
    Person of Honour
  • 106817
    Book Info
    A cage for the robin; or the Norfolk bird catch'd at last.
  • 106818
    Book Info
    A calculation of foreign exchanges, as transacted on the Royal Exchange of London: or, tables, shewing at once, or by a few Additions, any sum of English money reduc'd into foreign species, and likewise any Sum of Foreign Species reduc'd into English Money, by way of Exchange, at the several Prices, as from Time to Time the Exchange may Rise or Fall. By Edward Oldenburgh, merchant
    Oldenburgh, Edward
  • 106819
    Book Info
    A catalogue of choice books new and old in divinity, history, law, physick, &c. amongst which is the library of the late Benj. Houghton, Esqr. ... which will be exposed to sale by way of auction at the house of Mr. John Rigby in High-Street Leverpool on Tuesday the 10 of Feb. 1729 ...
  • 106820
    Book Info
    A caveat against infidelity: or, the danger of apostasy from the Christian faith: with An Answer to various Queries concerning the Salvation of the Heathens, and the Hope of the modern Deists, upon their Pretences to Sincerity. By I. Watts, D.D.
    Watts, Isaac