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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,321 - 107,340건 출력
  • 107321
    Book Info
    Sacramental meditations upon divers select places of Scripture wherein believers are assisted in preparing their hearts, & exciting their affections and graces, when they draw nigh to God in that most awful & solemn ordinance of the Lord's Supper. By J. Flavel, Minister of Christ in Devon. [Four lines of Scripture text]
    Flavel, John
  • 107322
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    Sarah, the Quaker, to Lothario. Lately deceased, on meeting him in the shades
  • 107323
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    Scheme of the yearly rent of the estate of Seafort, from the year 1706 to 1715
    Seaforth, Frances Mackenzie
  • 107324
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    Seasonable remarks on trade. With some reflections on the advantages that might accrue to Great Britain, by a proper regulation of the trade of Ireland. Wrote in London, but now first publish'd in Dublin, as a Preface to other Essays on the Trade and Manufactures of Ireland
    Browne, John
  • 107325
    Book Info
    Second thoughts are best: or, a further improvement of a late scheme to prevent street robberies: BY Which Our Streets will be so strongly guarded, and so gloriously illuminated, that any part of London will be as safe and pleasant at Midnight as at Noonday; and Burglary totally impracticable: with some thoughts for suppressing robberies in all the publick roads of England, &c. Humbly Offered for
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 107326
    Book Info
    Sermon preach'd before the Rt. Honourable the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the city of London, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, on Friday, January 30, 1729. Being The Fast-Day for the Execrable Murder Of K. Charles I. By Joseph Trapp, D. D. Minister of Christ-Church and St. Leonard's Foster-Lane, London. Publish'd at the Request of the Lord Mayor, and the Sheriffs
    Trapp, Joseph
  • 107327
    Book Info
    Sermons on various subjects, divine and moral: with a sacred hymn suited to each subject. In Three Volumes. Design'd for the Use of Christian Families, as well as for the Hours of Devout Retirement. By I. Watts, D.D. Vol. III
    Watts, Isaac
  • 107328
    Book Info
    Sermons preach'd at the Cathedral-Church of Winchester. By Abraham Markland, D. D. Late Prebendary of the said Church, and Master of St. Cross. In two volumes. ...
    Markland, Abraham
  • 107329
    Book Info
    Servitude: a poem. To which is prefix'd, an introduction, humbly Submitted to the Consideration of all Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Ladies, who keep many Servants. Also a postscript, occasion'd by a late trifling pamphlet, entituled, Every body's business, is no body's. Written by a Footman. In Behalf of Good Servants, and to excite the Bad to their Duty
    Dodsley, Robert
  • 107330
    Book Info
    Several hundred texts of Holy Scripture, plainly proving, that our Lord Jesus Christ is the most high God: collected, compared and disposed in a proper method, by a presbyter of the Church of England. With an Extract from the former Preface, Relating to the Opposition made by Mr. Whiston, to the Divinity of our Saviour. To which is added, The Censure of Both Houses of Convocation pass'd upon him
    Mayo, Richard
  • 107331
    Book Info
    Silva : or, a discourse of forest-trees, and the propagation of timber in His Majesty's dominions: As it was delivered in the Royal Society the 15th of October, 1662, upon Occasion of certain Quaeries propounded to that Illustrious Assembly, by the Honourable and Principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy. In two books. Together with an historical account of the sacredness and use of stan...
    Evelyn, John
  • 107332
    Book Info
    Sir John Schaw of Greenock, Bart. - - appellant. Dame Margaret Schaw, widow of Sir John Houstoun, Baronet - - - respondent. The respondent's case
    Houston, Margaret
  • 107333
    Book Info
    Sixteen discourses on practical subjects. By the late Reverend Benjamin Carter, M. A. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty, Rector of St. Martin's Outwich in London, and Vicar of West-Ham in Essex
    Carter, Benjamin
  • 107334
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    Some considerations on the national debts, the sinking fund, and the state of publick credit: in a letter to a friend in the country
    Pulteney, William
  • 107335
    Book Info
    Some farther particulars concerning the sum of 115,000l. granted on account of arrears in his present Majesty's civil list revenues; related in a genuine second letter from a member of Parliament to his friend in the country
    Pulteney, William
  • 107336
    Book Info
    Some farther remarks on a late pamphlet, intitled, Observations on the conduct of Great-Britain; Particularly with Relation to the Spanish Depredations and Letters of Reprisal. In a letter to the Craftsman. To which is added, a postscript, in vindication of the West-India merchants, against a late Charge of Theft and Pyracy. By Caleb D'Anvers of Gray's-Inn, Esq;
    Amhurst, N
  • 107337
    Book Info
    Some objections humbly offered to the consideration of the Hon. House of Commons, relating to the present intended relief of prisoners:
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 107338
    Book Info
    Some observations on damages done by the Spaniards: or, a representation of some of our sea damages, in the five years last past; Collected out of Publick Accounts, by some Trading Men of the City of London, who have, with too many others, suffered for want of such a Protection, as the Power and Charge of the Nation would have aforded them
  • 107339
    Book Info
    Some remarks upon modern education. A sermon preach'd in the Cathedral-Church of Canterbury, on Thursday, September 5, 1728. at the anniversary meeting of the gentlemen educated at the King's School there. By David Jones, A. M. Formerly Master of the said School. Now Rector of Upper Hardres in Kent, and Chaplain to His Grace the Duke of Dorset. Publish'd at the Request of the Gentlemen then presen
    Jones, David
  • 107340
    Book Info
    Some remarks upon the Reverend Dr. Marshall's sermon on occasion of the death of the Revd Dr Rogers; chiefly with a view to the character given therein. And an attempt to do further justice to the character and memory of Dr. Rogers. By Philalethes