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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,181 - 108,200건 출력
  • 108181
    Book Info
    New improvements in the art of midwifery : Shewing I. The true causes of the most difficult births, the great Abuse and Prejudice of forcing Pains by Medicines; and the best Method of Delivering Women in such Cases by the Hand only, without the Use of any Instrument whatsoever. II. The Midwives Touchstone, and Shield of Defence; or the certain Marks of knowing when a Woman is Qualified for this...
    Deventer, Hendrik van
  • 108182
    Book Info
    New-River, a poem, by William Garbott
    Garbott, William
  • 108183
    Book Info
    Night: a poem. In four books. By James Ralph
    Ralph, James
  • 108184
    Book Info
    Night: a poem. In four books. By James Ralph.
    Ralph, James
  • 108185
    Book Info
    Norfolk's furies: or, a view of Kett's camp
    Neville, Alexander
  • 108186
    Book Info
    Novatiani presbyteri Romani Opera quæ supersunt omnia, post Jacobi Pamelii Brugensis recensionem, ad antiquiores editiones castigata, & a multis mendis expurgata: Illustrata etiam copiossissimis Observationibus & Notis, in quibus totum argumentum Auctoris de Regula Fidei ex veterum Patrum monimentis late discutitur. Praemittitur Dissertatio de Filii Dei Homousio, sive Coessentialitate uni Deo Patr
  • 108187
    Book Info
    Obedience to the present government, press'd from Reason, and Conscience. In a Sermon Preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Several Livery Companies of the City of London. At the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, on Tuesday the 11th of June, 1728. Being the Anniversary of his Majesty's happy Accession to the Throne. By Samuel Knight, D. D.
    Knight, Samuel
  • 108188
    Book Info
    Observationes in morbos nautarum prout in Classe Serenissimi Mag. Britanniae Regis Occurrunt. Cum remediorum specimine Authore Henrico Huntley, chirurgo thalassico
    Huntley, Henry
  • 108189
    Book Info
    Observations on the small pox: or, an essay to discover a more effectual method of cure. By Richard Holland, M.D. Fellow of the College of Physicians and the Royal Society
    Holland, Richard
  • 108190
    Book Info
    Ocean. An Ode. Occasioned by His Majesty's late royal encouragement of the sea-service. To which is prefix'd, an ode to the King: and a discourse on ode. By E. Young, Author of the Universal Passion
    Young, Edward
  • 108191
    Book Info
    Ocean. An ode. Occasion'd by His Majesty's late Royal encouragement of the sea-service. To which is prefix'd, an ode to the King : and a discourse on ode. By the author of The Universal passion
    Young, Edward
  • 108192
    Book Info
    Of God's benefits to mankind, in healing all their diseases. A sermon preach'd at Bath. By John Jackson, M. A. Rector of Weston-Birt in the County of Gloucester; and Vicar of Hullavington, Wilts. The second edition. To which is added, A letter to the author, from the late Dr. Richard Bettenson of the Bath. concerning his Successful Method of giving Wine, &c. in the Small-Pox. With Some Religious T
    Jackson, John
  • 108193
    Book Info
    Of assurance of God's love: a sermon preach'd at Deptford in Kent. By Abraham Taylor
    Taylor, Abraham
  • 108194
    Book Info
    Of bathing in the hot-baths, at Bathe; chiefly With Regard to the Palsie, and some Diseases in women. In a Letter, Addressed to Doctor Friend. By John Wynter, M. B. e Col. Christi, Cantab
    Wynter, John
  • 108195
    Book Info
    Of the reverence due to God's sanctuary. A sermon, Preach'd at the Parish-Church of St. Botolph Bishopsgate, upon the Occasion of Opening it, after the Rebuilding of it, December 8, 1728. By Stephen Grigman, A. M. Curate of St. Botolph Bishopsgate, and Lecturer of the United Parishes of St. George Botolph-Lane, and St. Botolph by Billingsgate. Publish'd at the Request of the Parish of St. Botolph
    Grigman, Stephen
  • 108196
    Book Info
    On state affairs. Four Fables. The Pigeons. Fable the Ist. The Ravens and Crows. Fab. IId. The Farmer and Hare. Fab. IIId The Apple and Horse-Turd. Fable Ivth
  • 108197
    Book Info
    On the death of Lady Margaret Anstruther
    Ramsay, Allan
  • 108198
    Book Info
    One and twenty sermons on several occasions. The second edition. By Thomas Newlin, M. A. late Fellow of Magdalene College in Oxford. Volume the second
    Newlin, Thomas
  • 108199
    Book Info
    Opputtinomtompi: or, the parson married. A tale
  • 108200
    Book Info
    Optical lectures read in the publick schools of the University of Cambridge, Anno Domini, 1669. By the late Sir Isaac Newton, Then Lucasian Professor of the Mathematicks. Never before Printed. Translated into English out of the Original Latin
    Newton, Isaac