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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,561 - 107,580건 출력
  • 107561
    Book Info
    The miracles of Jesus vindicated. Part I. Containing the proofs of Jesus's resurrection stated, and the objections to it answer'd.
    Pearce, Zachary
  • 107562
    Book Info
    The miracles of Jesus vindicated. Part II. Containing a defence of the literal story of Jesus's driving the buyers ... out of the temple, ...
    Pearce, Zachary
  • 107563
    Book Info
    The miracles of Jesus vindicated. Part III. Containing a defence of the literal story of Jesus's causing the barren fig-tree to wither away, ...
    Pearce, Zachary
  • 107564
    Book Info
    The miracles of Jesus vindicated. Part IV. Containing a defence of the literal story of Jesus's healing the infirm man at the pool of Bethesda, ...
    Pearce, Zachary
  • 107565
    Book Info
    The miseries of goals, and the cruelty of goalers. Being a narrative of several persons now under confinement
  • 107566
    Book Info
    The moderator between an infidel and an apostate: or, the controversy between the author of the Discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion; and his reverend ecclesiastical opponents; set in a clear light. With an exhortation to a zealous debate of it. The third edition. By Thomas Woolston, B. D. sometime Fellow of Sidney College in Cambridge
    Woolston, Thomas
  • 107567
    Book Info
    The monument: or, the muse's motion to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, ... upon occasion of the death of Sir Richard Steele, knt.
  • 107568
    Book Info
    The morals of princes: or, an abstract of the most remarkable passages contain'd in the history of all the emperors who reign'd in Rome. With a moral reflection drawn from each quotation. Written originally in Italian, by Count John Baptista Comazzi, Historiographer to his Imperial Majesty. Done into Englis by William Hatchett, Gent.
    Comazzi, Giovanni Battista
  • 107569
    Book Info
    The most entertaining history of Hippolyto and Aminta. Containing great variety of surprising events in their lives, and those of other remarkable Persons; As, I. Deep amorous Intrigues. II. Heroick Enterprises. III. Strange Exploits of Valour. IV. Cruel Instances of Revenge. V. Base Examples of Ingratitude. VI. Mean knavish Practices. Vii. Dismal Misfortunes. Viii. Miserable Captivities. IX. Wond
    Quintana, Francisco de
  • 107570
    Book Info
    The motives and designs of the Vienna alliance examined. In a letter to Mr. D'Anvers
  • 107571
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    The musical miscellany; being a collection of choice songs, set to the violin and flute, by the most eminent masters. ...
  • 107572
    Book Info
    The naked truth, or two letters, the first from Mr. J-s G-y to his correspondent. Containing a vindication of his conduct, and that of several others in the affair of Mr. Glass, by way of Remarks on the Narrative publish'd by the said Mr. Glass. Together with some general animadversions on an explication of the proposition contain'd in Mr. Glass's answer to the Synod's queries; A Congregation or C
    Gray, James
  • 107573
    Book Info
    The nature of fermentation explain'd; with the method of opening the body of any grain or vegetable subject, so as to obtain from it a spirituous liquor: Exemplified by the process of perparing rum, as 'tis manag'd in the West-Indies. With many other useful reflections and observations. To which is added, a collection of several compound cordial wa
    Smith, George
  • 107574
    Book Info
    The necessity of divine revelation, and the truth of the Christian revelation asserted; in eight sermons. To which is prefix'd, a preface with some remarks on a late book, intitled, The scheme of literal prophecy consider'd, &c. The second edition. By John Rogers, D. D. Late Canon of Wells, Vicar of St. Giles, Cripplegate, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty
    Rogers, John
  • 107575
    Book Info
    The necessity of preaching the gospel in gospel language: being a sermon preach'd at an ordination at Darlington in the bishoprick of Durham. By James Atkinson, ...
    Atkinson, James
  • 107576
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    The new dozen at Westminster; or, Caleb's good men, and true. To the tune of, Which nobody can deny
  • 107577
    Book Info
    The nurse's guide: Or, the Right Method of bringing up Young Children. To which is added, An essay on Preserving Health, and Prolonging Life. With A Treatise of the gout. By an Eminent Physician
    Eminent Physician
  • 107578
    Book Info
    The office and authority of a Justice of Peace: collected out of all the books, whether of common or statute law, hitherto written on that subject. Shewing also the Duty of Constables, Commissioners of Sewers, Coroners, Overseers of the Poor, Surveyors of the Highways, Church-Wardens, and other Parish Officers: Digested under alphabetical titles. To which are added, Precedents of Indictments and W
    Nelson, William
  • 107579
    Book Info
    The ordinary of Newgate his account, Of the Behaviour, Confession, and dying Words of James Cluff, who was executed at Tyburn, for the murder of Mary Green, on Friday the 25th of this instant July, 1729
    Guthrie, James
  • 107580
    Book Info
    The ordinary of Newgate his account, of the behaviour, confession, and dying words of the malefactors, who were executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 22d of this instant August, 1729
    Guthrie, James