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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,061 - 108,080건 출력
  • 108061
    Book Info
    Doing good recommended from the example of Christ. A sermon preach'd for the Benefit of the Charity-School in Gravel-Lane, Southwark, Jan. 1727/8. To which is added, An Answer to an Essay on Charity-Schools, by the Author of the Fable of the Bees. By Sam. Chandler
    Chandler, Samuel
  • 108062
    Book Info
    Dotage. A poem, Inscrib'd to a Gentleman within a few Years of his Grand-Climacterick. By J. W.
    J. W
  • 108063
    Book Info
    Double falshood: or, the distrest lovers. A play, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Written originally by W. Shakespeare; and now revised and adapted to the stage by Mr. Theobald, ...
  • 108064
    Book Info
    Double falshood; or, the distrest lovers. A play, as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Written originally by W. Shakespeare; and now revised and adapted to the stage by Mr. Theobald, the Author of Shakespeare Restor'd
  • 108065
    Book Info
    Dr. South still speaking: or, a lecture from the dead, concerning modern patriotism. With a dedication to the late L. V. Bol. and the Hon. W. P. Esq;
  • 108066
    Book Info
    Electa minora ex Ovidio, Tibullo, et Propertio, Usui Scholae Etonensis: Quarto Castigata, & ubi visum Explicata
  • 108067
    Book Info
    English exercises for school-boys to translate into Latin, Comprising all the Rules of Grammar; And other Necessary Observations; Ascending gradually from the meanest to higher Capacities. By J. Garretson, Schoolmaster
    Garretson, J
  • 108068
    Book Info
    Etats de la distribution de la somme de vint & quatre mille livres, accordée par Sa Majesté le feu roy, de glorieuse memoire, aux pauvres Protestants françois Lä&iques refugiez en Angleterre. Administrée par le Committé François, sous les Ordres des Seigneurs nommez par Sa Majesté, & par la Direction de Messieurs les Commissaires Anglois
    Comit{acute}e Fran{cedil}cois (London, England)
  • 108069
    Book Info
    Euclid's elements : of geometry, from the Latin translation of Commandine. To which is added, A treatise of the nature of arithmetick of Logarithms; Likewise Another of the elements of Plain and Spherical Trigonometry; With a preface, shewing the Usefulness and Excellency of this Work. By Doctor John Keil, F. R. S. and late Professor of Astronomy in Oxford. Now done into English. The whole revi...
  • 108070
    Book Info
    Eutropii historiæ Romanæ breviarium, cum versione Anglicâ, in qua, verbum de verbo, quantum fieri licuit, exprimitur, notis quoque & indice. Or, Eutropius's compendious history of Rome: together with an English translation as literal as possible, notes and an index. By Joh Clarke, Master of the Publick Grammar-School in Hull, in Pursuance of the Method of Teaching the Latin Tongue, laid down by hi
  • 108071
    Book Info
    Exercise for the horse, dragoon, and foot forces
    Great Britain
  • 108072
    Book Info
    Exercises to the accidence; or, an exemplification of the several moods and tenses, and of the principle rules of construction; consisting chiefly of moral sentences, collected out of the best Roman authors, and translated into English, to be render'd back into Latin, the Latin words being set in the opposite Column. With references to the Latin syntax; and notes. The fourth edition, with addition
    Turner, William
  • 108073
    Book Info
    Extraordinary adventures, revolutions & events. being An Account of divers stupendious Accidents, strange Deliverances, signal Mutations in the Fortunes of several famous Men, and Changes of Government in many Countries. With other observable Passages in divers Kingdoms, States, and Provinces throughout the World. Enlivened with Pictures, for their better Illustration. By Robert Burton
    R. B
  • 108074
    Book Info
    Fables of Aesop and others. Newly done into English. With an application to each fable. Illustrated with cutts. By Sam. Croxall, D.D.
  • 108075
    Book Info
    Fables. By Mr. Gay.
    Gay, John
  • 108076
    Book Info
    Farther considerations for the improvement of the tillage in Ireland: with an account of the advantages of the ploughs and methods recommended in a former treatise, as since proved on Tryal. And Some Remarks added for an easy Improvement of the Lands now used in Tillage, and of other Lands in this Kingdom. By Sam. Peirson, A.B.
    Peirson, Sam
  • 108077
    Book Info
    Faults on all sides. The case of religion consider'd: shewing the substance of true godliness; wherein are also particulariz'd, sundry errors, maxims and corruptions of men and sects of this present age, with suitable observations and reflections thereon. With some conclusive reasons to perswade to unity, moderation and charity. Presented to the inhabitants (especially) of the colony of Rhode Isla
    Honeyman, James
  • 108078
    Book Info
    Female excellency: or, the ladies glory. Illustrated in the worthy lives and memorable actions of nine famous women, who have been Renowned either for Virtue or Valour, in several Ages of the World: Namely, I. Deborah, the Prophetess. II. The valiant Judith. III. Queen Esther. IV. The Virtuous Susanna. V. The Chaste Lucretia. VI. Voadica, Queen of Britain. Vii. Mariamne, Wife to K. Heord. Viii. Cl
    R. B
  • 108079
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons on several occasions, eight of which were never before printed. To which is added a scripture catechism: or, the principles of the Christian religion laid down in the words of the Bible. By the late Reverend and Learned Mr. James Peirce of Exon
    Peirce, James
  • 108080
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons on several occasions, eight of which were never before printed. To which is added a scripture-catechism: or, the principles of the Christian religion laid down in the words of the bible. By the late Reverend and Learned Mr. James Peirce of Exon
    Peirce, James