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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,461 - 107,480건 출력
  • 107461
    Book Info
    The credibility of mysteries in religion vindicated. In a sermon preach'd in the Cathedral church of Lichfield, on Sunday, July 21. 1728. By William Baker D. D. Fellow of St. John's College in Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable George Earl of Cardigan. Publish'd at the Request of the Bailiffs and Aldermen of the City of Lichfield
    Baker, William
  • 107462
    Book Info
    The credibility of the Christian doctrine of the resurrection. A sermon preached (in part) at the publick lecture in Boston, July 24th 1729. The Thursday after the funeral of William Welsteed, Esq. By Benjamin Colman. [Two lines from Luke]
    Colman, Benjamin
  • 107463
    Book Info
    The curliad. A hypercritic upon the Dunciad variorum. With a farther key to the new characters
    Curll, Edmund
  • 107464
    Book Info
    The death of a prophet lamented and improved, in a sermon preach'd at Northampton, Feb. 13. 1729. On the day of the interment of the Reverend, pious & learned, Mr. Solomon Stoddard their pastor, who departed this life Feb 11. aetatis 86 and now publish'd at their desire. By W. Williams, M.A Pastor of Hatfield. [Four lines of Scripture texts]
    Williams, William
  • 107465
    Book Info
    The death of good men, in the midst of their days, considered and improved. A funeral sermon for the late Reverend Mr. Samuel Harvey, who deceased April 17, 1729. ... Preach'd at Crouched-Fryers, April 27. With some enlargements. By W. Harris, ...
    Harris, William
  • 107466
    Book Info
    The death of good men, in the midst of their days, considered and improved. A funeral sermon for the late Reverend Mr. Samuel Harvey, who deceased April 17, 1729. ... Preach'd at Crouched-Fryers, April 27. With some enlargements; and the epitaph, corrected, by Dr. Watts. By W. Harris, ...
    Harris, William
  • 107467
    Book Info
    The difficulties and discouragements which attend the study of the scriptures in the way of private judgment; ... By a presbyter of the Church of England. The ninth edition. There is added ... a letter written by the Reverend Mr. John Hales ... to Arch-Bishop Laud, upon occasion of his tract concerning schism
    Hare, Francis
  • 107468
    Book Info
    The divine institution of the ministry, and the absolute necessity of church government. A sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford: on Sunday the 21st of September, 1729. By Joseph Betty, M. A. Fellow of Exeter College in Oxford
    Betty, Joseph
  • 107469
    Book Info
    The divine institution of the ministry, and the absolute necessity of church-government. A sermon Preach'd before the University of Oxford: on Sunday the 21st of September, 1729. By Joseph Betty, M. A. Fellow of Exeter College in Oxford
    Betty, Joseph
  • 107470
    Book Info
    The divine institution of the ministry, and the absolute necessity of church-government. A sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford: on Sunday the 21st of September, 1729. By Joseph Betty, ...
    Betty, Joseph
  • 107471
    Book Info
    The doctrine of predestination review'd; or God's counsels and decrees only a comparison to what men find in themselves. In a letter to a friend
    Benson, George
  • 107472
    Book Info
    The dunciad, variorum. With the prolegomena of Scriblerus
    Pope, Alexander
  • 107473
    Book Info
    The dunciad. With notes variorum, and the prolegomena of Scriblerus
    Pope, Alexander
  • 107474
    Book Info
    The earl of Essex's vindication of the war with Spain. In an apology to Mr. Anthony Bacon. Penn'd by himself, anno 1598. To which are added, the several speeches delivered by the Lords of the Councel, in the Star-Chamber, the last Sitting in the End of Michaelmas Term, 1599. in Accusation of the Earl, for the Miscarriages of the War in Ireland, Viz. Lord Keeper Egerton, Lord Treasurer Buckhurst, L
    Essex, Robert Devereux
  • 107475
    Book Info
    The ecclesiastical histories of Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodorit. Faithfully translated and abridg'd from the originals. Together with a brief account of the lives of these historians, and several Useful Notes and Illustrations, and a copious Index. By Mr. Parker. The third edition, carefully review'd by the author, and very much corrected, Improv'd, and Enlarg'd. To which is now added,
  • 107476
    Book Info
    The education proper for charity-children. A sermon, preach'd at Isleworth in the county of Middlesex on Sunday the 10th of August, 1729. Being the day on which the yearly collection was made for the benefit of sixty charity-children, belonging to that parish. By Richard Coleire, M. A. Vicar of Isleworth, and Minister of Richmond. Publish'd at the request of the Trustees
    Coleire, Richard
  • 107477
    Book Info
    The english empire in America. Or, a view of the dominions of the crown of England in the West-Indies. Namely, Newfoundland, New-England, New York, Pensilvania, New-Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina, Bermudas, Barbuda, Anguilla, Monserat, Dominica, St. Vincent, Antego, Mevis or Nevis, St. Christophers, Barbadoes, Jamaica. With an Account of the Discovery, Situation. Product, and other Execellen
    Crouch, Nathaniel
  • 107478
    Book Info
    The epistles and poems by Clio and Strephon. With the parson's daughter, a tale
    Fowke, Martha
  • 107479
    Book Info
    The epistles of Clio and Strephon: being a collection of letters that passed between an English lady, and an English gentleman in France, who took an Affection to each other, by reading accidentally one another's Occasional Compositions, both in Prose and Verse
    Fowke, Martha
  • 107480
    Book Info
    The evidence of Christianity, asserted and proved from facts, as authorised by sacred and prophane history. Wherein all the books of the Old and New Testaments are distinctly demonstrated from the concurrent Testimonies of all Ages to be genuine, and written by the Authors to whom they are ascribed: all the Prophecies and Types of the Messiah in the Old Testament are particularly shewn by their ex
    Entick, John