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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,161 - 108,180건 출력
  • 108161
    Book Info
    Medicina gymnastica : or, a treatise concerning the power of exercise, with respect to the animal oeconomy; and the great necessity of it, in the cure of several distempers. By Francis Fuller, M.A.
    Fuller, Francis
  • 108162
    Book Info
    Medicina statica: being the aphorisms of Sanctorius, translated into English, with large explanations. To which is added, Dr. Keil's Medicina statica britannica, with comparative Remarks and Explanations. As also Medico-Physical essays on I. Agues. II. Fevers. III. An Elastic Fible. IV. The Goul. V. The Leprody. VI. King's Evil. Vii. Vegereal Diseast. The fourth edition. By John Quincy, M.D.
    Santorio, Santorio
  • 108163
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    Memoirs concerning the life and manners of Captain Mackheath
  • 108164
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    Memoirs of the reign of Catherine, empress and soveraign of all Russia. Translated from the French original, printed at the Hague
    Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de
  • 108165
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the reign of Catherine, empress and soveraign of all Russia. Translated from the French original, printed at the Hague.
    Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de
  • 108166
    Book Info
    Miscellanies in prose and verse. In two volumes. By Jonathan Swift, D.D. and Alexander Pope, Esq; To which is added, a poem written on the north-window of the Deanary-House of St. Patrick's, Dublin
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 108167
    Book Info
    Miscellanies in prose and verse. The first volume
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 108168
    Book Info
    Miscellanies. The last volume.
    Swift, Jonathan
  • 108169
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    Mithridates, King of Pontus; a tragedy, acted at the Theatre-Royal by their Majesty's servants. Written by Mr. Nat. Lee
    Lee, Nathaniel
  • 108170
    Book Info
    Modern history: or, the present state of all nations. Describing their respective situations, persons, habits, ... animals and minerals. By Mr. Salmon. Vol. VIII. ... Illustrated with cuts and maps ... By Hermann Moll
    Salmon, Thomas
  • 108171
    Book Info
    Modern history: or, the present state of all nations. Describing their respective situations, persons, habits, ... animals and minerals. By Mr. Salmon. Vol.VII. ... Illustrated with cuts and maps, ... by Herman Moll
    Salmon, Thomas
  • 108172
    Book Info
    Money essay'd; or, The true Value of it tryed. In a sermon Preach'd before the Worshipful Society of Merchants, in the City of Bristol. By Charles Brent, M.A. Rector of Christ Church and of St. Werburge in the said City; and Canon Residentiary of St. David's. Published at the Desire of the Society
    Brent, Charles
  • 108173
    Book Info
    Mr. Mole's sermon preached on the fifth of November, 1728
    Mole, Thomas
  • 108174
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    Mr. T. B.'s answer to the short and plain considerations, &c.
    T. B
  • 108175
    Book Info
    Musarum deliciæ: containing essays upon pastoral; ideas suppos'd to be written above two thousand years ago, by an Asiatick poet, Who flourish'd under the Reign of the Grand Cyrus, &c. Sapphick Verse, viz. Daphne bathing in a Fountain. Panthea; or the Languishing Nymph. An Epistle to Harmonia. Cosmelia; or the Mourning Nymph. On a Bank of Tulips. Lysander to Fonteia. Irene; or the Virgin asleep. C
    Suffolk, Edward Howard
  • 108176
    Book Info
    Mutual love recommended upon Christian principles. By Jeremiah Hunt
    Hunt, Jeremiah
  • 108177
    Book Info
    National righteousness, the foundation of publick prosperity, explain'd and recommended, in a sermon preach'd at the assizes held for the county of Surry, at Kingston upon Thames, on Thursday, August 22, 1728. Before the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice Eyre, and Mr. Baron Hale. Published at the Request of the High-Sheriff and Grand-Jury, By Geo. Stephens, M.A. Master of the Free-School in
    Stephens, George
  • 108178
    Book Info
    Natural theology: or, moral duties consider'd apart from positive. By Sir Richard Blackmore, Kt. M. D. And Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
    Blackmore, Richard
  • 108179
    Book Info
    Nature in perfection; or, the mother unveil'd: being a congratulatory poem to Mrs. Bret, upon His Majesty's most gracious pardon granted to Mr. Richard Savage, son of the late Earl Rivers.
    Savage, Richard
  • 108180
    Book Info
    Necessary reflections on the rights and duties of an English Parliament. By a late member
    Late Member