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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,801 - 107,820건 출력
  • 107801
    Book Info
    A literal exposition of two remarkable prophecies in the Old Testament, relating to Jesus Christ the Messiah. The First, In the Seventeenth Chapter of Isaiah, Verse 14. Behold, a Virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, &c. The Second, In the Eighteenth Chapter of Deuteronomy, Verse 15. The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy Brethren, like unto me, &c. By W
    Gardiner, William
  • 107802
    Book Info
    A manual of prayers and other Christian devotions.
    Flinton, George
  • 107803
    Book Info
    A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of Winchester College, and all other devout Christians. To which are added, three hymns, ... By Dr. Tho. Ken, ...
    Ken, Thomas
  • 107804
    Book Info
    A mathematical manual: or, delightful associate. Containing, I. A description and use of the celestial globe: How to know the Stars in each Constellation, and their Magnitude; also their Latitude, Longitude, Right Ascension, Declination, Semi-Diurnal Ark, Riting, Southing, Setting, Altitude, Azimuth, Distances, &c. The Sun's Place, his Rising and Setting, Length of the Day and Night, &c. Also Dial
    Hatton, Edward
  • 107805
    Book Info
    A memorial relating to the court of Marshalsea of the king's houshold, Held in the Borough of Southwark. Written by Mr. Asgill
    Asgill, John
  • 107806
    Book Info
    A method for the regular management of those societies, call'd Box-clubs: ...
  • 107807
    Book Info
    A narrative of the rise and progress of the controversy about the natural covenants, and of the ways that have been taken about it on both sides. By Mr. John Glass Minister of the Gospel at Tealing
    Glas, John
  • 107808
    Book Info
    A new French grammar, containing, the necessary rules for attaining that language; a well-digested and copious vocabulary; Familiar Phrases and Dialogues; Dialogues of wit and Humour; With a Collection of choice Proverbs, French & English. By Mr. A. Boyer
    Boyer, Abel
  • 107809
    Book Info
    A new ballad inscrib'd to Polly Peachum. To the tune of Pretty parrot say. By the author of Leheup's ballad
    Author of Leheup's Ballad
  • 107810
    Book Info
    A new ballad, inscrib'd to Polly Peachum. To the tune of Pretty parrot say. By the author of Leheup's ballad
    Author of Leheup's Ballad
  • 107811
    Book Info
    A new grammar, Italian-English, and English-Italian: which contains a true and easy method for acquiring these two languages. With many useful Remarks, which are not to be found in any other Grammar of this Kind. By F. Altieri, Author of the Italian and English Dictionary, and Professor of the Italian Tongue in London
    Altieri, F
  • 107812
    Book Info
    A new method of studying history: recommending more easy and complete instructions ... In two volumes. ... Originally written in French by M. Langlet du Fresnoy, ... The whole made English, with variety of improvements and corrections ... Also, a dissertation by Count Scipi Maffei ... By Richard Rawlinson, ...
    Lenglet Dufresnoy, Nicolas
  • 107813
    Book Info
    A new method of studying history: recommending more easy and complete instructions ... In two volumes. ... Originally written in French by M. Langlet du Fresnoy, ... The whole made English, with variety of improvements and corrections, ... Also, a dissertation by Count Scipio Maffei ... By Richard Rawlinson, ...
    Lenglet Dufresnoy, Nicolas
  • 107814
    Book Info
    A new miscellany of court songs. Part II. Containing I. L-p at Hanover. A new song. II. A new ballad. Address'd to Colonel Platoon. III. Vox, & praeterea nihil: Or, a great Noise about Nothing. To the Tune of, Which no body can deny. IV. The Change. A New Ballad. To the Tune of, Which no Body can deny. V. To the Earl of Oxford, on his not appearing at St. James's. VI. The livery-man's answer to a
  • 107815
    Book Info
    A new practice of physic : wherein the various diseases incident to the human body are orderly described, their causes assign'd, their diagnostics and prognostics enumerated, And the Regimen proper in each deliver'd; With A Competent Number of Medicines for every Stage and Symptom thereof, Prescribed after the Manner Of the most Eminent Physicians among the Moderns, and particularly those of Lo...
    Shaw, Peter
  • 107816
    Book Info
    A new review of London: being an exact survey, lately taken, of every street, lane Court, Alley, Square, Close, Green, Wharf, Row, Garden, Field, and all Places, by what Name soever call'd, within the cities, liberties, or suburbs of London, Westminster, and the borough of Southwark. Alphabetically digested. To which are added, I. The Rates of Foreign and Domestick Letters, II. An exact and correc
    Burridge, Richard
  • 107817
    Book Info
    A new scheme proposed, People of Ireland; for increasing the cash, of this kingdom; by making promissary notes of copper, to bear an intrinsick value to the British-Half-Pence. Grounded on the statutes made in this Kingdom; in the VIII. of Queen Ann, and VII. of King George the First, made for Establishing the Currency, and Securing the Value of Promissary Notes. By James Maculla of the City of Du
    Maculla, James
  • 107818
    Book Info
    A new translation of Horace's art of poetry, attempted in rhyme. By Mr. Henry Ames.
  • 107819
    Book Info
    A philosophical treatise concerning the weakness of human understanding. By Peter Huet, late Bishop of Avranches
    Huet, Pierre-Daniel
  • 107820
    Book Info
    A pindarick ode, on the resurrection of our saviour Jesus Christ, on Easter-Sunday