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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,521 - 107,540건 출력
  • 107521
    Book Info
    The hospital surgeon : Vol. II. Containing several essays on mercury. The descent of the intestine into the scrotum. Injections. Wounds of Dogs. Wounds of the Breast. Crooked Wounds. Red Pimples of the Face. Diseases of the Eyes and the Pestilence. Incystated Tumours. The Meaning of the Word Escarr. With two letters to M. A. Boccacini. By Augustin Belloste, First Surgeon to Her Royal Highness t...
    Belloste, Augustin
  • 107522
    Book Info
    The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament Assembled, Presented to His Majesty On Thursday the Twenty ninth Day of January, 1729. With His Majesty's most gracious answer
    Great Britain
  • 107523
    Book Info
    The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal In Parliament Assembled, Presented to His Majesty On Wednesday the Fourteenth Day of January, 1729. With His Majesty's most gracious answer
    Great Britain
  • 107524
    Book Info
    The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons In Parliament Assembled, presented to His Majesty On Tuesday the twenty fifth day of March, 1729. With His Majesty's most gracious answer
    Great Britain
  • 107525
    Book Info
    The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliament assembled, presented to His Majesty on Wednesday the twenty second day of January, 1728. With His Majesty's most gracious answer
    Great Britain
  • 107526
    Book Info
    The index-Writer: wherein the partiality and disingenuity of the worthy author of The critical history of England, The secret history of Europe, and his last famous Work, Entitled, The history of England, under the respective reigns of the royal family of the Stuarts, are fully exposed. And Divers Historical Facts set in a true Light, and rescued from the Misrepresentations of that Whig Historian
    Author of The index-writer
  • 107527
    Book Info
    The innocency of error asserted and vindicated. In a letter to ------- The third edition, very much corrected and improved by the author
    Sykes, Arthur Ashley
  • 107528
    Book Info
    The instructive part of the Mass; viz. moral reflections on the introit, prayer, epistle and gospel of all the Sundays in the year: Also Upon the Nativity, Circumcision, Epiphany and Ascension of Christ, on Corpus Christi and Ashwednesday
  • 107529
    Book Info
    The intelligencer
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 107530
    Book Info
    The italian master: or, the easiest and best method for attaining that language: revised, corrected and enlarged, by Signor Veneroni, Italian Secretary to the late French King. Done into English, with farther improvements, by Mr. Uvedale. The second edition, to which is added a dictionary, composed by the author of this grammar, and now first translated into English, by Edward Martin Gent. Profess
  • 107531
    Book Info
    The journal of a Dublin lady; in a letter to a person of quality
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 107532
    Book Info
    The journal of a modern lady. In a letter to a person of quality. By the author of Cadenus and Vanessa
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 107533
    Book Info
    The kebla. Part II. Or, a farther defence of eastward adoration. With some remarks upon the anatomy of the Kebla. By John Andrews, Vicar of South-Newington in Oxfordshire
    Andrews, John
  • 107534
    Book Info
    The knowledge of Christ glorified, opened and applied, in twelve sermons, on Christ's resurrection, ascension, sitting at God's right hand, intercession and judging the world; preached at the Merchants lecture, at Pinner's Hall. By John Hurrion
    Hurrion, John
  • 107535
    Book Info
    The knowledge of things unknown : shewing the effects of the planets and other astronomical constellations. With the strange events that befall men, women, and children, born under them. Together with the husbandman's practice: O[r], Prognostication for ever; as teach Albert, Alkind, and Ptolomy. With the shepherd's prognostication for the weather, and Pythagoras his wheel of fortune.
  • 107536
    Book Info
    The latin dedication of the Honourable Mr. Alexander Hume-Campbell, with a literal translation thereof by Cardinal Alberoni; and the same translation again versified by another hand
    Hume-Campbell, Alexander
  • 107537
    Book Info
    The levy-Haunter, a satire
  • 107538
    Book Info
    The life and character of James Butler, late Duke, Marquis and Earl of Ormond; Earl of Brecknock and Ossery, Viscount Thurlo, Baron of Lanthony and Moor-Park, Baron of Arcklow, &c. with a particular account of all his battles; and an impartial relation of the rise, Grandeur, Merit, and Personal Endowments of that illustrious family. Together with The Particulars of the Marriages, Descents, and Dea
    T. B
  • 107539
    Book Info
    The life and death of Sir Thomas Moore, ... Written by William Rooper, ... To which are added from Sir Thomas's English works some letters ...
    Roper, William
  • 107540
    Book Info
    The life and intrigues of the late celebrated Mrs. Mary Parrimore, the Tall Milliner of 'change-Alley. Containing A Series of uncommon Adventures, no less surprizing than entertaining: with An Account of her Writings, and a further Illustration of love upon tick: wherein The whole adventure is set in a true Light, with the Addition of several material Particulars omitted in that Pamphlet