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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,001 - 107,020건 출력
  • 107001
    Book Info
    An act for settling the estates of John Earl of Grandison in the kingdom of Ireland, and James Fitzgerald Villiers, Esq; commonly called Lord Villiers, ...
    Great Britain
  • 107002
    Book Info
    An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1729. Being the First after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. By M. F. philomath
    M. F
  • 107003
    Book Info
    An answer to Dr. Clark, and Mr. Whiston, concerning the divinity of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. With a summary account of the chief writers of the three first ages. By H. E.
    Hawarden, Edward
  • 107004
    Book Info
    An answer to Mr. Pope's preface to Shakespear. In a Letter to a Friend. Being a vindication of the Old Actors who were the Publishers and Performers of that Author's Plays. Whereby The errors of their Edition are further accounted for, and some Memoirs of Shakespear and Stage-History of His Time are inserted, which were never before collected and publish'd. By a Stroling Player
    Roberts, John
  • 107005
    Book Info
    An answer to the Jewish Rabbi's two letters against Christ's resurrection, And his Raising Lazarus From the dead; In a Letter to Mr. Woolston: With some Observations on Mr. Woolston's own Reflections on our Saviour's Conduct
  • 107006
    Book Info
    An answre to the Christmass-box. In defence of Docter D-n-y. By R--t B-r
    R--t B-r
  • 107007
    Book Info
    An appeal to the consciences of a degenerate people, for the vindication of God's proceedings with them. A sermon preach'd at the Thursday-lecture in Boston, April 3. 1729. By Henry Flynt, M.A. and Fellow of Harvard-College in Cambridge. [Nine lines from Jeremiah]
    Flynt, Henry
  • 107008
    Book Info
    An attempt towards a natural history of the fossils of England; in a catalogue of the English fossils in the collection of J. Woodward, M. D. Containing A Description and Historical Account of each; with Observations and Experiments, made in order to discover, as well the Origin and Nature of them, as their Medicinal, Mechanical, and other Uses. Part I. Of the Fossils that are real and natural: Ea
    Woodward, John
  • 107009
    Book Info
    An author to be lett. Being a proposal humbly address'd to the consideration of the knights, esquires, gentlemen, and other worshipful and weighty members of the solid and ancient society of the bathos. By their associate and well-wisher Iscariot Hackney. Numb. I. To be continued
    Savage, Richard
  • 107010
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    An english introduction to the Latin tongue
    Fletcher, John
  • 107011
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    An enquiry into Professor Simson's sentiments on the doctrine of the trinity, from his papers in the process against him
    Logan, Allan
  • 107012
    Book Info
    An enquiry into the ancient and present state of the County Palatine of Durham. Wherein are shewn the oppressions which attend the subjects of this county by the Male-Administration of the present Ministers and officers of the said County Palatine: With some Reasons humbly offered to the Freeholders, Leaseholders and Copyholders of the said County to consider of Ways and Means to remedy the said A
    Spearman, John
  • 107013
    Book Info
    An enquiry into the causes of the present epidemical diseases, viz. Fevers, Coughs, Asthma's, Rheumatisms, Defluxions, &c. With Proper methods for the Speedy cure of them. By the author of The Family Companion for Health
    Author of The family companion for health
  • 107014
    Book Info
    An enquiry into the pretensions of Spain to Gibraltar, as founded on His late Majesty's letter to the Catholick King: together with a copy thereof, and a brief answer to the said pretensions
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 107015
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    An epistle from Calista to Altamont
  • 107016
    Book Info
    An epistle from Calista to Altamont.
  • 107017
    Book Info
    An epistle from Calista to Altamont.
  • 107018
    Book Info
    An epistle from Matt of the Mint, lately deceased, to Captain Macheath
    Matt of the Mint
  • 107019
    Book Info
    An epistle of love and friendly advice to Friends and brethren, in and about the City of London. Published by order and approbation of the quarterly-meeting, held at Devonshire-House, the 31st day of the first month, 1729
    Society of Friends
  • 107020
    Book Info
    An epistle to His Royal Highness Frederick, Prince of Wales. By Henry Stephens, of Merton-College in Oxford
    Stephens, Henry