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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,081 - 108,100건 출력
  • 108081
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons preach'd on several occasions. By Richard Duke, ...
    Duke, Richard
  • 108082
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    Fifty two sermons for every Sunday of the year MDCCXXVII. Preached out of the first lessons at morning prayer. By William Reading, M. A. Keeper of the Library at Sion-College. In two volumes
    Reading, William
  • 108083
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    Filli di Sciro, favola pastorale del conte Gvidubaldo Bonarelli, detto l'aggiunto, accademico intrepido. Per G.P. Nuovamente corretta, e da infiniti errori diligentemente espurgata
    Bonarelli, Guidubaldo
  • 108084
    Book Info
    For God or the devil, or, just chastisement no persecution, being, the Christian's cry to the legislature for exemplary punishment of publick and pernicious blasphemers: particularly that wretch Woolston, Who has impudently and scurrilously turned the Miracles of our most Blessed Saviour into Ridicule, in Four Blasphemous Pamphlets lately Published
  • 108085
    Book Info
    Forms of prayer with thanksgiving to almighty God; to be used in all churches and chapels within this realm, every year, upon the fifth day of November, the thirtieth day of January, and the twenty ninth day of May. By His Majesty's Special Command
    Church of England
  • 108086
    Book Info
    Fossils of all kinds : digested into a method, suitable to their mutual relation and affinity; With The Names by which they were known to the Antients, and those by which they are at this Day known: And Notes conducing to the setting forth the Natural History, and the main Uses, of some of the most considerable of them. As also several papers tending to the further advancement of the knowledge ...
    Woodward, John
  • 108087
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    Four dissertations: I. Of God's permitting the fall of Adam, and creating Man capable of Sin. II. Of the Extraordinary Assistances vouchsafed to the first Publishers of the Gospel, and the Primitive Church. III. Of Prophetical Revelation. IV. Of the resurrection of the same body. By Robert D'Oyly, M. A. Rector of Ginge-Hospital in Essex, and late Fellow of Wadham-College in Oxford
    D'Oyly, Robert
  • 108088
    Book Info
    Funebria: or, six practical discourses on funeral occasions. viz. I. At the funeral of the Rev. Thomas Clopton, M. A. formerly Rector of Christleton. II. At the funeral of Mrs. Clopton, the said Rector's Relict. III, IV, V. On occasion of the death of the Rev. Philip Egerton, D. D. the late Rector of Astbury and Christleton. VI. At the funeral of Mrs. Ledsham; Preached at St. John Baptist's Church
    Thomas, John
  • 108089
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    General instructions, divine, moral, historical, figurative, &c. Shewing the progress of religion from the Creation to this Time, and to the End of the World; and tending to confirm the truth of the Christian religion. By Theophilus Garencieres, Vicar of Scarbrough, and Chaplain to his Grace Peregrine Duke of Ancaster
    Garenci{grave}eres, Theophilus
  • 108090
    Book Info
    God's awful determination against a people, that will not obey his voice, by his word, and judgments. A sermon preach'd at the publick lecture in Boston, Feb. 8. 1728. After repeated shocks of the earthquake. By John Cotton, V.D.M. Published at the desire of many of the hearers. [Three lines from Amos]
    Cotton, John
  • 108091
    Book Info
    God's call to unconverted sinners to turn to the Lord. Plainly shewing every poor sinner the miserableness of his estate, ... Also, the happy condition of the people of God, ... The sixty ninth edition. By R. Baxter
    Baxter, Richard
  • 108092
    Book Info
    Grammadeg Cymraeg. Yn cynnwys athrawaieth llafaryddion, a lliosseiniaid, helaeth ddosparth ar y sillafau a'i hamryw berthynasau. Wyth rann ymadrodd a'i chynneddfau. Hyfforddiant i jawn yscrifennyddiaeth, beth yw enw, rhag enw, gorair, arorair, cenedlryw, nôd bannog, cyssylltiad, y pum amser ar moddau, cystrawen, &c. ...
    Roderick, John
  • 108093
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    Greenwich-Park: humbly inscribed to his Grace the Duke of Montagu. To which are added, poems, &c. on several occasions
    Suffolk, Edward Howard
  • 108094
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    Gulielmi Clinch de tuenda valetudine liber
    Clinch, William
  • 108095
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    Gulliver decypher'd: or remarks on a late book, intitled, Travels into several remote nations of the world. By Capt. Lemuel Gulliver. Vindicating the reverend Dean on whom it is maliciously father'd. With Some probable Conjectures concerning the Real Author. To which is prefix'd a Prefatory Discourse concerning Decyphering
  • 108096
    Book Info
    Gulliveriana: or, a fourth volume of miscellanies. Being a Sequel of the Three Volumes, published by Pope and Swift. To which is added, Alexanderiana; or, A Comparison between the Ecclesiastical and Poetical Pope. And many Things, in Verse and Prose, relating to the latter. With an ample Preface; and a Critique on the Third Volume of Miscellanies lately publish'd by those two facetious Writers
    Smedley, Jonathan
  • 108097
    Book Info
    He that would keep God's commandments must renounce the society of evil doers. A sermon preach'd at the publick lecture in Boston, July 18th. 1728. After a bloody and mortal duel. By Joseph Sewall, M.A. Pastor of a church of Christ in Boston. With a preface by the united ministers of the said town. [Three lines from Proverbs]
    Sewall, Joseph
  • 108098
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    Heart's-ease in heart-trouble. Or, a sovereign remedy against all trouble of heart that Christ's disciples are subject to, ... By J.B. minister of the gospel.
    Burdwood, James
  • 108099
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    Hereditary right exemplified: or, a letter of condolance for Mr. Ed---d C--l to his son H---y, upon his late discipline at Westminster
  • 108100
    Book Info
    Hero and Leander. A dramatick entertainment as it is acted at Lee's and Harper's great theatrical booth, in Bartholomew-Fair