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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,201 - 108,220건 출력
  • 108201
    Book Info
    Oratio in diem natalem Georgij II, Britanniarum Regis, 30 Octobris, 1727. A speech on George the Second, his Britannick Majesty's birth-day, the 30th of October, 1727. With a translation of the second ode of Horace's third book. ... By Mr. Daniel Molyneux, and by Mr. William Molyneux
    Molyneux, Daniel
  • 108202
    Book Info
    Oratory transactions. ... By J.Henley, M.A.
  • 108203
    Book Info
    Ordo judiciorum; sive, methodus procedendi in negotiis et litibus in foro ecclesiastico-civili Britannico et Hibernico. ... Per Thomam Oughton. ...
    Oughton, Thomas
  • 108204
    Book Info
    Our blessed lord, Jesus of Nazareth, proved to be the Christ, from the literal sense of the prophecies in the Old Testament. In several letters to the author of The grounds and reasons of the Christian religion; ... Letter I. ...
  • 108205
    Book Info
    Our blessed lord, Jesus of Nazareth, proved to be the Christ, from the literal sense of the prophecies in the Old Testament. In several letters to the author of The grounds and reasons of the Christian religion; And of The Scheme of Literal Prophecy consider'd. Letter I. Proving The Christian Religion not founded on Judaism, but on the Love of God to Man, as being the only Way to Everlasting Happi
  • 108206
    Book Info
    P. Ovidii Nasonis de tristibus libri V
  • 108207
    Book Info
    P. Papinii Statii Silvarum libri quinque. Ex vetustis exemplaribus recensuit et notas atque emendationes adjecit Jer. Marklandus ...
    Statius, P. Papinius
  • 108208
    Book Info
    P. Papinii Statii Silvarum libri quinque. Ex vetustis exemplaribus recensuit et notas atque emendationes adjecit Jer. Marklandus Coll. Sti. Petri Cantabrig. Socius
    Statius, P. Papinius
  • 108209
    Book Info
    Paradice regain'd: or, the art of gardening. A poem
  • 108210
    Book Info
    Parmenides e peri Ideon. = Parmenides sive de ideis et uno rerum omnium principio Platonis dialogus. Studio Joh. Gul. Thomson Ex Aula Sti Edmundi Oxon.
  • 108211
    Book Info
    Penelope, a dramatic opera, as it is acted at the New Theatre in the Hay-Market
    Mottley, John
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 108212
    Book Info
    Perseus and Andromeda. With the rape of Colombine: or, the flying lovers. In five interludes; three serious, and two comic. The serious compos'd by Mons. Roger, and the comic by Mr. John Weaver, ... As it is perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. ...
  • 108213
    Book Info
    Petri Abælardi, Abbatis Ruyensis et Heloissae, Abbatissae Paracletensis epistolae a prioris Editionis Erroribus purgatae, & cum Cod. MS. collatae Cura Ricardi Rawlinson, L.L. D. E Coll. Div. Jo. Bapt. Oxon. & R. S. S.
    Abelard, Peter
  • 108214
    Book Info
    Pharisaical righteousness insufficient, or, the absolute necessity of exceeding the righteousness of scribes and pharisees, shewn in a discourse from Matth.v.20. delivered at Kirkcaldy November 12. 1727. By Mr. John Currie Minister of the Gospel at Kinglassie
    Currie, John
  • 108215
    Book Info
    Philip Middleton, merchant --- appellant. John Roberts, Esq; Edmund Lock, Henry Nelthorpe ... respondents. And the said John Roberts, ---- appellant. Philip Middleton, and the said other respondents, respondents. The appellant Middleton's case
    Middleton, Philip
  • 108216
    Book Info
    Phædrus his Fables with English notes. By William Willymott, ...
  • 108217
    Book Info
    Piety promoted, in a collection of dying sayings of many of the people call'd Quakers. With some memorials of their virtuous lives. The sixth part. By John Field
    Field, John
  • 108218
    Book Info
    Pious breathings. Being the meditations of St. Augustine, his treatise of the love of God, soliloquies and manual. To which are added, select contemplations from St. Anselm and St. Bernard. Made English by Geo. Stanhope, ...
  • 108219
    Book Info
    Plain directions for reading the Holy Scripture
    B{uml}ohm, Anton Wilhelm
  • 108220
    Book Info
    Plain reasons I. For dissenting from the communion of the Church of England. II. Why Dissenters are not, nor can be guilty of Schism, in peaceably Separating from the Places of Publick Worship in the Church of England. And III. Several common objections, brought by Churchmen against Dissenters, answer'd. By a true Protestant
    Owen, Charles