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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 108,361 - 108,380건 출력
  • 108361
    Book Info
    The bird fancier's recreation. Being curious remarks on the nature of song-birds, with choice instructions concerning the taking, feeding, breeding and teaching them, ...
  • 108362
    Book Info
    The bishop of London's pastoral letter to the people of his diocese; particularly, to those of the two great cities of London and Westminster. Occasion'd by some late writings in favour of infidelity
    Church of England
  • 108363
    Book Info
    The blessedness of believing. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, On Commencement Sunday, In the Afternoon, June the 30. 1728. By Roger Long, D. D. Chaplain to His Grace James Duke of Chandos, and Late Fellow of Pembroke-Hall
    Long, Roger
  • 108364
    Book Info
    The blessedness of those who die in the Lord: Set forth in a sermon Preach'd on the funeral of Sarah the Wife of Mr. John Score, of the Parish of the Holy Trinity in Exeter, in the Church of the said Parish, Sept. the 1st, 1728. By Walter Hewgoe, Rector of the Parish of the Holy Trinity in Exeter
    Hewgoe, Walter
  • 108365
    Book Info
    The book of common prayer, and administration of the Sacraments, ... together with the Psalter ...
    Church of England
  • 108366
    Book Info
    The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, ... together with the Psalter ...
    Church of England
  • 108367
    Book Info
    The book of common-prayer, and administration of the sacraments, ... Together with the Psalter ... English and Lowdutch.
    Church of England
  • 108368
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    The case of Henry Raine, John Raine and John King, Gent. Touching the Breach of Privilege complained of by Mr. John Pope, Messenger to the Honourable the House of Commons
    Raine, Henry
  • 108369
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    The case of Robert Surman
    Surman, Robert
  • 108370
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    The case of Thomas Hammond, late of London, Merchant
    Hammond, Thomas
  • 108371
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    The case of insolvent debtors, And the charity due to them, considered. A Sermon Preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord-Mayor, the Aldermen, and Governors of the several Hospitals of the City of London, at the Parish-Church of St. Bridget, on Monday in Easter-Week, April 22, 1728. By Thomas Lord Bishop of Bangor
    Sherlock, Thomas
  • 108372
    Book Info
    The case of the brickmakers and bricklayers within the City of London and fifteen Miles thereof, who have conformed to the Act of the 12th of the late King for preventing Abuses in making Bricks, &c.
  • 108373
    Book Info
    The case of the coffee-men of London and Westminster. Or, an account of the impositions and abuses, put upon them and the whole Town, by the present set of news-writers. With The Scheme of The Coffee-Men, for setting up News-Papers of their own; And some Account of their Proceedings thereupon. By a coffee-man
  • 108374
    Book Info
    The ceremonies of the present Jews: being a short and succinct account of the meats that are clean and unclean to them. Their manner of killing. Their praying at synagogue, and at home. Their Washing and Bathing themselves. Their Marriage Ceremonies. Divorce. Precepts of the Women. Of Circumcision. Their Proselites. Synagogues. Schools. Learning. Contracts. Witnesses. Oaths. Vows. Sickness. Death.
  • 108375
    Book Info
    The charge of Sir John Gonson Knt. to the grand jury of the Royalty of the Tower of London, and Liberties and Precincts thereof. At the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace for the said Royalty, &c. held the sixteenth Day of July, 1728. at the Court-House on Great Tower-Hill. Printed at the Desire of the Justices of the Peace for the said Royalty, and of the Grand Jury
    Gonson, John
  • 108376
    Book Info
    The charge of Sir John Gonson, Kt. to the Grand Jury of the City and Liberty of Westminster, &c. At the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, Held the Twenty fourth Day of April 1728 in Westminster-Hall. Printed at the Desire of the Justices of the Peace for the said City and Liberty; and of the Grand Jury
    Gonson, John
  • 108377
    Book Info
    The charge of Sir John Gonson, Kt. to the grand jury of the city and liberty of Westminster, &c. at the general quarter-sessions of the peace, held the twenty fourth day of April 1728 ...
    Gonson, John
  • 108378
    Book Info
    The charge of the Right Reverend Samuel Lord Bishop of Chester, to the clergy of his diocese, in his primary visitation begun at Chester, June the 19th, 1728
    Church of England
  • 108379
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    The charters and statutes of the Royal Society of London, for improving natural knowledge
    Royal Society (Great Britain)
  • 108380
    Book Info
    The christian oratory: or, the devotion of the closet display'd. By Benjamin Bennet
    Bennet, Benjamin