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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,181 - 107,200건 출력
  • 107181
    Book Info
    John Eyre, Esq; appnt. Langhlin [sic] Daly, respt. The appellant's case
    Eyre, John
  • 107182
    Book Info
    Julius Cæsar; a tragedy, as it is now acted by his Majesty's servants. Written by William Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William
  • 107183
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    King John: a poem. In answer to the Lilliputian Queen, a poem address'd to the Chester ladies. With a dedication to the ladies of Chester
    Lilliputian Kate
  • 107184
    Book Info
    Kings and judges the vicegerents [sic] of God. A sermon preach'd July 31, 1729. at the assizes holden at Kingston upon Thames in the county of Surrey, ... By Richard Coleire, ...
    Coleire, Richard
  • 107185
    Book Info
    Law quibbles: or, a treatise of the evasions, tricks, turns and quibbles, commonly used in the profession of the law, to the prejudice of clients, and others; Necessary to be perus'd by all Attornies, and those who are or may be concern'd in Law-Suits, Trials, &c. to avoid the many Abuses, Delays, and Expences, introduc'd into Practice. With An essay on the amendment and reduction of the laws of E
  • 107186
    Book Info
    Lawrence Viscount Say and Seale - - - - - appellant. The Lady Catherine Jones, the Lady Hewett, Peter Hawker, Thomas William Burman, Fiennes Twisleton, Nathan Izod, William Clarke, William White, and the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Harcourt, respondents. The appellant' case
    Saye | Sele, Laurence Fiennes
  • 107187
    Book Info
    Lawrence, Viscount Say and Seal, - - - appellant. The Lady Catherine Jones, Dame Frances Hewett, Peter Hawker, Esq; Thomas-William Burman, Fiennes Twisleton, Esq; Nathan Izod, William Clark, William White, and the Lord Viscount Harcourt; respondents. The case of the respondents, The Lady Catherine Jones, Dame Frances Hewett, Peter Hawker, Esq; and Thomas-William Burman
    Jones, Catherine
  • 107188
    Book Info
    Laws of Maryland, enacted at a session of Assembly, begun and held at the city of Annapolis, on Thursday, the tenth day of July, in the fifteenth year of the dominion of the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Baron of Baltemore, Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the provinces o Maryland and Avalon, &c. Anno Domini 1729. By authority
  • 107189
    Book Info
    Le Grand Théatre de l'honneur & de la noblesse. Contenant, I. La sçience du blason, avec un dictionnaire complet des termes qui lui font propres. II. Abregé historique & chronologique des Etablissemens & des Revolutions des Monarchies & des Souverainetez de L'Europe, depuis la Decadence de L'Empire Romain, jusques vers la fin du Xe Siecle. III. L'Etat Présent de l'empire d'Allemagne, par rapport à
    Boyer, Abel
  • 107190
    Book Info
    Le diable boiteux: or, the devil upon two sticks. In two volumes. Translated from the last Paris edition, very much enlarg'd. Adorn'd with Cutts. ...
    Le Sage, Alain Ren{acute}e
  • 107191
    Book Info
    Le dictionnaire royal, françois-anglois et anglois-françois; Tire des meilleurs Auteurs, qui ont ecrit dans ces deux Langues; Autrefois Compose a L'Usage de feu S.A.R. le Duc de Glocester. par Mr. A. Boyer
    Boyer, Abel
  • 107192
    Book Info
    Le guide des etrangers: ou le compagnon necessaire & instructif à l'etranger & au naturel du pays, en faisant le tour des villes de Londres & de Westminstre. ...
    Pote, Joseph
  • 107193
    Book Info
    Les pseaumes de David, Mis en Vers Francois, revus et approuvez par le Synode walon des Provinces-Unies
  • 107194
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    Les satyres et autres ouvres de Regnier, avec des remarques
    R{acute}egnier, Mathurin
  • 107195
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    Letters from Orinda to Poliarchus.
    Philips, Katherine
  • 107196
    Book Info
    Letters of Abelard and Heloise. To which is prefix'd, a particular account of their lives, amours, and misfortunes, extracted chiefly from Monsieur Bayle. Translated from the French, by the late Mr. John Hughes
    Abelard, Peter
  • 107197
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    Letters of religion, between Theophilus and Eugenio
    Blackmore, Richard
  • 107198
    Book Info
    Letters of religion, between Theophilus and Eugenio. Part II
    Blackmore, Richard
  • 107199
    Book Info
    Letters on various occasions, In Prose and Verse. By the author of Friendship in death. To which are added ten letters by another hand
    Rowe, Elizabeth Singer
  • 107200
    Book Info
    Lettres écrites par Monsieur D*** à Madame de **** avec les réponses