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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,901 - 107,920건 출력
  • 107901
    Book Info
    Advantages which have accrued to the publick, and to the South-Sea Company, by the execution of the South-Sea scheme
  • 107902
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    Alkibla. A disquisition upon worshiping towards the east. Wherein are Contain'd, The General Antiquity, the Rise, and Reasonableness of this Religious Ceremony in the Gentile World: It's early Adoption into the Church of Christ; with a Free and Impartial Examination of the Reasons assigned for it by the Antient Fathers. By a Master of Arts of the University of Oxford
    Asplin, William
  • 107903
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    All for love: or, the world well lost. A tragedy. And [sic] it is acted at the Theater-Royal, by His Majesty's servants; and written in imitation of Shakespear's style
    Dryden, John
  • 107904
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    An abridgment of all the statutes in Ireland, in the reign of King George the 1. In force and use. From the first session thereof Exclusive. To which is added, an abridgment of all the statutes in Ireland, passed in the first session of King George the II. By Edward Hunt, Esq; One of his Majesty's Councils at Law
  • 107905
    Book Info
    An abridgment of the publick laws of Virginia, in force and use, June 10. 1720. To which is added, for the Ease of the Justices and Military Officers, &c. Precedents of all Matters to be issued by them, peculiar to those Laws; and varying from the Precedents in England
  • 107906
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    An abridgment of the statute, made in the first year of the reign of King George the IId. For the better regulating the work-house of the city of Dublin, and to Regulate and Provide for the Poor thereof: and to prevent mischiefs which may happen by keeping gun-powder within the said city
  • 107907
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    An abridgment of the statutes in force relating to His Majesty's excise, with A Table of the Titles of the Acts abridged, and An Index to the said Abridgment. By Reay Sabourn
    Great Britain
  • 107908
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    An abridgment of the third volume of The history of the reformation of the Church of England. By Gilbert Burnet, M.A. Being a supplement to the abridgment of the two former volumes
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 107909
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    An abstract of the Essay of human understanding. By Mr. Locke. Abridg'd by the late Lord Chief Baron Gilbert
    Locke, John
  • 107910
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    An abstract of the patent granted by His most excellent Majesty King George, to B. Okell, the inventor of a medicine, call'd, Dr. Bateman's pectoral drops, and to J. Cluer, R. Raikes, and W. Dicey, the persons concern'd with him, that they may enjoy the sole benefit of making and vending the said medicine
    Okell, Benjamin
  • 107911
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    An account of several benefactions and charities, given to the churches, &c. school, burgesses, tradesmen, and poor in the borough of Derby, by Queen Mary, Sir Thomas White, Mr. Liversage, Mr. Arch-Deacon Walton, Mrs. Walton Mr. Crowshaw, Revd. Mr. Kilby, Mr. Botham, Countess of Shrewsbury, Countess of Devonshire, and others, &c. Or an abstract of Queen Mary's grant to the Corporation of Derby
  • 107912
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    An account of the life and writings of Sr. Isaac Newton. Translated from the eloge of M. Fontenelle, ...
    Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de
  • 107913
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    An account of the miracle wrought on the 31st of May, the feast of Corpus Christi, in the Year 1725, at the Procession of St Margaret's Parish in the Suburbs of St Antony at Paris. In the person of Anne Charlier, wife to Francis de la Fosse Master Ebonist. Gather'd from the verbal processes made in the Archbishops court at Paris, and containing all the remarkable Circumstances of this great Event.
    Bertier, Charles
  • 107914
    Book Info
    An account of the state of learning in the empire of Lilliput: Together with the history and character of Bullum the Emperor's Library-Keeper. Faithfully transcribed out of Captain Lemuel Gulliver's General description of the empire of Lilliput, ...
    Arbuthnot, John
  • 107915
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    An act for confirming the inclosure and division of the common fields and common grounds within the manors and parishes of Overton-Longville, and Butolphsbridge, in the county of Huntingdon
    Great Britain
  • 107916
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    An act for impowering the Honourable Charles Howard, Esq; to raise money by sale or mortgage of the manors of Walden, alias Chipping Walden, Brook-Walden, and other Manors and Lands therein mentioned, for payment of the debts of Charles William, late Earl of Suffolk and Bindon, deceas'd
    Great Britain
  • 107917
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    An act for the more effectual preventing abuses in the making of bricks and tiles, and for altering the size of bricks made for sale
    Great Britain
  • 107918
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    An act for the more effectual preventing several frauds and abuses committed in his Majesty's customs and excise; and for settling the rates of certain goods and merchandizes not particularly valued in the book of rates. As also, certain clauses, relating to the Excise and Custom of Goods, taken out of several acts passed in the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 12th years of Geo.I
  • 107919
    Book Info
    An act to preserve and encourage the woollen and silk manufactures of this kingdom; and for more effectual employing the poor by prohibiting the use and wear of all printed, painted, stained, or dyed callicoes, in apparel, houshold-stuff, furniture, or otherwise, after the twenty fifth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and twenty two (except as therein is excepted.)
    Great Britain
  • 107920
    Book Info
    An address to the inhabiants [sic] of the two great cities of London and Westminster: in relation to a pastoral letter, said to be written by the Bishop of London, ...
    Tindal, Matthew