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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,121 - 108,140건 출력
  • 108121
    Book Info
    Kiss my A--- is no treason: or, an historical and critical dissertation upon the art of selling bargains
  • 108122
    Book Info
    Knowledge and practice necessary to happiness. A Sermon Preached in the Old Jury, on Wednesday, March 1727/8, At the Conclusion of the Lecture for the last Winter Season. By S. Chandler. Published at the Request of the Managers
    Chandler, Samuel
  • 108123
    Book Info
    La Henriade. De Mr. de Voltaire.
  • 108124
    Book Info
    La belle assemblée: or, the adventures of twelve days. Being a curious collection of remarkable incidents which happen'd to some of the first quality in France. Written in French for the Entertainment of the King, and dedicated to him by Madam de Gomez. In two volumes
  • 108125
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    La forme des prières ecclésiastiques. Avec la manière d'administrer les sacremens, & de celébrer le mariage, & la visitation des malades
    Calvin, Jean
  • 108126
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    La henriade de Mr. de Voltaire
  • 108127
    Book Info
    Laws of Maryland, enacted at a session of Assembly, begun and held at the city of Annapolis, on Thursday, the third day of October, in the fourteenth year of the dominion of the Right Hon. Charles, Lord Baron of Baltemore, Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the provinces of Maryland and Avalon, &c. Anno Domini 1728. By authority
  • 108128
    Book Info
    Lay-nonconformity justified, in a dialogue between a gentleman of the town in communion with the Church of England, and his dissenting friend in the country.
    Norman, John
  • 108129
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    Le diable boiteux: or, the devil upon two sticks. Translated from the last edition at Paris, with several additions: ...
    Le Sage, Alain Ren{acute}e
  • 108130
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    Les pseaumes de David, mis en rime françoise par Clément Marot et Théodore de Bèze
    Marot, Cl{acute}ement
  • 108131
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    Letters in prose and verse, to the celebrated Polly Peachum: from the most eminent of her admirers and rivals
  • 108132
    Book Info
    Letters in prose and verse, to the celebrated Polly Peachum: from the most eminent of her admirers and rivals.
  • 108133
    Book Info
    Lettre du R.P. Pierre Francois Le Courayer, Docteur en Theologie de L'Université D'Oxford, & Chanoine Regulier de L'Abbaye de Ste Genevieve de Paris. à S.E.M. le Cardinal de Noailles Archevêque de Paris. Au sujet de son instruction pastorale du 31. Octobre. 1727
    Le Courayer, Pierre Fran{cedil}cois
  • 108134
    Book Info
    Lettres critiques sur la Henriade de M. de Voltaire
    Saint-Hyacinthe, Th{acute}emiseul de
  • 108135
    Book Info
    Lex maneriorum: or the law and customs of England, relating to manors and lords of manors, their stewards, deputies, tenants, and others, Viz. Of the Lords Right to Deodands, Felons Goods, Waifs, Estrays, Wrecks, and Goods of Felo de se. Of the Privileges of their Tenants in ancient Demesne, and of Widow's Free Bench, &c. Of Copyhold Estates, Courts-Leet, Courts-Baron, and By-Laws there made, and
    Nelson, William
  • 108136
    Book Info
    Lex testamentaria: or, a compendious system of all the laws of England, as well before the statute of Henry VIII. as since, concerning last wills and testaments. ... By Wm Nelson ...
    Nelson, William
  • 108137
    Book Info
    Lex vadiorum. The law of mortgages. Wherein is treated, the nature of mortgages, either by deed absolute, and the several sorts of proviso's therein; ... The second edition; with the addition of modern cases of mortgages, ... By Samuel Carter ...
    S. C
  • 108138
    Book Info
    Leybourn's dialling improv'd : or, the whole art perform'd, I. Geometrically: By Scale and Composses, by projecting the Sphere upon the Plain, whereby the Reasons of the Operations are demonstrated. II. Arithmetically: By Sines and Tangents. Also, How to describe all necessary Furniture for Sun-Dials, as the Sun's Place and Declination; with the Babylonish, Italick, and Jewish Hours, and the Po...
    Wilson, Henry
  • 108139
    Book Info
    Liber niger Scaccarii. E codice, calamo exarato, sibique ipsi à Richardo Gravesio Mickletoniensi donato, descripsit & nunc primus edidit Tho. Hearnius. Qui & cum duobus aliis codicibus Mss. contulit, Wilhelmique etiam Worcestrii annales rerum Anglicarum (antehac itidem ineditos) subjecit. Duobu voluminibus
  • 108140
    Book Info
    Liber valorum & decimarum. Being an account of such ecclesiastical benefices in England and Wales, as now stand charged with, or lately were discharged from the payment of first-fruits and tenths. The third edition. By John Ecton, Receiver of the Tenths of the Clergy
    Ecton, John