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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 107,921 - 107,940건 출력
  • 107921
    Book Info
    An address to the people, called Quakers. Shewing that they were founded by a Jesuit, and that the greater part of them now are Socinian, according to their first Institution. With an advice to the more Christian Quakers, from nature, from holy writ, from antiquity, and from reason
  • 107922
    Book Info
    An alarm, to the Church of Scotland, and to all lovers of truth against error; ... Or, a letter from a gentleman in the country, ... about the affair of Mr. John Simpson, ... together with the answer to the said letter
    Gentleman in the Country
  • 107923
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    An almanack for the year of our Lord God 1728. Being the Bissextile, or Leap-Year. By M. F. philomath
    M. F
  • 107924
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    An answer to Polly Peachum's ballad
  • 107925
    Book Info
    An answer to a calumny: with some remarks upon an anonimous pamphlet, address'd to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, entitled, Some observations on the Assiento trade, as it has been exercised by the South-Sea Company, &c. Whereby The Damage which has, or is likely to accrue thereby to the British Commerce and Plantations, and particularly to Jamaica, is also considered. In two parts. By the Factor
    Rigby, Richard
  • 107926
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    An answer to a paper, Called A Memorial Of the Poor Inhabitants, Tradesmen and Labourers of the Kingdom of Ireland. By the Author of the Short View of the State of Ireland
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 107927
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    An answer to the dissenters pleas for separation; or, an abridgment of the London cases; wherein The Substance of those Books is digested into one Short and Plain Discourse
  • 107928
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    An answer to the pretended Reasons against a pound rate, in the intended new Parish of Poplar
  • 107929
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    An answer to what Dr. Freind has written in his History of physick, concerning several mistakes, which he pretends to have found in a short work of Dr. Le Clerc, intituled, An essay of a plan, &c. Translated from the eighth article of Bibliotheque ancienne, & moderne, vol.27. Part 2. by Mr Le Clerc. To which is added, a preface, by W.Cockburn, M.D.
    Le Clerc, Jean
  • 107930
    Book Info
    An appeal to all sober Christians: shewing, from divers texts of scripture, both the true subjects of water-baptism; and the right mode of administration, according to primitive Institution. And in Consequence thereof, The Reasonableness of separating in Matters of Religion, from all those Societies, that have no other Water-Baptism than what they had in their Infancy
  • 107931
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    An appeal to the understanding of the meanest capacities for the truth of the Christian religion. By a divine of the Church of England
    Scott, John
  • 107932
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    An authentic relation of the many hardships and sufferings of a Dutch sailor, who was put on shore on the uninhabited isle of Ascension, ... Taken from the original journal found ... by some sailors, ... in January, 1725-6
  • 107933
    Book Info
    An authentick relation of the many hardships and sufferings of a Dutch sailor, who was put on shore on the uninhabited isle of Ascension, by Order of the Commadore of a Squadron of Dutch Ships. With A Remarkable Account of his Converse with Apparitions and Evil Spirits, during his Residence on the Island. And A particular Diary of his Transactions from the Fifth of May to the Fourteenth of October
  • 107934
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    An easy method of instructing youth, in the principles and practice of the Christian religion: for the better understanding of the church catechism, ...
  • 107935
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    An elegy. On the much lamented death of alderman John Stoyte, Esq; Member of Parliament for this city; who departed this life, on Tuesday the 2d of July, 1728
  • 107936
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    An enquiry into the evidence of the Christian religion
    Newcome, Susanna
  • 107937
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    An epistle from Sapho to Philenis. With The discovery; or, paradise review'd
  • 107938
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    An epistle to W. S. Esq; Containing some Political Remarks on his Speech in the House of Commons, against Sir R. W.'s Proposal For Increasing the Civil List Revenue. And proving it to be, (1.) A gross and insolent Misrepresentation of the late King's Government. (2.) A virulent Invective against the late Ministry and the late Parliament. (3.) An audacious Reflection on his present Majesty's Speech
    Member of Parliament
  • 107939
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    An epistle to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole.
  • 107940
    Book Info
    An essay against too much reading. With The whole Lives and Proceedings of Sancho and Peepo, at Aix la Chapelle in Germany. And A true account and design of the Proceedings this last Year in so many Processions at Bath