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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,261 - 107,280건 출력
  • 107261
    Book Info
    Officium hominis, cum oratione familiari, tum ordine etiam luculento expositum; Ad usum omnium, Praecipue autem eorum, qui minus periti sunt, accommodatum, familiisque instituendis perquam necessarium. In XVII capita ita divisum, Ut si quolibet Die Dominico unum legatur, totum singulis annis ter perlegi possit. Accesserunt Nonnullae precum Formulae, variis populi Christiani necessitatibus idoneae.
    Allestree, Richard
  • 107262
    Book Info
    Olympia Domata; or, an almanack for the year of our Lord God, 1729. Being the first from Bissextile, or Leap-Year. And from the World's Creation, 5678. Wherein is contain'd the Lunations, Conjunctions, Aspects, and Effects of the Planets, the Increase, Decrease, and Length of the Days and Nights; with the rising, southing, and setting of the Planets and fixed Stars throughout the Year, whereby may
    Wing, John
  • 107263
    Book Info
    One word with the craftsman extraordinary
    Bolingbroke, Henry St John
  • 107264
    Book Info
    Oratio coram Collegio Regali Medicorum Londinensium, EX Instituto Harveiano, Habita Festo Divi Lucae, Anno Domini M.DCC.XXIX. A Peircio Dod, ejusdem Collegii Socio, & Nosocomii Sancti Bartholomoei Medico
    Dod, Peirce
  • 107265
    Book Info
    Oratory transactions. No II. To be occasionally publish'd, by J. Henley, M.A. Containing, I. A compleat list of the theological subjects of the Oratory, ... II. A compleat catalogue of the academical subjects of the Oratory, ... III. A dissertation on nonsense, ... IV. The discourse on action in the pulpit, 2d edition
    Henley, John
  • 107266
    Book Info
    Osteologia nova: or, some new observations of the bones, and the parts belonging to them; with the manner of their accretion and nutrition: communicated to the Royal Society in several discourses. I. Of the Membrane, Nature, Constituent Parts, and Internal Structure of the Bones. II. Of Accretion and Nutrition; as also of the Affections of the Bones in the Rickets, and of Venereal Nodes. III. Of t
    Havers, Clopton
  • 107267
    Book Info
    Ovid's epistles: with his amours. Translated into English verse, by the most eminent hands. Adorn'd with cutts.
  • 107268
    Book Info
    Panthea. An elegy on the death of the Right Honourable the Lady Viscountess Scudamore. Humbly inscrib'd to Her Grace the Dutchess of Beaufort
  • 107269
    Book Info
    Parecbol? sive excerpta è corpore statutorum Universitatis Oxoniensis. Accedunt articuli religionis XXXIX. in Ecclesia Anglicana recepti: nec non juramenta fidelitatis & suprematus. In Usum Juventutis Academicae
    University of Oxford
  • 107270
    Book Info
    Parochial letters on subjects of the general importance, viz. the necessity of religion. The truth of Christianity. And the reasonableness of communion with the Church of England. By Harry Mander, L. L. B. Vicar of Kirkby Moor-Side, and the Chapels annex'd, in the County and Diocese of York, and Prebendary of Lichfield
    Mander, Harry
  • 107271
    Book Info
    Peace and trade, war and taxes: or, the irreparable damage of our trade in case of a war. In a letter to the Craftsman. By Tho. Merchant, Esq ;
    Merchant, Thomas
  • 107272
    Book Info
    Perseus and Andromeda. Or, the Devil upon Two Sticks. In five interludes; three serious, and two comic. The comic being intirely new. Compos'd by Mons. Roger, the pierot. As it is perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. To which is added, the argument of a grotesque entertainment, call'd, Harlequin happy; and poor Pierot marry'd. Compos'd by Mons. Roger
  • 107273
    Book Info
    Petri de Marchettis philosophi ac medici patavini, Equitis D. Marci, ET In Patrio Gymnasio Chirurgiae olim, nunc vero Anatomes Professoris, observationum medico-chirurgicarum rariorum sylloge. Accesserunt aliquot observationes auctoris posthum?
    Marchetti, Pietro de
  • 107274
    Book Info
    Pharmacopoeia pauperum: or, the hospital dispensatory: containing the chief medicines now used in the hospitals of London; with suitable instructions for their common use. By Henry Banyer, Surgeon,
    Banyer, Henry
  • 107275
    Book Info
    Phebe; or, The Beggar's Wedding. An opera, In one act. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's Servants
    Coffey, Charles
  • 107276
    Book Info
    Phædri Aug. liberti Fabularum æsopiarum libri quinque; item fabulæ quædam ex MS. veteri à Marquardo Gudio descriptæ; cum indice vocum & locutionum. Appendicis loco adjiciuntur fabulæ græcæ quædam & latinæ ex variis authoribus collectæ; quas claudit Avieni Æsopicarum fabularum liber unicus
  • 107277
    Book Info
    Plain reasons for a religious conscientious and peaceable separation from the communion of the Church of England, as by law established: being a letter Humbly presented to all sober and well-disposed Persons: Wherein is shewn, I. The good Order and Constitution of the Baptist Churches; and divers Objections answered. II. The just Cause of the Baptists Separation from the Church of England, demonst
    Tasker, John
  • 107278
    Book Info
    Poems and letters of the late Reverend Mr. Hubert Stogdon, Collected from His Original Papers
    Stogdon, Hubert
  • 107279
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    Poems by Allan Ramsay
    Ramsay, Allan
  • 107280
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions. ...