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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,021 - 108,040건 출력
  • 108021
    Book Info
    Cambdenus illustratus, sive, Græca grammatica luculenta, qua Ad accuratissimam Graecae Linguae Scientiam, maturiùs & faciliùs Ingenium quodvis minus capax, parvo temporis intervallo, pervenire possit. In usum studiosæ juventutis
    Camden, William
  • 108022
    Book Info
    Carmen spirituale: monita christiana in usum juventutis continens. Olim à Richardo Claridge anglicè compositum & editum. Nunc latinè versum ab J. B.
    Claridge, Richard
  • 108023
    Book Info
    Catalogus librorum ex bibliothecis virorum Reverendi eruditissimique Jo. Lowthorp, M.A. & F.R.S. et Honoratissimi Tho. Carew Armigeri, Nuper Defunctorum: or, a catalogue of the Libraries of the late Reverend and Learned John Lowthorp, M. A. and F. R. S. (author of the Philosophical Transactions abridg'd;) and the Honourable Tho. Carew Esq; both Deceas'd. Consisting of several Thousand Volumes, rel
    Davis, Charles
  • 108024
    Book Info
    Catalogus nummorum Sueo-Gothicorum usualium ac memorialium, veterum recentiumque, in Museo Graingeriano Holmi? curiose asservatorum, concinnatus a Nicolao Kedero, Holmiensi, Regii Antiquitatum Collegii Assessore. Accedunt ET Alii Nummi ab eodem descripti. Accedunt et alii nummi ab eodem descripti
    Keder, Nils
  • 108025
    Book Info
    Cato. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By Mr. Addison
    Addison, Joseph
  • 108026
    Book Info
    Celia's new garland: compos'd of eight new songs. I. Celia's complaint. II. The answer. III. The enamour'd swain. IV. A dialogue between a Ranter and a Love-Sick Quaker. V. The merchant son and young Susan. VI. Gossip Joan. Vii. The young mens warning-piece: Shewing the wicked Lives and evil Courses of the Six Malefactors, now hanging in Chains. Viii. The cruel woman: or. The Monster of a Wife; be
  • 108027
    Book Info
    Characters of the times; or, an Impartial account of the Writings, Characters, Education, &c. of several Noblemen and Gentlemen, libell'd in a Preface to a late Miscellany publish'd by P-----P E and S------F T.
  • 108028
    Book Info
    Charity and truth: or, Catholicks not uncharitable in saying, that none are sav'd out of the Catholick communion. Because the rule is not universal. By H. E.
    Hawarden, Edward
  • 108029
    Book Info
    Christ on the cross, suffering for sinners: or the sinners redemption, sanctification and exaltation, by the death and bitter passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Written by S. Smithson
    Smithson, S
  • 108030
    Book Info
    Christian religion supported by the prophecies of the Old Testament: or, a defence of the argument drawn from prophecy. By Brampton Gurdon, A. M. Archdeacon of Sudbury
    Gurdon, Brampton
  • 108031
    Book Info
    Christianity the perfection of all religion, natural and revealed. Wherein some of the principal prophecies relating to the Messiah in the Old Testament, are shewn to belong to him in the literal sense: In Opposition to the Attempts of the Literal Scheme, &c. By Thomas Jeffery
    Jeffery, Thomas
  • 108032
    Book Info
    Civil rulers raised up by God to feed his people. A sermon at the publick lecture in Boston, July 25. 1728. In the audience of His Excellency the governour, His Honour the lieut. governour, and the Honourable the Council and representatives of the province: being the Thursday after His Excellency's arrival here. By Thomas Prince, M.A. and one of the Pastors of the South Church
    Prince, Thomas
  • 108033
    Book Info
    Codrus: or, the Dunciad dissected. Being the finishing-stroke. To which is added, farmer Pope and his son. A tale. By Mr. Philips
    Curll, Edmund
  • 108034
    Book Info
    Comitia Westmonasteriensium, in collegio Sti Petri habita die anniversario fundatricis suæ reginæ Elizabethæ inauguratæ Jan. XV
    Westminster School (London, England)
  • 108035
    Book Info
    Compendium syntaxis Erasmianæ: or a compendium of Erasmus's syntax; with an English explication and resolution of the rules, According to both Ancient, and Modern Grammarians and Criticks. In usum scholæ Mercatorum Scissorum, Lond
    Lily, William
  • 108036
    Book Info
    Concio ad magistratum. Or, A sermon preached before the honourable the judges of the Superiour Court of Judicature Court of Assize & General Goal Delivery, holden at Barnstable for the counties of Barnstable and Dukes County, April 24. 1728. Being the first time that court was held there. By Nathanael Stone, A.M. Pastor of the church in Harwich. Published by order and at the desire of the justices
    Stone, Nathanael
  • 108037
    Book Info
    Considerations on two papers lately published. The first, called, Seasonable remarks, &c. And the other, An essay on trade in general, and on that of Ireland, in particular
  • 108038
    Book Info
    Considerations on two papers lately published. The first, called, Seasonable remarks, &c. And the other, An essay on trade in general, and on that of Ireland, in particular.
    Dobbs, Arthur
  • 108039
    Book Info
    Conversations with a lady, on the plurality of worlds. Written in French, by Mons. Fontenelle, Author of, The Dialogues of the Dead. Translated by Mr. Glanvill. The fifth edition. With the addition of a sixth conversation. To which is also added, a discourse concerning the antients and moderns. Written by the same author: and translated by Mr. Hughes
    Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de
  • 108040
    Book Info
    Cupid's metamorphoses or, Love in all Shapes. Being The Second and last Volume of the Poetical Works of Mr. William Pattison, Late of Sidney College, Cambridge
    Pattison, William