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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,141 - 107,160건 출력
  • 107141
    Book Info
    Geneva: a poem. Address'd to the Right Honourable Sir R- W-. By Alexander Blunt, ...
    Bockett, Elias
  • 107142
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    Geneva: a poem. Address'd to the Right Honourable Sir R- W-. By Alexander Blunt, ... In Miltonic verse
    Bockett, Elias
  • 107143
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    God's foreknowledge of contingent events vindicated: in a letter to the Reverend Mr. Samuel Fancourt, occasion'd by his late Essay on liberty, grace and prescience. By John Norman
    Norman, John
  • 107144
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    Gradus ad Parnassum; sive novus synonymorum, epithetorum, phrasium poeticarum, ac versuum thesaurus, ... Ab uno è Societate Jesu. Hac editione adduntur numeri ad loca citata dirigentes
    Aler, Paul
  • 107145
    Book Info
    Grammatical exceptions: or, some observations upon the alterations of Late Years made in Our accidence and Latin grammar, being an enquiry into the reasonableness and necessity of them. Recommended to be carefully and candidly Perused by all School-Masters, and their Assistants, as well as to all private Tutors, by James Gibson, Curate of Wootton-Underwood, Bucks, and sometime School-Master of Bra
  • 107146
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    Great Britain's glory: or, the stay-at-home fleet: tune of, Packington's Pownd. To which is added, The pacifick fleet
  • 107147
    Book Info
    Heli: sive exemplum magistratus intempestiva lenitate peccantis. Concio habita in templo B. Mariæ coram artium baccalaureis determinantibus die carnis-privii Feb.10.1725. A Joanne Burton A.M. C.C.C. Soc. Proc. Jun. Dep. & Mag. Schol
    Burton, John
  • 107148
    Book Info
    Hell upon earth: or the town in an uproar. Occasion'd by the late horrible scenes of forgery, perjury, street-robbery, murder, sodomy, and other shocking impieties. Of the Encrease of the Hempen Manufactory and the Decrease of the Woollen Manufactory; shewing that Goals and Gibbets are become as useful as Guards and Garisons, and Pillories as necessary as P-ns. Of Peoples being almost under the Ne
  • 107149
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    Henry and Minerva. A poem. By J. B. Esq;
    Breval, John
  • 107150
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    Histoire naturelle de l'or et de l'argent, extraite de Pline le naturaliste, livre XXXIII. Avec le texte Latin, corrigé sur les Mss. de Vossius et sur la I. edition, et eclairci par des Remarq. Nouvelles, outre celles de J. F. Gronovius. & un poeme sur la chute de l'homme et sur les ravages de l'or et de l'argent; Dedie' au Roi et a la Reine. Par David Durand, Ministre de L'Eglise de St. Martin, &
  • 107151
    Book Info
    Historia vitæ et regni Ricardi II. Angliæ Regis, A Monacho quodam de Evesham consignata. Accesserunt, Praeter Alia, Joannis Rossi Historiola de comitibus warwicensibus; Joannis Berebloci Commentarii De rebus gestis Oxoniae, ibidem commorante Elizabetha Regina; Et D. Ricardi Wynni, Baronetti, Narratio Historica de Caroli, Walliae Principis, Famulorum in Hispaniam Itinere A. D. MDCXXIII. E Codicibus
  • 107152
    Book Info
    Historico-Political geography: or, a particular description of the several countries in the world; in their Situation, Extent, Air, Soil, Divisions, Provinces, Rivers, Commodities, Rarities, Capital Cities, Chief Towns, Inhabitants, Manners, Languages, Populousness, &c. The Genealogy, Pretensions, Government, Titles, Revenues, Residence, &c. of their Kings and Princes. Their respective States, Cou
  • 107153
    Book Info
    Histories, or tales of past times: viz. I. The Little Red Riding-Hood. II. The fairy. III. The Blue Beard. IV. The Sleeping Beauty in the wood. V. The master cat, or Puss in Boots. VI. Cinderilla, or the Little Glass Slipper. Vii. Riquet a la houpe. Viii. Little Poucet, and his Brothers. IX. The discreet princess, or the Adventures of Finetta. With morals. By M. Perrault. Translated into English
    Perrault, Charles
  • 107154
    Book Info
    Homeri Ilias Græce et Latine. Annotationes in usum serenissimi principis Gulielmi Augusti, Ducis de Cumberland, &c. Regio jussu scripsit atque edidit Samuel Clarke S.T.P. ...
  • 107155
    Book Info
    Hophni & Phinees, sive impietas sacerdotum public? impietatis causa. Concio habita in templo B. Mari? pro gradu S.T.B. Jul. 19. 1729. A Joanne Burton S.T.B.C.C.C. Oxon. Soc
    Burton, John
  • 107156
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    Horace's satires, epistles, and art of poetry, done into English, with notes. By S. Dunster, ...
  • 107157
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    Hugh Powell, Esq; plantiff in error, against Our Sovereign Lord the King, defendant. Upon an information in nature of a quo warranto. The case of the defendant in error
    Great Britain
  • 107158
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    Humane prudence: or, the art by which a man may raise himself and his fortune to grandeur. Corrected and very much enlarged
    De Britaine, William
  • 107159
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    Hurlothrumbo: or, the super-natural. As it is acted at the New Theatre, in the Hay-Market. Written by Mr. Samuel Johnson, from Cheshire
    Johnson, Samuel
  • 107160
    Book Info
    Hurlothrumbo: or, the super-natural. As it is acted at the New-Theatre, in the Hay-Market. Written by Mr. Samuel Johnson, from Cheshire
    Johnson, Samuel