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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,061 - 107,080건 출력
  • 107061
    Book Info
    Apostolical rules for ecclesiastical courts: Taken out of the Constitutions of the Apostles. With some brief Observations. Humbly Recommended to the Consideration of the present Ecclesiastical and Secular Judges; Civil, Canon, and Common Lawyers; of Jury-Men, and of all that are any way concern'd in Judicial Proceedings in these Kingdoms. By Will. Whiston, M. A. Some time Professor of the Mathemat
    Whiston, William
  • 107062
    Book Info
    Arithmetick in epitome: or, a compendium of all its rules, both vulgar and decimal. In two parts. To which are now added, clear and plain demonstrations deduc'd from the principles of arithmetick itself; without either Reference to Euclid, or Use of Algebra. By W. Webster, writing-master
    Webster, William
  • 107063
    Book Info
    Art and ingenuity made easy. In two parts. Part I. The exciseman's companion: or, gauging made easy, ... Part II. Containing short-hand arithmetick, ... By William Fory, ...
    Fory, William
  • 107064
    Book Info
    Astronomical dialogues between a gentleman and a lady: wherein the doctrine of the sphere, uses of the globes, and the elements of astronomy and geography are explain'd; In a Pleasant, Easy, and Familiar Way. With a description of the famous instrument called the orrery. By John Harris, D. D. and F. R. S.
    Harris, John
  • 107065
    Book Info
    Astronomy of the satellites of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn: Grounded upon Sir Isaac Newton's Theory of the Earth's Satellite. The Theory explain'd, and made easy to the meanest Capacity, in calculating the true Place of the Moon: And freed from the Errors printed in the said Theory, by Dr. Gregory, Dr. Harris, and several other Authors for which now the Place of the Moon, and Eclipses of the Lum
    Leadbetter, Charles
  • 107066
    Book Info
    Augusta triumphans: or, the way to make London the most flourishing city in the universe. First, by establishing an university where Gentlemen may have Academical Education under the Eye of their Friends. II. By an Hospital for Foundlings. III. By forming an Academy of Sciences at Christ's-Hospital. IV. By suppressing pretended Mad-Houses, where many of the fair Sex are unjustly confin'd, while th
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 107067
    Book Info
    Augustine Nugent, Esq; appellant. Robert Power, and Mary his wife; and Edmund Mandeville, and Ellen his wife; respondents. The respondents case
    Power, Robert
  • 107068
    Book Info
    Bartholomew-Fair: or, a ramble to Smithfield. A poem in imitation of Milton
  • 107069
    Book Info
    Beata Maria Virgo ab angelo Gabriele salutata: carmen heroicum sacrum ; aliquot antè annis conditum, nunc verò primùm editum
    Tilly, William
  • 107070
    Book Info
    Belhaven's vision: or, his speech in the Union-Parliament. November 2. 1706
    Belhaven, John Hamilton
  • 107071
    Book Info
    Bellum grammaticale, sive nominum verborumque discordia civilis: tragico-Comodia, ab eruditissimis Oxoniensibus adinventa, et Summo cum Applausu in scenam producta. Olim, apud Oxonienses, coram serenissima Elizabetha, Anglorum Regina; iterum, in Schola Pellionum, apud Tunbrigienses, 1718. In Omnium illorum, qui ad Grammaticam Animos appellunt, oblectamentum edita. Excudebat Joh. Spencerus, Collegi
    Guarna, Andrea
  • 107072
    Book Info
    Ben. Johnson's plays, in Two Volumes. ... . Containing, Volpone; or, the Fox. Catiline his Conspiracy. Bartholomew Fair. Sejanus his Fall
    Jonson, Ben
  • 107073
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca Delauneana, & Glynniana: or, a catalogue of very curious books, in most faculties and languages, and by the most celebrated printers: contain'd in the libraries of Dr. Delaune, late President of St. John's College, Oxon. and Sir William Glynne, Knight and Baronet, late of Amersden in the said County: which will begin to be sold, according to the Prices Annex'd, at Mr. Wilmot's Booksell
  • 107074
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca Groenewegeana: being a catalogue of the stock of John Groenewegen; Containing Several scarce Books collected in France, Italy, Germany and Holland. Books of Mathematicks, Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Antiquities, Medals, Geography, History, Genealogies, Voyages, Divinity, Philosophy, Physick, Natural History, Law, Oratory, Poetry, and Polite Literature. To be sold by auction, on
    Ballard, Thomas
  • 107075
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca Hollandiana: sive catalogus librorum in quavis facultate insignium, a viro honorabili ac erudito Domino Johanne Holland Baronetto, de Quidenham in comitatu Norfolciæ, ... qui nunc prostant venales apud Quidenham prædictam
  • 107076
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca Martiniana: being a catalogue of the library of the learned Don Emmanuel Martin, of Alicant; Lately Brought from Spain. With an appendix, consisting of original pictures and books of prints, collected abroad by David Lyon. Which will begin to be sold (the Price mark'd on each Book and Picture) at his shop, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, Tuesday the 3d of february 1729/30. Catalogues
    Lyon, David
  • 107077
    Book Info
    Bibliotheca Vallensiana: or, a catalogue of the library of Jacob Vallensius, ... which will be sold the 23d day of this instant April, 1729. ... at the shop of Abraham Vandenhoeck, ...
    Vandenhoeck, Abraham
  • 107078
    Book Info
    Books lately publish'd, and sold by the booksellers both of town and country.
    Watts, John
  • 107079
    Book Info
    Books printed for Joseph Downing, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield.
    Downing, Joseph
  • 107080
    Book Info
    Books printed for, and sold by J. Osborn and T. Longman, at the Ship in Pater-Noster Row
    J. Osborn | T. Longman (Booksellers)