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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,841 - 106,860건 출력
  • 106841
    Book Info
    A defence of the Enquiry into the reasons of the conduct of Great-Britain, &c. Occasioned by the paper published in the Country-Journal or Craftsman on Saturday, Jan. 4, 1728-9. By the author of the Enquiry
    Hoadly, Benjamin
  • 106842
    Book Info
    A defence of the Hebrew bible, in answer to the charge of corruption brought against it by Mr. Whiston, in his Essay towards restoring the true text of the Old Testament, &c. Wherein Mr. Whiston's Pretences are particularly Examined and Confuted, by the Reverend Dr. Carpzov. of Leipsick. Translated from the Latin, with additional notes, by Moses Marcus, A Converted Jew, and Teacher of the Oriental
    Carpzov, Johann Gottlob
  • 106843
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    A defence of the Lord Bishop of St. Davids. In answer to Jonathan Jones, Esq;
  • 106844
    Book Info
    A defence of the order of confirmation, as now settled in the Church of England. In a discourse on Act. 8. 17. By Henry Stebbing, M. A. Rector of Garboldisham in Norfolk
    Stebbing, Henry
  • 106845
    Book Info
    A dialogue between Mr. Grounds and Scheme, &c. and Tom Woolston. In which the insincerity, inconsistencies, and absurdities, contained in the latter's discourses on our Saviour's miracles, are fully detected and proved, and that from a bare Principle of Reason only, and from his own Arguments. Also the impossibility of an imposture in the Christian religion unexceptionably made out; and that Part
    Collins, Anthony
  • 106846
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning gleets. Their cause and cure. With a prefatory account of Professor Boerhaave's new comments on the venereal disease; and some Animadversions thereon. Address'd to the Surgeons in the City of London. To which is added, a defence of the 12th chapter of the first part of a treatise De morbis cutaneis, in respect to the Spots and Marks impress'd upon the Skin of the Foetus, by
    Turner, Daniel
  • 106847
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    A discourse concerning ridicule and irony in writing, in a letter To the Reverend Dr. Nathanael Marshall
    Collins, Anthony
  • 106848
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning the divine Providence, under the following heads; viz. I. The necessary connexion between the belief of a God, and of a Providence. II. The general Notion of Providence, and particularly concerning a Preserving Providence. III. Concerning God's Governing Providence. IV. Concerning the Sovereignity of Providence. V. The Justice and Righteousness of Providence. VI. The Holines
    Sherlock, William
  • 106849
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning the small pox, occasioned by Dr. Holland's Essay, &c. In a letter to a friend
    Chandler, John
  • 106850
    Book Info
    A discourse on the miracles of our Saviour, in view of the present controversy between infidels and apostates. The sixth edition. By Thomas Woolston, B. D. Sometime Fellow of Sidney-College in Cambridge
    Woolston, Thomas
  • 106851
    Book Info
    A dissertation on liberty and necessity: Wherein The Process of Ideas, from their first Entrance into the Soul, until their Production of Action, is delineated. With some Remarks upon the late Reverend Dr. Clarke's Reasoning on this Point. And an Epistle Dedicatory to Truth. Amicus Plato, Amicus Socrates, sed magis Amica Veritas. By A. C. Esq;
    Collins, Anthony
  • 106852
    Book Info
    A dissertation on the high operation for the stone : by Mr. Morand, Surgeon To the Royal Hospital of Invalids, Member of the Royal Academy at Paris, and F. R. S. Translated from the French by John Douglas, Surgeon, F. R. S. To which is added, an appendix containing an account of 60 odd patients cut after this method, by various Hands: With some general Inferences from the whole. As also a short...
    Morand, Sauveur Fran{cedil}cois
  • 106853
    Book Info
    A dissertation upon the high-roads of the Duchy of Lorraine, as well ancient as modern. Done from the French. Together with notes Historical and Genealogical, relating to the illustrious family of Lorraine. Also A Character of Leopold the late Duke. To which is added, an Appendix, being a dissertation upon the Genealogical Series of medals of the Dukes and Duchesses of Lorraine, lately struck
    Calmet, Augustin
  • 106854
    Book Info
    A fifth discourse on the miracles of our Saviour, in view of the present controversy between infidels and apostates. The third edition. By Tho. Woolston, B. D. sometime Fellow of Sidney-College in Cambridge
    Woolston, Thomas
  • 106855
    Book Info
    A free and impartial enquiry into the reasons of the present extravagant price of coals; shewing the great inconveniencies which arise from thence, especially to the manufacturers of the city of London, and adjacent Counties. Humbly recommended to the consideration of the Right Hon. the Lord-Mayor, and court of aldermen. By Philalethes
  • 106856
    Book Info
    A free and impartial study of the Holy Scriptures recommended: being notes on some peculiar texts; with discourses and observations ON The following Subjects; viz. I. Of the Quotations from the Old Testament in the Apocrypha. II. Of the Septuagint Version of the Bible; and the Difference between the Citations, as they lie in the New Testament, and the Original Passages in the Old. III. Christians
    Hallet, Joseph
  • 106857
    Book Info
    A friendly admonition to gentlemen in the commission of the peace. Or, an account of some late ... proceedings of a couple of Westminster justices against a gentleman, for standing the friend of an innocent person committed to the Gate-House, on suspicion of felony; ...
    Whatley, Robert
  • 106858
    Book Info
    A friendly admonition to gentlemen in the commission of the peace. Or, an account of some late extraordinary proceedings of a couple of Westminster justices against a gentleman, for standing the friend of an innocent person committed to the Gate-House, on suspicion of felony; For the Benefit of the Subject, faithfully and truly stated, with large Observations thereon, on the Duty of a Justice of P
    Whatley, Robert
  • 106859
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon for the late Reverend Mr. John Mottershed, minister of the Gospel in Ratcliffe. Who departed this life, October 13. 1728, an ætat. LXIII. By Edmund Calamy, D.D.
    Calamy, Edmund
  • 106860
    Book Info
    A funeral sermon occasion'd by the much lamented death of the Reverend Mr. Joseph Boyse, preach'd to the congregation of Woodstreet, on the 8th of December, 1728. ... By R. Choppin
    Choppin, Richard