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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,281 - 108,300건 출력
  • 108281
    Book Info
    Siroe, Re di Persia. Drama per musica. Da rappresentarsi nel Regio Teatro D'Hay-Market
    Metastasio, Pietro
  • 108282
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    Six songs for conversation: the Words by divers Hands. The Tunes contrived to make agreeable little Lessons for the Harpsichord, Viol, Violin, and Hautboy. Transposed Into proper Keys for the German, or common Flute. Offer'd in In all Gratitude, as a New year's gift to the Publick. By Henry Carey. Vol. II. Part I
    Carey, Henry
  • 108283
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    Some considerations on the nature and importance of the East-India trade
  • 108284
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    Some considerations on the reasonableness and necessity of encreasing and encouraging the seamen. Founded on the Gracious Expressions, in their Favour, contained in His Majesty's speech from the throne. With some Proposed schemes for the Effectual Performing it, without Prejudice either to the Navy, or the Commerce. Never made Publick before
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 108285
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    Some few letters selected, from an account of work-houses and charity-schools for employment of the poor in England, with a preface to excite some such application of our charity in Ireland
  • 108286
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    Some few poems composed by the Chevalier Ramsay, author of the celebrated Travels of Cyrus
  • 108287
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    Some historical remarks on the city of St. Andrews in North-Britain. With a particular account of the ruinous condition of the harbour in that place; and of what Importance the Repairing of it will be, to all concern'd in Trade and Navigation
    Douglas, William
  • 108288
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    Some memoirs of the amours and intrigues of a certain Irish dean: who liv'd and flourish'd in the Kingdom of Ireland not many hundred years since. Interspers'd with the gallantries of two Berkshire ladies
  • 108289
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    Some observations of a private layman on a pamphlet lately published by Mr. Woolstan, [sic] entituled A discourse of the miracles of Our Saviour, &c.
    Private Layman
  • 108290
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    Some observations on the assiento trade, as it has been exercised by the South-Sea Company; proving the damage, which will accrue thereby to the British commerce and plantations in America, and particularly to Jamaica. To which is annexed, A Sketch of the Advantages of that Island to Great Britain, by its annual Produce, and by its Situation for Trade or War. Addressed to His Grace the Duke of New
    Person who resided several years at Jamaica
  • 108291
    Book Info
    Some observations on the assiento trade, as it hath been exercised by the South-Sea Company; proving the damage, which will accrue thereby to the British commerce and plantations in America, and particularly to Jamaica. To which is annexed, A Sketch of the Advantages of that Island to Great Britain, by its annual Produce, and by its Situation for Trade or War. Addressed to His Grace the Duke of Ne
    Person Who Resided Several Years at Jamaica
  • 108292
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    Some observations on the chronology of Sir Isaac Newton. To which is prefixed, his chronology; abridg'd by himself. Done from the French, by a gentleman
    Fr{acute}eret, Nicolas
  • 108293
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    Some of the glories of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, exhibited in twenty sacramental discourses, preached at Boston in New England: by Benjamin Coleman, M. A. Pastor of a Church in Boston
    Coleman, Benjamin
  • 108294
    Book Info
    Some remarkable passages of the life and death of Mr. Alexander Peden, late Minister of the Gospel at New-Glenluce in Galloway: Singular for Piety, Zeal and Faithfulness; but especially, who exceeded all to be heard of in our late Ages, in that Gift of Foreseeing of Events, and Foretelling what was to befal the Church and Nation of Scotland and Ireland, particular Families and Persons; and of his
    Walker, Patrick
  • 108295
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    Some remarks upon Professor Simson's printed case, last edition. By a minister of this church
    Minister of this church
  • 108296
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    Some short reflections on the grounds and extent of authority and liberty, with respect to civil government: wherein the authority of civil governors, in matters of religion, is particularly considered. Occasion'd by Dr. Rogers's Vindication of the civil establishment of religion. By Tho. Chubb
    Chubb, Thomas
  • 108297
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    Some thoughts concerning government in general: and our present circumstances in Great-Britain and Ireland
    A. D
  • 108298
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    Sophonisba: or, Hannibal's Overthrow. A tragedy, acted at the Theatre-Royal by His Majesty's servants. Written by Nathaniel Lee, gent.
    Lee, Nathaniel
  • 108299
    Book Info
    Speculi Britanniæ pars: a topographical and historical description of Cornwall. With a map of the county and each hundred; in which are contained the Names and Seats of the several Gentlemen then Inhabitants: As also, thirteen views of the most remarkable curiosities in that county: by the Perambulation, View, and Delineation of John Norden. To which are added, the west prospect of the some-time C
    Norden, John
  • 108300
    Book Info
    Speculum Latinum: or, Latin made easy to scholars, by an English grammar only; Neither Tedious, nor obscure; composed on Natural Principles, and instructing the young Beginner in Latin, by English Rules, adapted to the meanest Capacities, for the Use and Benefit of Schools and Families. By John Entick
    Entick, John