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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,501 - 107,520건 출력
  • 107501
    Book Info
    The gradual advances, and distinct periods of divine revelation, in the several ages of the world: more particularly in opposition to the infidelity of Mr. Woolston. Being the substance of a sermon preach'd at Magdalene College in Oxford, on Christmas-Day, in the year 1728. By Thomas Bowles, B. D. Fellow of the said College, Vicar of Brackley in Northamptonshire, and Chaplain to the Right Honourab
    Bowles, Thomas
  • 107502
    Book Info
    The great art of artillery of Casimir Simienowicz, Formerly Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance to the King of Poland. Translated from the French, by George Shelvocke, jun. gent. Illustrated with twenty three copper plates
    Siemienowicz, Kazimierz
  • 107503
    Book Info
    The great concern of human life: or, a summary account of the fear of God, and keeping his commandments
    Wright, S
  • 107504
    Book Info
    The hawkers New-Year's gift; to all their worthy masters and mistresses
  • 107505
    Book Info
    The historical register, containing an impartial relation of all transactions, ... With a chronological diary ... Volume XIV. For the year 1729.
  • 107506
    Book Info
    The historical register, containing an impartial relation of all transactions, Foreign and Domestick. With a chronological diary of all The remarkable Occurrences, viz. Births, Marriages, Deaths, Removals, Promotions, &c. that happen'd in this Year: Together with the Characters and Parentage of Persons deceased, of eminent Rank. Volume XIV. For the year 1729
  • 107507
    Book Info
    The history of England, as well ecclesiastical as civil. By Mr. De Rapin Thoyras. Vol. IX. ... Done into English from the French, with large and useful notes ... by N. Tindal, ...
    Rapin de Thoyras
  • 107508
    Book Info
    The history of England, as well ecclesiastical as civil. By Mr. De Rapin Thoyras. Vol. V. Containing I. The Reigns of the Three Kings of the House of Lancaster, Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI. II. A Dissertation on the Maid of Orleans. Done into English from the French, with large and useful notes mark'd with an *, by N. Tindal, A. M. Vicar of Great-Waltham in Essex. Illustrated with the Heads of
    Rapin de Thoyras
  • 107509
    Book Info
    The history of England, as well ecclesiastical as civil. By Mr. De Rapin Thoyras. Vol. Vii. Containing The Reign of Henry Viii, in whose Person were united the Two Houses of York and Lancaster. Done into English from the French, with large and useful notes mark'd with an *, by N. Tindal, A. M. Vicar of Great-Waltham in Essex
    Rapin de Thoyras
  • 107510
    Book Info
    The history of England, as well ecclesiastical as civil. By Mr. De Rapin Thoyras. Vol. Viii. Containing I. The Reigns of Edward VI, and Mary I. II. Part of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth from 1558 to 1587 Inclusive, being one and Twenty Years. Done into English from the French, with large and useful notes mark'd with an *, by N. Tindal, A. M. Vicar of Great-Waltham in Essex. Illustrated with the Hea
    Rapin de Thoyras
  • 107511
    Book Info
    The history of England, as well ecclesiastical as civil... Vol. VII. ... Done into English from the French, with large and useful notes ... by N. Tindal, …
    Rapin de Thoyras
  • 107512
    Book Info
    The history of Great-Britain, from the first inhabitants thereof, 'till the death of Cadwalader, last king of the Britains; and of the Kings of Scotland to Eugenev. As also A short Account of the Kings, Dukes, and Earls of Bretagne, 'till that Dukedom was united to the Crown of France, ending with the Year of our Lord 68; in which are several Pieces of Taliessin, an antient British Poet, and a Def
    Lewis, John
  • 107513
    Book Info
    The history of the revolution in Sweden, occasion'd by the change of religion, and alteration of the government, in that kingdom. Written originally in French, by the Abbot Vertot: printed at Paris. And done into English, by J. Mitchel, M.D.
  • 107514
    Book Info
    The history of the revolution of Persia: taken from the memoirs of Father Krusinski, procurator of the Jesuits at Ispahan; Who lived Twenty Years in that Country, was employ'd by the Bishop of Ispahan, in his Negotiations at the Persian Court, for the Emperor and King of France; and was familiarly conversant with the greatest Men of all Parties. Done into English, from the Original, just publish'd
    Krusi{acute}nski, Judas Thaddaeus
  • 107515
    Book Info
    The history of the revolutions in the Empire of Morocco, upon the death of the late Emperor Muley Ishmael; being a most exact journal of what happen'd in those parts in the last and part of the present year. With Observations Natural, Moral and Political, relating to that Country and People. Written by Captain Braithwaite, Who accompany'd John Russel Esq; his Majesty's Consul-General into those Pa
    Braithwaite, John
  • 107516
    Book Info
    The history of the rise and fall of Masaniello, the fisherman of Naples, containing an exact and impartial relation of the tumults and popular insurrections, that happened in that Kingdom, (in the year 1647.) on Account of the Tax upon Fruits. Collected from authentick memoirs and manuscripts. By F. Midon, junr
    Midon, Francis
  • 107517
    Book Info
    The honest jury; or, Caleb triumphant to the tune of Packington pound
    Pulteney, William
  • 107518
    Book Info
    The honest jury; or, Caleb triumphant. A new ballad. To the tune of Packington's pound
    Pulteney, William
  • 107519
    Book Info
    The honest jury; or, Caleb triumphant. A new ballad. To the tune of Packington's pound.
    Pulteney, William
  • 107520
    Book Info
    The hope of Christians, a means of moderating their sorrow for the dead. A sermon occasioned by the death of John Wall, Esq; ... preached at Rotherhithe, July 27. ... By Thomas Mole
    Mole, Thomas