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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,081 - 107,100건 출력
  • 107081
    Book Info
    Books printed for, and sold by, J. Walthoe over-against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill
    Walthoe, John
  • 107082
    Book Info
    Britain's glory: or, ship-building unvail'd. Being a general director, for building and compleating the said machines. By William Sutherland, Author of The Ship-Builder's Assistant
    Sutherland, William
  • 107083
    Book Info
    Britannia. A poem:
    Thomson, James
  • 107084
    Book Info
    By-Laws, rules and orders, for the better regulating of hackney-coaches, chairs, brewer's-drays, carts and carrs, and all other Carts and Carrs, plying for Hire, and the Drivers and Carriers thereof, within the city of Dublin, and the Liberties. Made by the governours of the work-h[ouse of] the said city of Dublin, And approved of by the Lord High Chancellor, and the Three Chief Judges
    Dublin (Ireland)
  • 107085
    Book Info
    Calculations and tables relating to the attractive virtue of loadstones. Serving to the finding out the comparative degrees of goodness between several of them. ... And also for to know the value in money of any loadstone
    Abercorn, James Hamilton
  • 107086
    Book Info
    Callipædia: or, the art of getting pretty children. In four books, with cuts. Translated from the original Latin of Claudius Quilletus, by Mr. Will. Oldisworth
    Quillet, Claude
  • 107087
    Book Info
    Captain Charles Buchan, appellant. Mr. Thomas Buchan advocat, respondent. The appellant's case
    Buchan, Charles
  • 107088
    Book Info
    Cargo of the Cæsar and Macclesfield from China, and the Duke of Cumberland from Bombay: Arrived on Account of the United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East-Indies: Viz.
    East India Company
  • 107089
    Book Info
    Cases and resolutions of cases, adjudg'd in the Court of King's Bench, concerning settlements and removals, from the first year of King George I. to the present reign. Most of them adjudg'd in the time, when Lord Parker sat Chief Justice there
    Great Britain
  • 107090
    Book Info
    Cases and resolutions of cases, adjudg'd in the Court of King's Bench, concerning settlements and removals, from the first year of King George I. to the present reign. Most of them adjudg'd in the time, when Lord Parker sat Chief Justice there.
    Great Britain
  • 107091
    Book Info
    Catalogus, libros In omni Literaturae genere Notabiles Rarosque, Juxta suas Sigillatim Classes dispositos, et in Nicolai Prevost Sociorumque Officina Venales, complectens: or, A Catalogue of the most Rare and Uncommon Books, In all Parts of Literature, Rang'd under their Proper Classes
    Nicholas Prevost | Company (London, England)
  • 107092
    Book Info
    Catholick Christianity: or, an essay toward lessening the number of controversies among Christians. By Edward Lord Arch-Bishop of Tuam
    Synge, Edward
  • 107093
    Book Info
    Catholick Christianity: or, an essay toward lessening the number of controversies among Christians. By Edward Lord Archbishop of Tuam.
    Synge, Edward
  • 107094
    Book Info
    Charity the bond of perfectness: or, Christ's law of love, the perfectest scheme of relative duty, and human happiness. By Benjamin Owen. Addressed to Christians and Deists
    Owen, Benjamin
  • 107095
    Book Info
    Christ's loveliness and glory, in his personal and relative characters, and gracious offers to sinners: consider'd in twelve sermons, preach'd at Mr. Coward's lecture. By several ministers
    Hubbard, John
  • 107096
    Book Info
    Christian directions, shewing how to walk with God all the day long. / by T.G. minister of the Gospel.
    Gouge, Thomas
  • 107097
    Book Info
    Christianæ religionis: sive, Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ articuli XXXIX. Perspicua analysi breviter explicati, & firmissimis S. Scripturarum testimoniis abunde confirmati. Quibus commentarii instar, Tum ex Antiquis, tum etiam è Recentioribus Citationes ad eam rem pertinentes accesserunt. Cum objectionibus earumq; solutionibus à D. Ellis, aliisque collectis. His adduntur, Articuli Lambethani, &c. A Rano. Fo
    Church of England
  • 107098
    Book Info
    Compendium artis nautic{aelig} : Being the daily practice of the whole art of navigation; whereby all the problems of navigation and astronomy practicable at sea, are easily, expeditiously and exactly performed, only by tabular inspection: without The Operation of Plain and Spherical Trigonometry; each Problem being amply explained, and rendered intelligible to the meanest Capacity; so as to en...
    Collier, John
  • 107099
    Book Info
    Condescendence of instances, ancient and modern, where titles of hounour and dignities have descended to heirs-general, offered by Hugh Lord Lovat, in the process presently depending against him, at the instance of Captain Simon Fraser of Beaufort
    Fraser, Hugh
  • 107100
    Book Info
    Condescendence of instances, ancient and modern, where titles of hounour and dignities have descended to heirs-general, offered by Hugh Lord Lovat, in the process presently depending against him, at the instance of Captain Simon Fraser of Beaufort.
    Fraser, Hugh