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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 106,961 - 106,980건 출력
  • 106961
    Book Info
    A short and certain method of curing continu'd fevers : Chiefly by the assistance of a new febrifuge. To which are added some practical observations on the common febrifuges. And a history of thirteen cases, to illustrate the Manner of Application. By Jos. Clutton.
    Clutton, Joseph
  • 106962
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    A short and impartial state of the case of Mr. John Simson, ... as it comes before the General Assembly 1729, in a letter to a gentleman, a member of the said assembly
    Wishart, William
  • 106963
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    A short character of Charles II. King of England. Written by John Duke of Buckingham, Lord President of Her late Majesty's Privy-Council. With the conference between the Duke of Buckingham, and Father Fitzgerald, an Irish Jesuit, sent by King James the IId, to convert his then Grace in his sickness to the Romish religion. Faithfully taken by his Grace's secretary
    Buckingham, John Sheffield
  • 106964
    Book Info
    A short history of the life of Major John Bernardi. Written by himself in Newgate, where he has been for near 33 years a prisoner of state, without any Allowance from the Government, and could never be admitted to his Tryal. To which is added by way of appendix, a true copy of the diploma, or Patent of Count of the Empire, granted to the author's grand-father in the year 1629, and a Translation of
    Bernardi, John
  • 106965
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    A short review of the principal transactions in Europe, since the Peace of Utrecht
  • 106966
    Book Info
    A short treatise to explain the fundamental constitution of the Mayor's and Sheriffs Courts of the City of London; and the grounds and reasons of the common law of England, concerning pledges to prosecute: With Proper Observations upon the True Sence of the Late Act of Parliament, For the more effectual Preventing Frivolous and Vexations Arrests. By Isaac Howse, One of the Clerks to Francis Cooper
    Howse, Isaac
  • 106967
    Book Info
    A sixth discourse on the miracles of our Saviour, in view of the present controversy between infidels and apostates. By Tho. Woolston, B. D. sometime Fellow of Sidney-College in Cambridge
    Woolston, Thomas
  • 106968
    Book Info
    A speech deliver'd to the worshipful and antient Society of Free and Accepted Masons, at a grand lodge, held at Merchant's-Hall, in the city of York, on St. John's Day, December 27. 1726. The Right Worshipful Charles Bathurst Esq; Grand-Master. By the Junior Grand-Warden
    Drake, Francis
  • 106969
    Book Info
    A speech without doors, in behalf of an insolvent debtor in the Fleet-Prison. With some remarks on the present state of gaol-archy
  • 106970
    Book Info
    A supplement to The moderator between an infidel and an apostate: being a dissertation on Daniel's weeks, from the authority of the Fathers. The second edition. By Thomas Woolston, B. D. sometime Fellow of Sidney College in Cambridge
    Woolston, Thomas
  • 106971
    Book Info
    A supplement to the New Cyropædia: or, the reflections of Cyrus upon his travels. In six evening conversations betwixt that Prince and his Prime Minister. Being a criticism on Mr. Ramsay's Cyropædia. To which is added, another criticism upon the same Performance. In four conversations, betwixt the Marchioness de **** and Two Gentlemen of Distinction in France. Done into English from the French ori
    Conti, Louise-{acute}Elizabeth de Bourbon Cond{acute}e
  • 106972
    Book Info
    A supplement to the second edition of the case of Mr. John Simson, Professor of Divinity in the University of Glasgow: containing the proceedings of the committee appointed by the Assembly 1727, and of the general Assembly 1728, with the pleadings in the Assembly
    Church of Scotland
  • 106973
    Book Info
    A system of religion, treating of the following heads. I. Of the nature of God, and that Jesus Christ is the Only One and True God. II. Of the Trinity, in a Manner wholly differing from either the Athbanasians or Arians, nearer to the plain literal Text of the Scripture, and less liable to philosophical Objections. III. Of the Devil; that he is no where to be found, but incarnate in Man. IV. Of th
    Tomkinson, Thomas
  • 106974
    Book Info
    A testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ, or, to the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government of the kirk of Scotland, and To the National Covenant of Scotland, and To the Solemn League and Covenant of the Three Nations of Scotland, England, and Ireland, and To the Work of Uniformity in Religion, and Against the Errors, Heresies, Blasphemies, and diverse Practices of the Times; Especially aga
    Lundie, Thomas
  • 106975
    Book Info
    A theory of the winds, shewing by a new hypothesis, the physical causes of all winds in general: With the Solution of all the Variety and Phaenomena thereof, as it was read to the Royal Society. By Bernard Annely
    Annely, Bernard
  • 106976
    Book Info
    A third discourse on the miracles of our Saviour, in view of the present controversy between infidels and apostates. The fourth edition. By Thomas Woolston, B. D. Sometime Fellow of Sidney-College in Cambridge
    Woolston, Thomas
  • 106977
    Book Info
    A treatise of the diseases of the horny-coat of the eye, and the various kinds of cataracts. To which is prefix'd, a method, entirely new, of scarifying the eyes for several disorders. With remarks on the practice of some oculists both at home and abroad. By Benedict Duddell, Surgeon and Oculist
    Duddell, Benedict
  • 106978
    Book Info
    A treatise on the venereal disease, and its cure in all its stages and circumstances. By Herman Boerhaave, Professor of Physick in the University of Leyden. Englished by J. B. M.B. of Christ-Church College, Oxon.
    Boerhaave, Herman
  • 106979
    Book Info
    A treatise upon Greek accents. Translated from the Nouvelle methode Grecque, written by the Messieurs of Port-Royal. To which is prefixed, a character of the most valuable Greek authors
    Lancelot, Claude
  • 106980
    Book Info
    A true account of the Aloe Americana or Africana, which is now in blossom in Mr. Cowell's garden at Hoxton; which is upwards of twenty foot high, and has already put forth thirty branches for flowers, all upon one stem, twelve whereof are already fairly opened and blown out As also of two other exotick plants, call'd, the Cereus, or torch-thistle, which have likewise put forth their blossoms in Mr
    Cowell, John